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242 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following was addressed by the Nuremberg Trials?
The holocaust
where were atomic bombs dropped?
hiroshima and nagasaki
What caused the japanese emperor to have reduced power after the war?
Allies' insistence
Which of the following battles marked the final German offensive?
Battle of the Bulge
Which of the following was the location of a Nazi extermination camp?
What was significant about the Battle of Midway?
Turned the tide of the war against the Japanese
What event occurred on the day described as "a day which will live in infamy"?
Attack on Pearl Harbor
What crucial lesson was learned in the Battle of Britain
That Hitler's advances could be blocked
The German Blitzkrieg was a military strategy that depened on what advantage?
Surprise and overwhelming force
What prompted Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany?
German invasion of Poland
Why were thousands of U.S citizens put in internment camps during the war?
They were of Japanese descent and falsely labeled as enemies
What was the Allies plan for victory over the Nazis?
The allies would fight Germany on two fronts to weaken it
How did civilians join the war effort?
Scrap metal drives, working in war industries, rationing
How were the Holocaust and Hitler's final solution related?
Holocaust is the term for genocide that resulted form the plan called the "final solution"
What was the US response to Japanese aggression in Southeast Asia in mid-1941
cut oil supplies to Japan
Which of the following motivated Japan to build an empire?
Japan was overcrowded and faced shortages of raw materials, Japan wanted the rich European colonies of Southeast Asia, Japan took over Manchuria and later fought for the heartland of China

(NOT the emperor wanted a larger empire to suit his divine status)
How did the Lend-Lease act benefit the US?
it enriched the US economy through selling arms to the Allies
Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany after invading Poland?
they had promised to uphold the independence of Poland
What does the use of kamikaze pilots show about Japanese culture?
they valued national honor more than individual life
Under the post war constitution of Japan, who was the head of government?
a prime minister selected by the diet
What combination led to the German defeat in the Battle of Stalingrad?
Russian troops and the Russian winter
What was the goal of Hitler's final solution
It was genocide of people the Nazis considered inferior
How did Kristallnacht demonstrate Nazi persecution of Jews?
Nazi troops attacked Jewish homes, business and synagogues
How did the Japanese try to build a pacific empire?
by taking over US British and French territories
What did the Allies' strategy of island hopping in the pacific involve?
attacks on only islands that were not well defended
What was the significance of the Atlantic Charter both during and after the war?
it upheld rights of free trade and choice of government, and it became the plan for postwar peace
Which of the following factors led to the fall of France to the Nazis?
the fall of dunkirk, evacuation of the British forces, Italy's attack on France from the South
What was Hitler's prime reason for wanting to take Poland?
He wanted the Polish Corridor and the port city of Danzig
The Munich Conference was held to address the problems of German threat to the nation of ?
During Spain's civil war, Franco was the leader of ?
Spanish rebel groups
The leader of the Third Reich was?
A non aggression pact with the Soviet Union in 1939 was signed by ?
Who joined the Axis Powers?
Italy Japan and Germany
Manchuria was invaded in 1931 by?
What did the pogroms that occurred in the late 19th century Russia do?
violently persecute Jews
Who were the Bolsheviks?
radical Russian Marxist revolutionaries
What is a totalitarian state?
a state in which the government controls every aspect of public and private life
What was the purpose of the Soviet state's Five-year Plans?
economic development
What did Sergey Witte do to finance Russian industries?
launched a program of higher taxes and foreign investments
What event marked the beginning of the Great Depression?
The stock market crash of 1929
What was one part of Roosevelt's New Deal program to fight the Depression?
The stock market and banking system created their own reform council, gov. agencies took over businesses and farms, large publick works projects helped to provide jobs
Il Duce was the title of which of the following leaders?
Benito Mussolini
Which German political party sought to overturn the Treaty of Versailles and combat communism?
What effect did the Dawes Plan have on the economy of Postwar Germany?
it saved Germany from an inflationary crisis and stabilized the economy
What does fascism stress?
in 1920, a dictatorship ruled
What contributed to the weakness of the Weimar Republic? (3)
uncontrollable inflation, a lack of democratic tradition, a large number of political parties
The new deal involved attempts to stimulate the American economy by ?
increasing government spending
What increased during the Great depression? (3)
bank closings, unemployment, business failures
During the global depression, war debts caused great suffereing in?
