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30 Cards in this Set

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A socially shared code or conventional system for representing concepts through the use of arbitrary symbols and rule-governed combinations of those symbols


it is the overall organizing aspect of language and influences all other components


a verbal means of communicating, the ability to produce sound (involving articulation, fluency, and voice)


the process participants use to exchange information and ideas, needs, and desires

what age would you expect an infant to discriminate between angry and friendly voices?

within 4 days after birth (aware of difference)

at what age do you expect an infant to vocalize for attention and stop to listen to other sounds?

by 6 months (can imitate sounds to get attention)

at what age do you expect an infant to understand 50 words? verbalize 20 words?

by 18 months (begin to combine words)

first word - 12 months

has to have intent, repeated over time (can't be one time occurrence), has to be close to adult form

15 months - 8-10 true words

3 yo = 1000 words, imitate everything

at what age would you expect infants to use short (2 word) phrases frequently and occasionally 3 word sentences?

by 24 months (right around MLU 2.0)

3 yo should have MLU 3.0, 3 word sentences and beyond

4 yo MLU 4.0

5 yo goes beyond

UMB , upper morpheme boundary

longest utterance possible, should be 3 times length of MLU

what are the early speech and language milestones for at birth?

see 2016_COSD 602_SpeechLanguage Development Review1slide 11
what are some early pragmatic milestones for birth to one year?
-vocalize to call others
-Vocalizes when another person calls
-Indicates a desire for a change in activities
-Participates in speech routine games
-Performs for social attention

what are the speech and language milestones for 12-18 months for receptive language?

-Understands approximately 50-75 words

-Identifies body parts and clothing on self or a doll

-Finds familiar objects not in sight

-Follows two requests with one object

-Identifies objects by category

what are the speech and language milestones for 12-18 months for expressive language?

-Vocabulary begins to grow:

-By 15 months: 8-10 words

-By 18 months: 15-20 words

-Names up to 10 familiar objects upon request

-Talks rather than uses gestures

-Imitates words overheard in conversation

-Asks “What’s that?” and “more”

what are the speech and language milestones for 12-18 months for speech?

Uses all vowels accurately and some consonants accurately: m, b, p, t, d, n, h

what are some pragmatic milestones by 18 months?

-Imitates other children

-Initiates turn-taking routines

-Points to, shows, or gives objects to others

-Uses more words during turn-taking

-Uses words to protest

what are the speech and language milestones for 18-24 months for receptive language?

-Understands the commands to “come here” and “sit down”

-Understands the meaning of action words

-Identifies pictures when named

-Follow two-step related commands

-Picks up on new words rapidly

what are the speech and language milestones for 18-24 months for expressive language?

-Uses new words regularly

-Uses two-word phrases frequently and three-word phrases occasionally

-Relates personal experiences

-Uses sentence-like intonation patterns

-Uses some pronouns

-Refers to self by name

what are the speech and language milestones for 18-24 months for speech?

Uses all vowels accurately and some consonants accurately: m, b, p, t, d, n, h

what are some pragmatic milestones for 2 year olds?

-Uses words to interact with others

-Takes one-two turns within a conversation

-Able to maintain topic in adjacent pairs of utterances (i.e. question/answer)

-Uses vocalizations and words when engaged in pretend play

what are some speech and language milestones for 3 year olds in expressive language?

-Uses three-word phrases frequently and converses in sentences

-Expresses physical states and relates recent experiences through verbalization

-Asks Yes/No questions and What/Who/Where questions

-Uses plurals, prepositions, and action words, and negation

-Uses the verb tenses:

-Present progressive (-ing)

-Past tense (-ed)

-States first and last name and gender

-Counts to three

what are some speech and language milestones for 3 year olds in receptive language?

-answers Yes/No questions and What/Who/Where questions correctly

-Follows three-step related commands

-Understands the concepts of one and all

-Understands the concepts of size and location

-Identifies parts of an object and action words

what are some speech and language milestones for 3 year olds in speech?

Uses all vowels accurately and some consonants accurately: m, b, p, d, n, h, w

what are some pragmatic milestones for 3 year olds?

-Increases ability to maintain topic

-Takes four-five turns within a conversation

-Improves ability to engage listener and to respond to listener feedback

what are some speech and language milestones for 4 year olds in receptive language?

-Answers simple Why questions

-Follows three-step UNrelated commands (sometimes with repetition or assistance)

-Understands quantity concepts (i.e. more)

-Understands spatial concepts (i.e. through, around, behind, beside, above)

-Understands the concept of inclusion (i.e. each)

what are some speech and language milestones for 4 year olds in expressive language?

-Discusses remote events (related to direct questions)

-Uses four-word sentences consistently

-Accurately describes action pictures

-Answers Why questions appropriately

what are some speech and language milestones for 4 year olds in speech?

Uses all vowels accurately and some consonants accurately: m, b, p, t, d, n, h, w, k, g, f

what are some pragmatic milestones for 4 year olds?

-Demonstrates a form of motherese when addressing younger children

Uses twice as many affective utterances than a two year old

Able to stay on established topic for approximately ¾ of utterances

what are some speech and language milestones for 5 year olds in receptive language?

-Responds to Which questions appropriately

-Comprehends temporal relationships

-Comprehends vocabulary of increasing complexity

what are some speech and language milestones for 5 year olds in expressive language?

-Verbalizes age

-Expresses personal preferences verbally

-Follows a sequence of activities and provides a logical conclusion

-Repeats sentences exactly

what are some speech and language milestones for 5 year olds in speech?

Uses all vowels and consonants accurately with the possible exception of the following distortions: s, z, l, r, th, sh, ch(all of which are expected to be accurately produced by 8 years of age)