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23 Cards in this Set

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Functions of spinal cord
spinal cord reflexes

integration (summation of inhibitory and excitatory)

nerve impulseshighway for upward and downward travel of sensory and motor informationAscending and Descending Tracts.

are three coverings that run continuously around the spinal cord and brain: dura mater, arachnoid, pia mater
Subarachnoid space
space is filled with CSF.Removal of cerebrospinal fluid from the subarachnoid space is called a spinal tap (lumbar puncture).
Where the spinal cord begins and ends
begins as a continuation of the medulla oblongata and terminates at about the second lumbar vertebra in an adult
tissue covering of each nerve fiber
tissue covering of around nerve fascicle
tissue covering around entire nerve
Dorsal or posterior root is used for
incoming sensory fibers (Afferent)
Ventral or anterior root is used for
outgoing motor fibers. (Efferent)
Gray matter
Contains neuron cell bodies, unmyelinated axons & dendrites. It receives and integrates incoming and outgoing information. where spinal reflexes occur.
Central canal is continuous with
4th ventricle of brain
White Matter of the Spinal Cord contain
Myelinated axons
white matter tracts
bundles of nerve axons that have a common origin or destination and carry similar information. Also called highways for nerve impulse conduction to and from the brain
Sensory Tracts
Are (ascending) tracts that conduct nerve impulses toward the brain.
Motor Tracts
Are (descending) tracts conduct impulses down the cord.
is a fast, predictable, automatic response to changes in the environment that helps to maintain homeostasis. They may be spinal, cranial, somatic, or autonomic.
5 components of reflex arc
receptor sensory neuronintegrating centermotor neuroneffector
reflex arc
is the simplest type of pathway; pathways are specific neuronal circuits and thus include at least one synapse.
Somatic spinal reflexes include the
stretch reflex, tendon reflex, flexor (withdrawal) reflex, and crossed extensor reflex; all exhibit reciprocal innervation.
Dorsal rami spinal nerves supply
skin & muscles of back
ventral rami form plexus supply
anterior trunk & limbs
meningeal branches supply
meninges, vertebrae & BV
The skin over the entire body is supplied by spinal nerves that carry...
somatic sensory nerves impulses into the spinal cord.