The Popular Front helped preserve democracy in ?
Who embraced fascism? (3)
Juan Peron, Hitler, Mussolini
what was common to both fascism and communism? (3)
a one-party system, a disregard for individual rights, supremacy of the state
The title of Hitlers book Mein Kampf in English is?
"My Struggle"
By 1935, the only eastern European country that was still a democracy was
Hitlers main method for achieving lebensraum was to ?
conquer other countries
Nazism was the German form of?
Under Stalin's command economy, all economic decisions were made by
government officials alone
The soviet government decided to eliminate Kulaks because of their strong resistance to ?
collective farming
What ere the goals of the five year plans? (3)
rapid industrial growth, stronger national defense, modernization of the Soviet economy
Between 1934 & 1939, the great purge was a campaign to eliminate?
opposition to Stalin's power
What was stressed by socialist realism? (3)
value of hard work, glory of soviet life, achievements of Stalin
Why did coalition governments usually prove unstable?
they were alliances of several parties who disagreed on many policies
Why did millions of Germans turn against the leaders of the Weimar Repulblic?
They had signed the Treaty of Versailles
What was the major cause of the collapse of the stock market?
Stocks sold for more than they were worth
What fear added to the appeal of fascism in Italy and Germany?
a Communist revolution
Why did Hitler blame the Jewish population for all of Germany's troubles?
Hatred of Jews, or anti-semitism, was a key part of Nazi ideology
How did the reigns of Alexander III and Nicholas II help pave the way for revolution?
They both upheld an autocratic government without reforms
What impact did Russia's involvement in WWI have on the Russian gov?
it revealed the weaknesses of czarist rule and military leadership
How did life change for Russians after the sucess of the Bolshevik revolution?
Russia was organized into several self-governing republics
Which was a part of the transformation of the Soviet Union into a totalitarian state? (3)
Great purge, 5year plans, establishment of collective farms
Who was the major leader of the Bolsheviks?
What is the most probable link between militarism and imperialism?
as a country gains colonies, its military grows to protect them
What key factor led to th eformation of the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entete?
Bismark's fear of France's army and Britain's fear of Germany's empire
What event in Sarajevo ignited the Great War?
the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie
What was significant in the Allied victory as the First Battle of the Marne?
it resulted in Germany's having to fight on two fronts
What was trench warfare intended to accomplish?
to protect soldiers from enemy gun fire on the front lines
What gamble did Germany make before the United States entered the war?
that their blockade would defeat Britain before US troops arrived
What impact did the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk have on Germany?
it allowed Germany to focus all their efforts on the Western front
How did the Allies respond to Wilson's vision for peace? (3)
Briatin and France showed little sign of agreeing to Wilson's plan, B & F were concerned with strengthening their own security, B & F wanted to strip Germany of its war-making power
What actions led to teh formation of new nations out of the Central Powers?
provisions of peace treaties signed with teh Central Powers
What is the policy of glorifying power and keeping an army prepared for war?
What region was referred to as the "powder keg" of Europe?
the Balkan Peninsula
Who led Germany during the last decade of the 1800's and most of WWI?
Kaiser Wilhelm II
What statement summarizes the Schlieffan plan that Germany created to prepare for a 2 front war?
Attack France first, then Russia
Why were Germany and Austria-Hungary known as the Central PowerS?
because of their location in the heart of Europe
Which nation's actions caused the US to fight in WWI?
What did the war become once the participating countries began devoting all of their resources to the war effort?
total war
What action on November 11, 1918 brought an end to WWI?
an armistice was signed
What were the Fourteen Points?
a plan for postwar world
Who was forced to assume the sole responsibility for the war under the Treaty of Versailles?
In the late 1800's, who competed for industrial domination of Europe?
Great Britain and Germany
Why did Bismark seek alliances that later became the Triple Alliance?
to isolate France
What event caused ITaly to refuse to support its ally Germany?
