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47 Cards in this Set

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What hemisphere is Europe located in?
The Northern Hemisphere
Where is Europe from Asia, North America, and Africa?
Europe is west of Asia, east of North America, and north of Africa.
What forms Europe's eastern border?
The Ural Mountains and the Caspian Sea
What bodies of water border Europe?
It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north.
What major mountain range separates Spain and France
The Pyrenees.
What major mountain range is in Switzerland, Italy, Austria, France,Germany,Slovenia,Croatia,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Yugoslavia,and Albania
The Alps
What country does the Ural Mountains run into?
What 3 countries do the Caucasus Mountains run into?
Russia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan
What countries do the Carpathian Mountains run into?
Romania, Ukraine, Czech republic, Slovakia, and Poland
What two seas border Norway?
The North Sean and the Norwegian Sea
Which sea is in between Sweden,Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,Russia (Kaliningrad),Poland, and Germany?
The Baltic Sea
Which countries does the Mediterranean Sea border?
Spain, France, and Italy
Which countries does the Adriatic Sea border?
Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, and Albania
Which countries does the Black Sea border?
Ukraine, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, and Russia
What sea borders Russia and Azerbaijan?
The Caspian Sea
What country is right next to Ireland?
The United Kingdom
What country is a long distance from Europe?
Europe is ______ and ____; most ______ ________on Earth after ____.
Europe is a continent and a region; most densely populated on Earth after Asia.
Ranks ___th in area of the ______.
Ranks 6th in area of the 7 continents.
Mt.______(18,481ft.) highest point on the European continent.
Shore of the ______ _____ is the lowest point at 92ft. below _____ ____.
Caspian Sea, sea level
Main landforms include:____,____,___,___,and___.
peninsulas, plains, mountains, islands, and rivers
Major peninsulas are:___,___,___,and ___
Iberian,Balkan,Scandinavian, Apennines
____ central Europe to the ____ Mts. is a large ____ with very ____ soil providing much of the continent's food.
North central Europe to the Ural Mts. is a large plain with very fertile soil providing much of the continent's food.
Central _____ is rich in _____ as coal,____,ore,____,etc.
Central plain is rich in mineral as coal, iron, ore,salt,etc.
_____ diverse from north and south.
Major mountain ranges include: the _____,_____,_____,___,___.
Pyrenees, Carpathian, Caucasus, Ural, Alps
Longest river:_____ second:______
Volga, Danube
Vast deposits of _____ and _____ _____ offshore.
oil and natural gas
Climate is generally mild because.....
The North Atlantic Current brings warm waters and winds from the tropics so NW Europe has mild temperatures all year with plenty of rainfall.
Southern Europe along the ________ ___ have hot,dry summers and _______ winters.
Mediterranean Sea, mild
_____ most countries have longer, ____ winters.
Northern, colder
_____ has cold winters.
Rivers provide links between _____ ____ and ____ ____ ____.
coastal ports and inland population centers
_____ to the sea enables Europeans to _____ world wide.
Closeness, trade
_____ on the ___ for ____.
Depend, sea, food
Abundance of key natural resources, waterways, and ports help make Europe a ____ ______ ____.
global economic power
Birthplace of the _____ _____ which changed the economy from ________________________.
Agrarian based raising the standard of living.
_____ economy.
Service industries include: ____,____, and _____
banking, insurance, tourism
_______,_______, and _______ dominate the regions economy.
Agriculture, manufacturing, and service industries
Most _____ and productive _____ in the world
fertile, farmland
Wide range of cultures with a history of _____.
Rich culture heritage with its roots in the _____ _____ __ _____ ____ ____ _____.
Ancient periods of Classical Greece and Rome
Many ______ since _____ _____ _____ ____ ___ _____.
Revolutions, 1700 promoting political change and freedom.
Global leader and influence during the ____ ___ ______ ____ _____.
Age of Exploration and settlement
Recent trade connections, communication, and transportation helped create a need for _______________________________.
European Unity (EU) was formed and is a major governing and economic force today.