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29 Cards in this Set

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Spring Triangle
* Injection & dependency
* Enterprise Service Abstractions
How Spring Works in High-Level
POJOs & Configuration Instruction -> Spring ApplicationContext CREATES Fully configured app sys (Ready for use)
One line to get context
ApplicationContext context
= new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("application-config.xml");
How is Spring context implemented?
* "singletons" by default (one instance per bean)
* generate objects by reflection
* Class c = "foo".getClass()
* c.getMethods()
Dependency Injection
* Constructor: constructor-arg
* Setter: nested elements inside bean defn, i.e. <property name="repository" ref="repository"/>
Case for constructor DI
* enforce mandatory dependencies [can also have required=true flag with setter DI]
* promote immutability (can assign dependencies to final fields)
* concise for programmatic usage - creation and injection in one line of code
Case for setters
* Allow optional dependencies and defaults
* Have descriptive names
* follow JavaBean conventions
* Inherited automatically
Automatic Value Type Conversion
* value = "29" --> new Integer("29")
* property editor
Singleton example
public class LegacySingleton {
(1) public static LegacySingleton inst = new LegacySingleton(); // public static new
(2) private LegalSingleton(){} // private construction
(3) public static LegacySingleton getInstance() { return inst; } // static getInstance() method to retrieve instance
implements FactoryBean & implements Object getObject() for beans which are complex to create
FactorBeans example
* JndiObjectFactoryBean
* FBs for creating remoting proxies
* FBs for configuring data access technologies like Hibernate
Where can a Spring app context be used?
Spring app contexts can be bootstrapped in any environment, e.g. JUnit, Web app, EJB, standalone app
.+ApplicationContext examples
Resource Loading Prefixes
say, XmlWebAppContext
* classpath:
* file:
* http:
recommendation for layering of app context files
Partitioning Configuration
1. app beans
2. infrastructure beans (env. specific)

N.B. these two evolve at a different rate
Benefits of DI
(1). Separation of concern -> Code reusability
(2). promotes programming to interfaces
(3) improves testability - can unit test with stub dependencies
(4) centralised control over object lifecycle
Spring xml namespaces
Phases of app life cycle
1. init
2. use
3. destruction (release any sys resources & now can eligible for garbage collection)
Init phrase of life cycle
init phase completes when a context is created

(1) Load bean defns
(2) initialise bean instances, i.e. new's
Load bean defns
(1) *parse* XML files
(2) bean defns (indexed by own's id) are loaded into the context's BeanFactory [kinda like a *HashMap*]
(3) *BeanFactoryPostProcessor* beans are invoked - can modify defns of any bean
BeanFactory vs FactoryBean
BF: factory to get beans
FB: interface with getObject()
BeanFactoryPostProcessor extension point
* useful for applying transformations to groups of bean defintions
* there are several useful implementions
* can implement BFPP
example of BFPP

${vars} in bean defns are subs'ed with values from .properties file

<bean class="PPC">
<property name="location" value="/WEB-INF/datasource.properties" />

more concise:
<context:property-placeholder location="..."/>
Initialise bean instances
* each bean is eagerly instantiated by default (w/ dependencies injected)
* after DI, each bean goes through a post-processing phase
* after post-processing, bean init'ed and ready for use, tracked by id until context destroyed
Application context - defn
Spring's *bootstrap* object that loads all the high-level (*entry-point*) objects that
are *required* by your application.
DI - formal defn
A *pattern* (design) whereby *collaborators* are passed into an object from the
How does FactoryBean work?
1. created by Spring automatically
2. setters are called on the factory
3. getObject