German invasion of Belgium
What did the Central Powers gain over Russia at the battle near Tannenberg? (3)
Germany drove the Russians into full retreat, G regained East Prussia, G seized numerous guns and horses
What did the policy of unrestricted submarine warfare refer to?
Germany's policy to sink any ship in Britain's water without warning
Which of the following events occurred after the US joined the war?
The bulgarians and turks surrendered
How did the Treaty of Versailles affect postwar Germany?
it left a legacy of bitterness in the hearts of the German people
What was teh American public's opinion about joining the League of Nations?
it believed that the US should stay out of European affairs
What impact did the war have on the economy of Europe?
it drained the treasuries of Europe
Who was not included in the Big Four at the Paris Peace Conference?
Kaiser Wilhelm II
The purpose of propaganda during WWI was to...?
influence public opinion
Why did Britain take control of the Suez Canal?
Egypt could not pay its foreign debt
Why ddi the Maji Maji Rebellion fail?
East Africans believed that magic water would protect them from bullets
What was the main purpose of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?
to prevent fighting of European nations over the division of Africa
What happened as a result of the Sepoy Mutiny?
the british gov. took direct command of India
What event best illustrates geopolitics?
Crimean War
Why did the British style of gov. in Nigeria work better with the Hausa-Fulani than the Igbo and Yoruba?
the Hausa-Fulani were accustomed to a strong central gov.
Why did American sugar planters overthrow Queen Liliuokalani?
She wanted to restore the political power of the native Hawaiians
How were Muhammad Ali's policies and European colonial policies similar?
Peasants were forced to grow cash crops instead of food
Why is Ram Mohun Roy considered the "father of modern india"?
He called for an end to traditional practices such as widow suicide
Why did westen nations desire lands in the Pacific Rim?
because of their natural resources and strategic location
Why was india considered the "jewel in the crown"?
it was the most valuable of all of Britain's colonies
How did Menelik II keep colonial interests of Ethiopia?
he exploited European rivalries and built a modern army
Why did thousands of Boers move north in the Great Trek?
to escape the British
What was the main reson for the Crimean War?
Russia wanted land on the Black Sea to gain access to the Mediterranean
What set the stage for Vietnamese resistance against the French?
Peasants had less rice to eat bc the French exported most of it
Whyd id some US business leasders want to US to annex Hawaii?
Sugar could be old for higher profits
What caused low food supplies in Africa during European colonization?
Europeans insisted on the growth of cash crops, such as cotton
Which leaders used modernization to keep their countries independent?
Muhammad Ali and King mongkut
How did Europeans use paternalism to govern people in colonies?
they provided for colonial peoples' needs but did not give them full rights
The main difference between European colonies and protectorates in Africa had to do with their?
What is the most probable link between militarism and imperialism?
as a country gains colonies, its military grows to protect them
What key factor led to th eformation of the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entete?
Bismark's fear of France's army and Britain's fear of Germany's empire
What event in Sarajevo ignited the Great War?
the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie
What was significant in the Allied victory as the First Battle of the Marne?
it resulted in Germany's having to fight on two fronts
What was trench warfare intended to accomplish?
to protect soldiers from enemy gun fire on the front lines
What gamble did Germany make before the United States entered the war?
that their blockade would defeat Britain before US troops arrived
What impact did the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk have on Germany?
it allowed Germany to focus all their efforts on the Western front
How did the Allies respond to Wilson's vision for peace? (3)
Briatin and France showed little sign of agreeing to Wilson's plan, B & F were concerned with strengthening their own security, B & F wanted to strip Germany of its war-making power
What actions led to teh formation of new nations out of the Central Powers?
provisions of peace treaties signed with teh Central Powers
What is the policy of glorifying power and keeping an army prepared for war?
The national boundaries that existed in Africa at the end of the 19th century can best be described as ...?
unnaturally imposed
Which countires are part of French Indo China?
Cambodia Laos and Vietnam

NOT singapore
How did the French govern the people of French Indochina?
Direct Colonial Control
Which president decided to annex the republic of Hawaii?
President McKinley
Who was defeated in the Crimean War?
The Russians
WHich 2 countires worked together to build the Suez canal?
Egypt and France
Emilio Aguinaldo led the nationalists of which country?
