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30 Cards in this Set

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Storytelling and joke telling can accomplish which purpose of communication?
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The status relationship among participants in a communication encounter is part of the _____________ communication context.
An understanding of how communication works, and the ability to use this understanding effectively, are the two components of:
knowledge and ability are the major components of source--receiver communication competence.
Altercasting and disclaiming are types of:
Feedforward often asks a listener to take on a particular role, and/or withhold negative evaluations of the speaker.
Which dimension of feedback would be the most useful in the development of performance and skills?
Feedforward and feedback are two types of:
Teachers, coaches and counselors are clear examples of people who professionally communicate in order to:
People who are too vain to wear their glasses when they need them are likely to experience ___________ noise during the communication process.
According to your text, people use the Internet mostly:
A student in one of your classes gives a speech demonstrating how to most effectively read a road map. What would be the intended communication effect of this speech?
Feedback that is spontaneous and unplanned would be characterized as:
low--monitored. Yes, low-monitored feedback is so named because it is given with little monitoring of self or planning of message.
The beliefs, values and ways of behaving that you bring to an interaction are part of the:
cultural communication context.
The two students who talk loudly to each other while your professor is trying to lecture are creating _________ noise.
Feedforward messages such as ""This won''t take much time,"" or ""I''ve got some good news for you,"" function to:
preview following messages.
Professor Smith avoids teaching classes both very early in the morning and right after lunch, because she knows that her students are likely to be sleepy and inattentive to her lectures at those times. Professor Smith''s policy is an attempt to be sensitive to which context of communication?
the temporal context

Yes, the temporal context of communication includes the time of day communication takes place.
Storytelling and joke telling can accomplish which purpose of communication?
to play
The status relationship among participants in a communication encounter is part of the _____________ communication context.
An understanding of how communication works, and the ability to use this understanding effectively, are the two components of:
knowledge and ability are the major components of source--receiver communication competence.
Altercasting and disclaiming are types of:
Feedforward often asks a listener to take on a particular role, and/or withhold negative evaluations of the speaker.
Which dimension of feedback would be the most useful in the development of performance and skills?
Feedforward and feedback are two types of:
Teachers, coaches and counselors are clear examples of people who professionally communicate in order to:
People who are too vain to wear their glasses when they need them are likely to experience ___________ noise during the communication process.
According to your text, people use the Internet mostly:
A student in one of your classes gives a speech demonstrating how to most effectively read a road map. What would be the intended communication effect of this speech?
Feedback that is spontaneous and unplanned would be characterized as:
low--monitored. Yes, low-monitored feedback is so named because it is given with little monitoring of self or planning of message.
The beliefs, values and ways of behaving that you bring to an interaction are part of the:
cultural communication context.
The two students who talk loudly to each other while your professor is trying to lecture are creating _________ noise.
Feedforward messages such as ""This won''t take much time,"" or ""I''ve got some good news for you,"" function to:
preview following messages.
Professor Smith avoids teaching classes both very early in the morning and right after lunch, because she knows that her students are likely to be sleepy and inattentive to her lectures at those times. Professor Smith''s policy is an attempt to be sensitive to which context of communication?
the temporal context

Yes, the temporal context of communication includes the time of day communication takes place.