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66 Cards in this Set

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land reserved for Native Americans to live on.

Sand Creek Massacre

when more than 150 Cheyenne people were killed in Sand Creek

Sitting Bull

One of the Sioux's chiefs that helped lead against the Americans when all the Sioux's united.

George A. Custer

A hero to the Americans in the Civil War and everything that was against Native Americans.

Battle of the Little Bighorn

When the Cheyennes and the Sioux's untied and wiped out Custer and all of his men.

Wounded Knee Massacre

When Americans killed 300 Sioux's children, women, and men after ONE shot was fired.

Dawes Act

An act passed to encourage Native Americans to give up their ways of living to then become farmers.


a house on a plot of land


Spanish people who were from Mexico but lived in Southwest America.

William "Buffalo Bill" Cody

A buffalo hunter that turned into a show person that brought the ways of the west to the rest of the world.

"buffalo solider"

A name that the Native Americans gave the African American soldiers.

Homestead Act

law that offered 160 acres of land for free but you had to improve the land for 5 years.


African Americans that settled in the west and called themselves this after comparing themselves to biblical Hebrews led out of slavery in Egypt.


what farmers were called


A group of farmers that helped other farmers and people from economic power.


organizations that were run by the farmers of their own land and sold there land crops directly to merchants.

Populist Party

several farm groups that joined together to gain political power and asked the government to have the free silver silver policy

gold standerd

where the government backed up every dollar with a certain amount of gold

William Jennings Bryan

presidential candidate from the Populist Party that joined with Democrats to get rid of the gold slandered.


an oily liquid that that could be used as a material to make kerosene cheaper


is a government document giving an inventor the exclusive right to make and sell his or her invention for a specific number of years

Business Cycle

pattern of good and bad times in American industry

Bessemer Steel Process

the new manufacturing technique that used less than 1/7th of the coal that was used in the original technique


machine that produces electric current

Tomas Edison

inventor who found the most ways to use electricity

Alexander Graham Bell

person who invented the telephone

Centennial Exhibition

Exhibition that celebrated America's 100th birthday in Philadelphia

Transcontinental Railroad

A railroad that stretched across America

Standard timed

Time zones that were made by railroad companies to organize the times across the country so, people were not confused

robber baron

a business leader who became wealthy trough dishonest ways


a business run by investors who buy part of the company through shares of stock

John D. Rockefeller

led the oil industry

Andrew Carniegh

led the steel industry


a company that wipes out its competitors and controls an industry


a legal body created to hold stock in many companies often in the same industry


people who gave large sums of money to charities

Gilded age

Mark Twain and Charles Warner named it this because it shows how gild means to paint a leaf gold, just like how all the wealthy people were overshadowing the bad things happening.


places where workers labored long hours under poor conditions for low wages, children and adults worked at these places.

Knights of Labor

A loose federation of workers from all different trades and allowed women and African-Americans workers to join


economic system that all members of a society are equal owners of all businesses, they share the work and profits

Haymarket affair

A protest meeting of union leaders that turned out deadly when the police came, someone threw a bomb, killed 7 police men and wounded about 60, so the police fired killing several people

Pullman Strike

a strike which spread throughout the rail industry in 1894

Eugene V. Debs

called on all U.S. railroad workers to refuse to handle Pullman cards.

Samuel Gompers

helped found a new national organization called the AFL

American Federation of Labor (AFL)

Organization that focused on improving working conditions.


the growth of cities that came from many changes


an apartment that is rundown and has too many people in it


when a neighborhood has too many people in it causing it to be dangerous and almost unfit to live in

Social Gospel

a movement that aimed to improve the lives of the poor

Jane Addams

founded Chicago's Hull House in 1889 with Ellen Gates Starr

Hull House

founded by Jane Addams that became a model for other settlement houses

Political machine

an organization that influences enough votes to control a local government

Tammany Hall

the most famous political machine in New York City and was led by William Marcy Tweed along with Williams greedy friends that stole money from the city

mass culture

-a common culture experienced by large numbers of people

Joseph Pulitzer

owner of New York World

William Randolph Hearst

owner of New York Morning

department store

sold everything from clothes to furniture to hardware

mail catalog

sold everything from clothes to furniture to hardware


was free time that people had and did activities


a mixture of song, dance, and comedy


a blend of African-American songs and European musical forms, was an important music

William Howard Taft

Republican that Debs ran against and seemed like he was going to be the next president

Sixteenth Amendment

Was passed in 1909 and ratified in 1913 and gave Congress the power to create income taxes

Seventeenth Amendment

Was ratified in 1913 and provided for the direct election of U.S. senators by voters in each state.

Clayton Antitrust Act

Passed in 1914 and laid down the rules forbidding business practices that lessened competition.

Federal Reserve Act

Passed in 1913 and improved the nation's monetary and banking system