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94 Cards in this Set

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Primary- plasma cell infiltrates, obliterative endearteritis begins, chancre
Secondary- hematogenous, rash palms and soles
Tertiary- endarteritis of Vasa Vasorum- aortitits: Aneurysm of the arch of the aorta.
Sometimes Asymptomatic
Causes PID which leads to Infertility or Ectopic (tubal) pregnancy
HPV low risk
6,11 with Condylomata accuminata
High Risk HPV
16 and above
produces E6, E7 proteins which destroy Rb and p53
Associated with both severe dysplasia and carcinoma in sittu
CIN III is the entire layer is dysplastic all the way to the top: Large Nuclei
Low Grade SIL
Associated with CIN I
High grades are II through III
What is indicative of increased risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the transformation zone?
Higher Grade CIN, NOT the # of infections a person has
PAP tests for what carcinomas?
Endocervical and Cervical, NOT Endometrial
PAP and HPV tests
PAP only show ABnormal cells- not dx of cancer
No need to test for HPV b/c included in annual pap
Which group gets pap forever?
Immunocompromised, Precious CIN II or >, Cervical CA, DES
normally pap retires at 65yo
When do you start the pap?
21 or 3yrs post vaginal intercourse, screen annually
Low risk women- every other year (21-29)
Clear cell adinocarcinoma of the Vagina of the female child at puberty
Arises from vaginal adenosis
Mullerian Duct abnormalities
Bicornnate- most common, infertile.
Mesonephric Duct abnormalities (wolfian)
normally forms vasD and EpiD
Gartner duct cyst (mesonephric duct cyst)
- rests on the walls of the vagina
Lichen Sclerosis
Parchment Skin with narrowing of intrioitus, obstruction
obstruction--> squamous cell carcinoma
Dudes: Balantitis Xerotica Obliterans
Lichen Simplex Chronicus
SImplex- just irritation, it's simple. Pruritis
leads to hyperplasia
pelvic pain, adnexal tenderness
Ascending gonococcal, chlamydia infection
Tubal PRegnancy
COmplications of PID
tubal pregnancy (chlamydia)
Perihepatitis: Fitzhugh curtis
Fitzhugh Curtis
Complicaiton of PID
14-16yo sexually active with RUQ pain/tenderness
Associated with chlamydia and PID
"violin String Adhesions
Extramammary pagets
lesions characterized by malignant epitthelial cells in the epidermis of the vulva
Skin, erythemattous, eroded, demarcated
Rarely with caracinoma
PAS+, Cytokeratin +
Differentiate PAS, CytoK and S100 between Extramamm PPagets, VIN, and MM
ExtraMammary ++-
VIN -+-
Imperforate Hymen
Periumbilical pain with radiation to both flanks
Presents like a UTI
Hematocoplos- vagina fills with blood
Hematometra- Blood in the uterus
Clear cell Adenocarcinoma of the vagina
DES during pregnancy
Nabothian Cysts
Chronic Cervixitis
an obstructed endocervical gland- benign
Reparative Atypia- epithelial cells may be present and mimic CA on pap (but it is merely chronic cervicitis)
Inflammatory infiltrates are present- with sores on the cervix
Endocervical Polyps
Very common, benign
Inflammatory overgrowth that causes irregular vaginal bleeding
Tx- curettage and excision
Multiple small subcapsular follicular cysts lined by granulosa cells- chain of pearls
Required components- excess androgens and amenorrhea/oligomenorrhea
Hyperglycemia, increased insulin, increased aromatiase, increased ovarian androgen, increased estrogen --> increased risk of endometrial carcinoma
LH high, low FSH
Three categories of Surface Epithelial tumors
Serous (most common)
Mucinous (second most common)
What are the serous tumors
Serous cystadenoma, carcinoma, cystadenocarcinoma
What are the mucnious tumors?
Mucinous Cystadenoma, Cystadenocarcinoma
What are the Germ cell tumors?
What are the Sex Cord Stromal tumors?
Granulosa cell
Thecal cell
Serous cystadenoma
smooth round surface, surgical excision is curative
good Px
Serous Carciinoma
The most common malignant ovarian tumor
Low grade- well differentiated BRAF pathway
High-grade: Arise denovo, P53 mutation
Psammoma bodies
occur in every papillary neoplasm
Serous neoplasms are all papillary
Mucinous Cystadenoma
Very large (30lbs, multilocular)
nonspecific sx: back and abdomen pain
What is the origin of a huge mass, smooth surface tumor that is resected, with multiple cystic spaces with thick mucinous fluid
Must be a mucnious cystadenoma, so, Surface epithelial, Which technically derived from the Mullerian Ducts
Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma
Malignant mucinous tumor
smoking, endometriosis
Associated with pseudomyxoma peritonei
Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma
2nd most common ovarian malingancy
associated mainly with endometriosis, but also HNPCC
Malignant tumors of the Surface epithelium
Seed peritoneum
Have surface marker CA125
Mature Teratoma
Benign, Bilateral, Dermoid cyst
Skin, hair, teeth,"", cartilage
Immature is always malignant- contains fetal tissue
Most common ovarian GERM cell tumor
polyhedral cells with clear cytoplasm
Males: Seminoma
Produce HCG in males and females
Brown foul smelling bloodyy mess.
Granulosa Cell tumor
Postmenopausal tumor in 2/3 of women leads to endometrial carcinoma
Also in young girls causes precocious puberty
Meig's syndrome
white bands of fibrosis from fibroblasts
a-Fibromas (unilateral)
b- Hydrothorax, pleural effushions from ascites
Sertoli-Leydig tumors:
defeminization of ffemale
Metastatic Germ Cell tumors female
Krinkleburg- krinkle-chips go to the stomach and make you fat and make you succeptible to gastric carcinoma (signet ring cell)
Surface epithelial tumors- monitors recurrence
Tissue/serum marker for granulosa cell tumors
Yolk sack/ endodermal sinus tumor
Chronic endometriits
Chronic PID due to infection-
plasma cell infiltrates for shure
Antibiotic treatment to prevent recurrence
Uterus Adenomyosis
presence of endometrium growing int o the myometrium (glands below the normal basalis)
Abnormally large uterus
Bleeding, pain
Uterus Endometriosis
endometrial glands/stroma outside the uterus
Chocolate cyst
Dysfunctional bleeding due to excess estrogen
Endometrial Hyperplasia
Can be caused by prolonged estrogen stimulation
postmenopausal bleeding

