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80 Cards in this Set

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What meninges cover the spinal cord?

All three: dura mater, arachnoid, pia

What fills the epidural spaces in the spinal cord?

fat, blood vessels, and connective tissue

Where is the spinal cord positioned?

forament magnus to L1 L2

The end of the spinal cord is called what?

conus medullaris

What is the cauda equina?

The complex that includes the filum terminale and the long ventral and dorsal roots that extend caudal to the conus medullaris. Looks like a horse's tail

Where does the cauda equina exit?

Sacral foramina

What is the filum terminale?

Ligament that tethers conus medullaris to the sacral vertebrae via the coccygeal ligament and prevents superior movement.

What is the conus medullaris?

Where the spinal cord tapers to a conical tip at or inferior to the level of the first lumbar vertebra.

Spinal cord carries ____ impulses up towards brain and ________ impulses down from the brain.

sensory, motor

What are the five steps of the reflex arc?

1. Arrival of stimulus and activation of a receptor

2. Activation of a sensory neuron

3. Information processing in CNS

4. Activation of a motor neuron

5. Response by effector

Where is gray matter found in the spinal cord?


What does gray matter in spinal cord contain?

Mostly cell bodies and unmyelinated interneurons

What is the central canal surrounded by?

Gray commissure

What is found in the central canal?


What is the gray commissure?

It is a neuron crossover site

What are the three arrangements in the gray matter of spinal cord?

Posterior (dorsal) horns

Anterior horn

lateral horn

Dorsal root is afferent/efferent


Ventral root is afferent/efferent


The posterior (dorsal) horn contains _______ __________ fibers and interneurons

somatic sensory

Anterior (ventral) horn has __________ ____________ cell bodies

somatic motor

Lateral horn has _________ ___________ and ___________ _____________ neurons

visceral sensory, visceral motor

The white matter of spinal cord is situated where?


What is the white matter of spinal cord made of?

Myelinated and unmyelinated axon

How is the white matter of spinal cord arranged?

Lateral column, anterior column, posterior column

Each of the columns of the white matter in spinal cord contains


What are tracts?

Axons that share structural or functional similarities.

How many directions can tracts travel in?

3 directions

Spinal nerves are in ___ pairs


Spinal nerves carry ____ and ____ neurons

sensory, motor

The spinal nerves are formed through fusion of ___ and ____ ____.

ventral, dorsal roots

Where do the spinal nerves innervate?

Muscle, skin, and glands of neck and body

Spinal nerves branch off of ___ ___.

spinal cord

Spinal nerves split to form ___ ___ and ___ ___

dorsal ramus, ventral ramus

Dorsal ramus innervates ___

back, T1-L2 only

Ventral ramus innervates ___

sides and front and all plexuses

What are the four plexuses?

1. Cervical

2. Brachial

3. Lumbal

4. Sacral

Lumbar plexus leads ____


Sacral plexus leads ___


What are dermatomes?

The area of the body that is monitored by a specific sensory nerve. Map of somatic sensory innervation.

What are autonomic ganglia?

Interconnects sympathetic neurons branching from T1-L2 and contains axons and cell bodies of sympathetic fibers

What chemical messenger is used in somatic (voluntary) motor division?


What chemical messenger is used in visceral (involuntary autonomic) motor division?

1st neuron- acetylcholine

2nd neuron- acetylcholine/n-epi

The sympathetic nervous system has ___ pre-ganglionic neuron and ___ post-ganglionic neurons.

short, long

The parasympathetic nervous system has a ___ pre-ganglionic neuron and a ___ post-ganglionic neuron

long, short

Posterior horn

Anterior horn

Lateral horn

Lateral column

Posterior column

Lateral column

Dorsal root

Ventral root

Dorsal root ganglion

Gray commissure

Central canal

Cervical plexus is made of what nerves?

C1-C4 and some fibers from C5

What are some major nerves the cervical plexus produce?

Hypoglossal nerve, accessory nerve

Lesser occipital nerve

Supraclavicular nerves

phrenic nerve

Brachial plexus forms from what nerves?


Brachial plexus forms what major nerves?

Dorsal scapular nerve, suprascapular nerve, lateral and medial pectoral nerve, axillary nerve, musculocutaneous nerve, thoracic nerve, medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve, median nerve, ulnar nerve, radial nerve

Lumbar plexus is formed from what nerves?


What major nerves does the lumbar plexus form?

Illiohypogastric, ilioinguinal nerve, lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, genitofemoral nerve and femoral nerve

From what nerves do the sacral plexus come from?


What major nerves does the sacral plexus form?

Gluteal, sciatic, posterior femoral, cutaenous nerve, pudendal, tibial and fibular nerve

Musculocutaneous nerve

axillary nerve

Median nerve

radial nerve

ulnar nerve

femoral nerve

sciatic nerve

common fibular nerve

tibial nerve

Where is a lumbar puncture done?
Between L3 and L4 or L4 and L5 (right below tip of the spinal cord)
What sample is taken from a lumbar puncture and from what exact space?
CSF taken from the subarachnoid space (goes through the dura mater)
What is an epidural?
Catheter is inserted into epidural space and left in place with continuous analgesic (does NOT go through the dura mater)
What are the ligaments on the spinal cord that anchors cord laterally?
Denticulate ligament
The denticultate ligament is composed of ____ and attaches to the ___
pia mater, arachnoid
How long is the spinal cord?
About 18 inches
What are some responses of the parasympathetic division?
Pupils constrict, increase salivation, decrease heart rate, and increase digestion
What are some of the responses by the body by the sympathetic divisions?
Pupils dilate, decrease salivation, increase heart rate, decrease digestion