Which of the following was the basis of direct control?
How did indirect control compare to direct control?
Indirect control allowed limited self-rule
In 1907, Russia and Britain agreed to Spheres of Influence in..?
According to Ram Mohun Roy, in order to successfully move towards independence, Indians had to...?
change some of their cultural and religious practices
The theory used to justify absolutist rule in Europe was called
divine right
During the rule of Frederick II, Prussia ...?
rejected pragmatic sanction against division of Hasburg land
WHat did the Glorious Revolution bring to England's throne?
William of Orange
The Edict of Nantes decreed that
Protestants could worship only in careas where they were majority
Which long-ruling French monarch decided to repeal the Edict of Nantes?
Louis XIV
The Thirty Years War was triggered by?
Rebellion of Czech protestants against Catholic Ferdinand
in 1588, the Spanish Armada met defeat at the hands of?
the English
The thory of divine right proposed that ?
Ruler derived absolute monarch to rule from God
The greatest threat to England during Elizabeth's reign were
Scotland and Spain
The most powerful ruler in Spanish History was?
Philip II
As a result of the defeat of the Spanish Armada...?
Spain decreased as a European power
What led to the economic downfall of Spain? (3)
expensive war, Jew and Muslim expulsion, english raids on Spanish ships
From the 1200's to the early 1700's, Russia can best be described as...?
The great aim of Louis XIV was to
acquire territories up to France boundaries
What was the significance of the English Bill of Rights?
made clear limits of royal power
Peter the Great has his most important success in ?
enacting complete and successful reform
Montaigne stated that "all that is certain is that nothing is certain" this was and example of ..?
Why did Parliament remove James II of England?
he was a devout catholic
How did the United Provinces of the Netherlands differ from the neighboring states?
elect governments whose power depends on landowners and merchants
How did Cardinal Richelieu work to increase the power of the Bourbon monarchy?
Moved against the Huguenots and weakened the power of the nobles
What event led to the War of the Spanish Succession?
Charles II made Louis XIV's grandson his heir, added to the Bourbon power
What what the Thirty Years' war a conflict over?
Religion, Territories, and Power among European ruling families
Why did strong states form more slowly in central Europe than in western Europe ?
had weak empires and poor economies without a middle class
How did the Puritans finally win the English Civil War?
Cromwells army defeated the ROyalists and the Puritans held the King Prisoner
Which was resulted in the beginning of the modern state system in Europe?
7 years war
What would an absolute monarch most likely say?
"I am the State"
Under Maria Theresa, Austria's greatest enemy was..?
What did Frederick the great believe a ruler should be?
father to his people
What reflects the chronological order of events in English history?
english civil war, restoration, glorious revolution
What is an accurate description of the tax system in France in the years preceding the French Revolution
members of the 3rd estate paid all taxes
In what way did the Bourgeoisie differ from other members of the Third Estate?
believed in enlightenment ideas
What issue arose after the king called for the Estates General to meet?
how many votes each estate gets
What does the word Plebiscite mean?
vote of the people
How did Admiral Nelson defeat the French-Spanish fleet in the Battle of Trafalgar?
divided French fleet into small groups and attacked
What strategy did czar Alexander I use to defeat Napoleon?
scorched earth policy
What was one important effect resulting from the political changes made at the Congress of Vienna?
Nationalistic feelings grew in countries under foreign rule
Robespierre's execution marked the end of the..?
Reign of terror
The Tennis Court oath was made by?
Representatives of the 3rd estate
Prerevolutionary French society was marked by great social?
Napoleon seized power by overthrowing the
Napoleon's invasion of Russia was motivated by?
Czar Alexanders resumed trade with England
The fall of the Bastille led quickly to the formation of?
Revolutionary government in Paris
The nobility's main source of income was?
Feudal dues collected from peasants
The Austrian chief minister who presided over the Congress of Vienna was?
Prince Kelemens von Metternich
A major factor in Napoleon's failure to defeat Russia was?
harsh russian winter
The attack on the Paris prison by enraged citizens was called?
Storming the Bastille
What was the immediate results of the French Revolution in 1789?