-->endometrial intraeptithelial neoplasia (EIN) --> loss of PTEN --> endometrioid carcinoma
Endometrial polyyp
your aunt calls you and says she has irregular bleeding
Endometrial polyp- benign
fibrous like uterine tumor
origin: smooth muscle cells
whorled pattern of smooth muscle found in myometrium
Malignant proliferation of smooth muscle of the myometrium
high mitotic activity and has area of zonal necrosis
usually solitary lesion
Breast feeding disadvantages
Vitamin deficiencies transfer from mom to baby
Mamography buzzword
clustered, benign: fibrocystic, fat necrosis

Small, iregular linear, or Branching: ductal carcinoma in situ: malignant
Periductal mastittis
Subareolar abscess- squamous metaplasia of the lactiferous ducts
pt will be smoker, young, vit A deficient
NO lactation
Breast Fat Necrosis
Chalky white area, lipid laden macrophages- tend to calcify, skin retraction
due to trauma, radiation, abuse
Fibrocystic changes
benign non-proliferative change
Palpable mass, associated with estrogen stimulation
Clinically insignificant, No increased CA risk
Fibrocystic lesions that are risk factors
Atypical hyperplasia- risk of cancer (only one) 4-5x
Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS --> LCIS) 8-10x risk
Stromal, benign tumor of the breast
Spherical nodlue, well circumscribribed, freely movable
no calcifications, responds to hormones PIC
Large duct papilloma
unilateral serous oor blood nipple discharge
BRCAT risk factors
BRCA1 and 2
Mutation doesn't mean that you will have cancer but increases risk uup to 80%
COmer- orangge, duct, central necrosis, calcifications
sheets of high grade malignant cells
Paget's disease
Extends from the nipple ducts into contiguous skin of nipple and areola, localized
Epidermis involved by malignant cells
INvasive ductal Carcinoma, no special type
Most common
Firm hart with irregular border
Within center are sstreaks of chalky white stroma and calcificiations
Well differentiated- ERPR
Poorly differentiated- Her2Neu
Basal Like
a type of Invasive ductal NST
Triple Neg- ablsence of ER, PR, and Her2/neu
High grade , aggressive, viscera and brian mets
Invasive ductal Medullary
fleshy well circumscribed, 3-, prominent nucleoli
Invasive ductal Mucinous/Colloid
Gelatin, lakes of mucin
small islands of neoplastic cells
INvasive ductal lobular
Strands of infiltrating tumor cells lining up
Invasive Ductal Tubular
Speculated masses: Excellent prognosis
Prognosis factors for invasive Carcinoma
Distant mets
Lympoh nodes
Male breast cancer
same thing as a tubal pregnancy
Placental pathology in eclampsia
spiral aarteries in the wall of the uterine arteries contract.
Remember fetal and maternnal pathology for eclampsia
Hyatidiform mmole
complication: choriocarcinoma

Elevated HCG much higher than expected for date of gestation
Uteruus i smuch larger than expected for date of gestation
Grape-like villi
SNOWSTORM on ultrasound
--- COmplete: increase risk of choriocarcinoma
--- Partial: No greater risk of choriocarcinoma (mild HCG increase as well)
invasion of the myometrium by a blood brown tuor that is HCG positive, metastases early and widely
Utero-placental abnormalities
Twin placenta
Mono= 1 of everything: NTK- identical twins- post implatnation blastocyst splits during the second week of gestation.
Di= 2 of everything
Ventral surface do not circumcise
Fix to prevent UTI
Inguinal 42%- worse prognosis
Upper scrotal 48%
Orchiopexis at 2yr
Removal at puberty
increased risk of cancer in all, infertility in puberty
Testicular torsion
Red infarct
Male adenomatoid tumor
most common tumor of the epididymis- benign neoplasm
small discrete round nodule of gray tissue
double neg AFP/BHCG
Germ cell tumor
Yolk Sac tumor
most common testicular tumor in children
Micro- shiller-duval bodies
Embryonal tumor GSGCT
MIXED tumors
immature primitive cells
form hemmorhage and encrosis
HCG and AFP positive
Chemo can cause differentiation of outer layer of cells
Teratoma in males
Mature- Malignant- if hemorrhagic= teratocarcinoma
AFP and HCG can be elevated
painless enllargment of scrotal mass, may test + on pregnancy test
Sertoli and Leydig cell tumors dudes
Sertoli- silent, comprised of tubules
Leydig cells- Big Balls, Boobs, Precocious pubes, Reinke
Lymph accumulation
Cystic dilation of efferent ductules of rete testis
Dilated veins in spermatic cords "bag of worms"