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48 Cards in this Set

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Methotrexate used
ectopic abortion stable
What ist most common cause of maternal death of first trimester
Ectopic preg undiagnosed
Ectopic preg sx
vaginal hemorrhage or spotting
abdominal distension
pelvic exam reveals adnexal tenderness
IUD use associated with
Ectopic pregnancy
Rupture is usually spontaneous and occurs
ectopic preg and 6-16
Quantitative hCG is less in an
ectopic pregnancy, slow rise or a plateua

1/3 of ectopic preg have normally rising hCG
low hcg
spontaneous abortion
high hcg
complete hydatidorm mole
US can see IUP when
6 wks gestation
empty uterine cavity suggestsz
hCG value of 2000 or more and no products of conception are detected by TV ultrasound
ectopic pregnancy
ectopic pregnancy to use in unstable pateints
management of women with early, unruptured ectopics
ectopic patients who are hemodynamically unstable or with contraindications to medical management
laparatomy for unstable
laparscopy for stable
og/gyn consult on all
rh immunoglobulin given in
ectopic pregnancy with Rh- neg mother
incidence of ectopic preg
1 in 150
ectopic preg is a surgical emergency in what % of cases
% of spontaneous abortion in clinically recognized pregnancies
10-20% of clinically rec preg
spontaneous abortion
loss of fetus less than 20 weeks
most spontaneous abortions result from
chromosomal defects due to maternal or paternal
spont abortion causes
chrom defects, UTI, homonal imbalaces,
2nd trimester spont abortion causes most common
12-20 weeks
problems w uterus structure or incompetent cervix
spon abortion risk factorfs
maternal age
alc use
what to ask during history of spon abortion
last menst period normal?

-30-40% of all pregnant women will have some bleeding during early pregnancy
blood type
-quantity, prior preg and complications, pain and cramping, prenatal care
bleeding spontaneous abortion less than 20 weeks do what
Do a pelvic exam on every female of child-bearing age with lower abdominal pain, especially if pregnant

determine amount of vaginal bleeding
cervical dilation
cervical effacement
look for POCs
check for adnexal tenderness or masses
phys exam of spon abortion
vitals, hypotension, fever, amonut of blood, pocs,
fetus & placenta are expelled
complete abortion
inevitable abortion
dilated cervix no passage of products

bleeding, cramping, mayb ruptured membranes
threatened abortion
bleeding but no cervical dilation, pregnancy continues
missed abortion
fetal demise, no utrerine activity to expel poc, no pain
some but not all products of ocnception have been passed
incompetent cervix vs spon abortion?
incompetent cervix has silent, painless dilation,

usually occurs between 16-28 wks of gestation
spon abortion studies
preg hormone levels will be falling
serial hcg levels are very helpful, do 2 days apart
hemoglobin to check how much they bled
rh type
send tissue to pathology
coag panel if hemorrhag is suspected
hcg levels for preg
above 25
hcg levels for not preg
less than 5
level of 100 iu/l is reached when
about the day of expected menses
for 30 days of normal gestation the level doubles every
2.2 days
gestation sac seen when?
5-6 weeks w tv
fetal pole vis when?
6 wks
tx for threatened abortion
take a nap but no sex
incomplete or inevitable tx
prompt removal of products with d&c
missed abortion tx
counseling and elective termination, d&c
recurrent abortion def
3 or more 1st trimester abortions
septic abortion def
abortion assoc w utrine infection
causes of recurrent abortion
polycystic ovaries, diabetes, thyroid disease, bleeding, cervical incom, congenital abor, chromosal abnom

see specialist
blighted ovum def
also called anembryonic preg

fertilized egg implants into uterine wall but fetal dev never begins

gest sac w or w/o yolk sac but there is absence of fetal growth
molar pregnancy
genetic error during fertilizatoin

growth of abnormal tissue

hcg may be greater