French middle class had increased power
The American Revolution was different from the French Revolution in that it produced what?
a lasting constitution
In the first falf of the 1800's, a political liberal was most likely to be
middle class merchant
The man installed by the radicals to lead a temporary French gov. was a leading French?
The elected ruler of France who declared himself emperor was?
Louis Napoleon
By 1849, most of Europe was under the control of the ?
The Edict of Emancipation was issued by?
Alexander II
The english poet Lord Byron fought in the war for the Independence of?
In the early 19th century Europe, one political goal that liberals had was?
Give more power to elected parliaments
What person would most likely have been a radical in the 1800's?
poor student reading about democracy
What was true about nationalism?
one's greatest loyalty is not to the king but to the nation of people and the people who ahve common culture
What country suffered the most lost territory as a result of the unification of Italy?
As a result of the defeat of the Spanish Armada...?
Spain decreased as a European power
What led to the economic downfall of Spain? (3)
expensive war, Jew and Muslim expulsion, english raids on Spanish ships
From the 1200's to the early 1700's, Russia can best be described as...?
The great aim of Louis XIV was to
acquire territories up to France boundaries
What was the significance of the English Bill of Rights?
made clear limits of royal power
Peter the Great has his most important success in ?
enacting complete and successful reform
Montaigne stated that "all that is certain is that nothing is certain" this was and example of ..?
Why did Parliament remove James II of England?
he was a devout catholic
How did the United Provinces of the Netherlands differ from the neighboring states?
elect governments whose power depends on landowners and merchants
How did Cardinal Richelieu work to increase the power of the Bourbon monarchy?
Moved against the Huguenots and weakened the power of the nobles
What city became the capital of the Kingdom of Italy after the conquest of the papal states?
Who was behind the group known as Young Italy?
What was the title given to teh ruler of the new unified German empire?
Nationalism was a force that (3)
tore apart century-old empiress, rise to nation-states, opposed by conservatives
In the 1860's, the expansion of Prussia was achieved under the leadership of who?
Otto von Bismark
During the mid 1800's, count Camillo di Cavour expanded the Piedmont-Sardinia's power and also..?
Unified Italy
How were the unifications of Italy and Germany similar?
Both use military to unify territories
Despite its unification as a nation, Italy suffered from which of the following problems?
tension between industrial N and agricultural south
What is identified with romanticism?
gothic novel
What novel is considered realism?
Little Dorrit
What did Napoleon not accomplish?
An expansion of freedom of speech
What trait did Napoleon Not possess?
What did Klemens von Metternich Not want to accomplish at the Congress of Vienna?
Create beginnings of European democracy
The Declaration of the Rights of Man guaranteed everything except?
Equal rights for women
By 1812, Napoleon had conquered most of Europe except
What was NOT a social change during the French Revolution?
Religious fever gripped the nation strengthening the catholic church.
In the first practical process of making photographs, on what were photographs printed?
Who were realist writers? (3)
Charles Dickens, Gustave Flaubert, Honore de Balzac
What is an accurate description for Goethe, Chopin, Coleridge, and Constable?
What is the proper matching of realism vs romanticism to Daguerre Charles Dickens and Ludwig van Beethoven?
Louis Daguerre – realism, Charles Dickens – realism, Ludwig van Beethoven- romanticism
What was the pen name of a woman writer?
George sand
Mary shelley wrote
An early gothic horror story about a monster created from corpses
One of the first European composers to experiment with romanticism in music was?
What were three major components of romanticism?
Love of natures beauty, value of common people, glorification of heroes and heroic actions
How were the books Les Miserables and Frankenstein different?
Both were written by British authors
During the 19th century, what happened in Europe? (3)
Conflict between conservative and liberal movements, the resurgence of conservatives over liberals, and the decline of established empires
What event was strongly influenced by economic problems?
The declaration of war by France on Prussia
What political trends helped lead to the formation of the Second Reich?
Ruthless leadership
What would Metternich most likely not agree with?
A ruler should never violate the constitution of his or her country
How were France and Russia similar during the 1800's?
Both had policies that encouraged industrialization
What was most likely NOT influenced by nationalism during the 1800's?
Groups of accepting a long establish form of government.