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126 Cards in this Set

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What are the two functions for respiration?
life, speech
breathing for speech
The exhaled airstream serves as __________ for speech sound generation
the power supply
skeletal framework and muscular tissue housing important structures of respiration
How is the torso divided? By what?
into upper and lower cavities by the diaphragm
What are the two cavities that make up the torso called (the upper and lower cavities)?
the thorax and the abdomen
upper cavity, contains lungs and respiratory passageways (aka respiratory system)
lower cavity, contains much of the digestive system
chest wall system
rib cage, abdomen, diaphragm
the thoracic skeleton includes the pectoral girdle, which is what?
two clavicles and two scapulae
What structures make up the thoracic cage?
sternum in front, spinal column in back, ribs encircling the chest, diaphragm below
the verticle walls of the thorax are made of what?
muscular and non muscular tissues- fills the spaces between the ribs
regarding the thoracic cage what does breathing do?
it enlarges and contracts it
what is another name for the cavity formed by the thoracic cage?
the pleural cavity
visceral pleura
aka pulmonary pleura. Lubricated membrane covering the LUNGS
parietal pleura
aka costal pleura. Lubricated membrane lining the INNER SURFACE OF THE THORACIC CAGE
the visceral and parietal pleurae form ________
a double walled sac encasing the lungs
What is the surface of the pleura covered with?
a thin layer of lubricating fluid
What links the surface of the pleura together? What is the average pressure?
the surface tension, which has an average negative pressure of -5 mm mercury
What allows the lungs and thorax to act together as a unit?
pleural linkage. The two layers stick together so the surface of the lungs sticks to the inside of the thoracic cage.
positive pressure=
negative pressure=
what are the upper respiratory airways?
oral cavity, nasal cavity, pharynx
What is the airway valve?
the larynx
what are the lower airways?
the air passageways below the larynx- trachea, brochi... to the alveoli
Normally, the lungs and thorax act ___________
as a unit
If we removed the lungs from the thorax what would happen?
they would be in a more collapsed state
if we removed the thorax from the lungs what would happen?
they would expand
linked together what happens to the thorax and the lungs as far as their size?
the lungs are somewhat expanded and the thorax is somewhat compressed
Resting Exhalatory Level- the point in the respiratory cycle where pressure in the lungs equals atmospheric pressure and the forces to compress and expand the lungs are equal. This points occurs at the end of exhalation and before inhalation during quiet breathing.
What are the inhalatory muscles of respiration?
diaphragm and external intercostals
What are the exhalatory muscles of respiration?
abdominal muslces and internal intercostals
Boyle's Law
PV=K, there is an inverse relationship between pressure and volume
Pressure Gradient
air flows from regions of high pressure to areas of low pressure. Only in one direction.
What aerodynamic event needs to occur for inspiration?
need to make the pressure gradient in favor of air flowing inward.
What are the active forces of inspiration?
contracting muscles- diaphragm and external intercostals
What are the passive forces of inspiration?
gravity (if upright), elastic recoil and torque of ribcage and low lung volume (esp when below REL)
What aerodynamic events need to occur for expiration?
make the pressure gradient in favor of air flowing outward by making the volume smaller
What are the active forces of expiration?
contracting muslces- abdominal muslces and internal intercostals
What are the passive forces of expiration?
torque of ribcage, gravity tugging down on ribcage, elastic recoil of lung fibers and recoil forces of surface tension in the alveoli
During nonspeech, quiet breathing above REL, expiration is usually _____________
T or F- with deep inspiration ribcage elasticity is a passive force of exhalation
Tidal Volume. The amount or air exhaled or inhailed during any single respiratory cycle. Measure and total in mL the height of each tidal respiratory cycle. Equation (for mean): total volume of measured expirations (mL)/number of expirations
Expiratory Reserve Volume- the amount of air that can be forcibly exhaled following a passive exhalation/from REL.
How do you calculate ERV?
Calculate the difference in mL from the end-tidal expiratory point immediately preceding the VC curve to the peak end-expiratory point on the VC curve.
