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24 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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1. High
Located far above the ground or another surface
2. Near
Close to someone or something in distance
3. Add
To put something with another thing
4. Food
The things people and animals eat
5. Best
Better than all others in quality or value
6. Next
Coming after this one
7. Stand
To be in an upright position with all of your weight on your feet
8. Own
Belonging to oneself
9. Below
In or to a lower place
10. Country
An area of land that is controlled by its own government
11. Plant
To put in the ground to grow
12. Lunch
A light meal eaten in the middle of the day
13. Pond
An area of water surrounded by land that is smaller than a lake
14. Last
After any others in time, order, or importance: at the end
15. School
A place for the teaching of children
16. Father
A male parent
17. Keep
To continue having
18. Tree
A usually tall plant that has a thick, wooden stem and many large branches
19. Grade
A level of study that is completed by a student during one year
20. Reach
To be able to touch, pick up, or grab something by moving or stretching
21. Raise
To lift or move to a higher position
22. Theme
The main subject that is being discussed or described in a piece of writing, movie, etc.
23. Scream
To suddenly cry out in a loud and high voice because of pain, surprise, etc.
24. Easy
Not hard to do