Inspiratory Reserve Volume. The amount of air that can be inhaled beyond that inhaled in a tidal volume cycle.
How do you calculate IRV?
Calculate the diff in mL from the end-tidal inspiratory point immediately preceding the VC curve to the peak end-inspiratory point on the VC curve.
What is RV?
Residual Volume. The amount of air that remains in the lungs and airways after maximum exhalation.
Inspiratory Capacity. The max amount of air that can be inhaled from the resting expiratory level.
What do we add to get IC?
TV plus IRV
vital capacity. The amount of air exhaled after maximum inhilation
How do we calculate VC?
calculate the difference in mL from the peak end-inspiratory point to the peak end-expiratory point on the VC curve.
What do we add to get VC?
total lung capacity. the amount of air the lungs are capable of holding at the height of maximum inhalation
What do we add to get TLC?
Functional Residual Capacity. The amount of air in the lungs after normal exhalation
What do we add to get FRC?
ERV and RV
relaxation pressure
pressure due to passive forces alone.
How much lung pressure (or subglottal pressure) do we need for speech?
we need a constant respiratory driving pressure of 5-10 cm H20 for normal loudness level speech.
At any pressure, what determines the relaxation (passive) pressure?
the combined forces of the lungs and chest wall
What is considered a high lung volume?
above 55% of VC
At high lung volumes both the lungs and the chest wall do what?
they recoil to a smaller size
At high lung volumes there is a __________ alveolar pressure
positive (high)
At about 38% of VC the forces to expand and contract are _____________, and alveolar pressure due to passive forces alone is ____.
opposite and equal to eachother, 0.
At lung volumes above 38% of VC relaxation pressure is always _______. Passive forces are ____________. Air flows __________.
positive, exhalation, out
At lung volumes above 38% __________ requires active (muscular) forces.
At lung volumes below 38% of VC, the relaxation pressure is _________. The passive forces are ___________ and air flows __________.
negative, inhalatory, in
At VC below 38% ________ requires active (muscular) forces.
What does breathing for speech/song require?
use of muscular forces to add to or subtract from the forces (and pressures) at different lung volumes.
alveolar pressure can be used interchangibly with what term?
respiratory driving pressure
what % of VC is REL?
What two systems can we divide the respiratory system into?
the pulmonary system and the chest wall system
what is the bronchial tree?
the trachea, bronci and bronchioles.
substance in the alveoli that keeps them inflated by lower surface tension of the walls
What is larger the right or left lung? How many lobes does the right lung have relative to the left?
the right lung. THe right lung have three lobes, the left has two.
floor of thoracic cavity. Dome-shaped. When relaxed it is an inverted bowl shape, when it is contracted it flattens out and increase volume in a vertical direction.
What do the external intercostals do when they contract?
they elevate entire rib cage and increase the volume front to back and laterally
What do the internal intercostals do when they contract?
pull down on the entire ribcage, decrease the volume.
When we exhale what happens with our abdominal cavity?
it presses up and elevates the diaphragm
lung volumes
single, nonoverlapping values
lung capacities
two or more lung volumes
Is resting expiratory level a volume?
no, it is not a volume or capacity, it is a state of equilibruim.
What is the average VC for an adult? (in CC's) What is the average TV?
5000 CCs, 500 CCs
What are the four differences between when we breathe for speech and when we breathe for life?
1. for speech we breathe through mouth rather than nose like usual
2. for speech we spend more time on exhalation than during normal breathing
3. volumes about 2x's as high during speech as normal breathing
4. for life breathing exhalation is passive, for speech muscles are used.
torque of ribs, what is it?
during inhalation ribs twist slightly, during exhalation they untwist
force generated by the respiratory process, which forms the power supply for speech
amount of air in lungs/airways
change in volumes over a period of time
chest-wall shape
positioning of chest wall
what helps to regulate airflow (besides the muscles of inhalation and exhalation)?
larynx and articulators
how do we measure volume?
with a spirometer or estimate from rib cage/ab movement. We don't use spirometers in speaking situations, we use respiratory kinemic analysis
What percentage of VC do we inhale to during conversational speech?
What percentage of VC do we use during normal speech?
20-25% of VC
What percent of VC do we inhale to for loud speech?
about 80%
what percent of VC do we use for loud speech?
about 40%
Do you use exhalatory muscles before you reach REL?
yes, you still have positive pressure but not enough positive pressure
Why must you achieve pulsatile variations in respiratory driving pressure during connected speech?
because you will have prosodic adjustments, stress
During normal conversation do we go below REL?
Not typically
What is the average TV for males/females?
What is the average inspiratory Reserve volume for males/females?
What is the average VC for males/females? (in L)
What is the average TLC for males/females?
Forced VC Maneuver
using a spirometer client breathes quietly to obtain baseline, then the client should inhale as completely as possible, then immediately exhale as rapidly and completely as possible
Respiratory Inductive Plethysmography (RIP)
technique to monitor respiratory activity without physical connection to the airway, two coils around ribs and abdomen, measure movement to estimate lung volumes.
What does the flow volume loop show us (relationship between what)?
The relationship between rate of airflow and lung volume for inspiration and expiration. The curve of the flow volume loop represents exhalatory and inhalatory airflow during forced vital capacity maneuver.
What can the flow volume loop be used for?
it can be used as a diagnostic tool to determine the nature of airway obstruction and to distinguish btwn disordes that share similiar symptoms
minimum driving pressure
pressure needed to blow the vocal folds apart
In general what is the difference between volumes and pressures in children vs adults?
volumes and capacities increase with age.
How might singers breathing differ from normal?
they may use almost their entire VC when singing
Diaphragmatic Tuning- what occurs as far as the structure?
abdomen is smaller, rib cage is larger than in relaxation. Abdominal wall moves in and pushes up on diaphragm.
What does Diaphragmatic Tuning result in?
the lower rib cage is expanded and it allows the diaphragm to make quick, strong contractions.
What are the factors that influence Speech Breathing Patters?
- linguistic considerations (stress, length of utterance)
- speaking task complexity
- clause boundaries
- loudness of intended utterance
- type of phoneme
- whispering
What do we do when we whisper with regard to how breathing is different than normal?
we use less air/have less lung volume. Tend to talk below REL. Fewer syllables per breath. Lower subglottal pressure.
wet spirometer- how does it work?
individual breathes into a tube, water is displaced and the amount of displacement is measured
What are some diseases and disorders that may affect the respiratory system?
-Parkinson's disease
- Cerebellar disease
- Cervical Spinal Cord Injury
- Cerebral Palsy
- Voice Problems
What happens to structures in older age?
- tissues ossify
- ribs- costal cartilage ossifies
- force/rate of muscles- can't make adjustments as quickly
- surface tension of alveoli start to decline
- blood volume decreases
- bodies decrease in a vertical dimension
How is children's breathing for speech different from adults?
- spend more time below REL
- inhale up to about 65% of VC, get below REL, talk down to about 30%
- use more airflow for speech
- use more effort when speaking
- less efficient berathing, more air flow wasted
- insert more fillers, talk at a slower rate
How do the elderly breathe differently from younger adults?
- wait longer to initiate speech, so use up more air before initiating utterance
- inhale for a slightly deeper lung volume before they talk
- slower speech
- speech less precise
- inhale more frequently
- more air used per syllable
What happens when people wait longer to speak after they have begin exhaling? What population is this typical of?
They lose they initial advantage of relaxation pressure. This might make them compensate by inhaling to slightly deeper volumes when they talk. Typically elderly do this.
What is the difference between a VC measure and a forced VC measure?
For a VC measure you breathe out as completely as possible, for a forced VC you breathe out as completely AND quickly as possible.
Once you are at REL, what is the only way to depart from there?
use your muscles (of inhilation or exhalation)
how we measure pressure to see if a person has sufficient RDP for speech
Kinematic Analysis
look at how structures are moving- chest wall- during breathing for speech
What % of VC do children use during speech breathing?
Children breathe up to ____% of VC during speech breathing?
What % of VC do people breathe up to when breathing for life? What % of VC is this?
We breathe up to about 50% of VC, and use about 10% of VC