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40 Cards in this Set

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Primary tension
Social Tension and discomfort in members that stems from interpersonal sorces
The express struggle that occurs when interdependent parties perceive incompatible goals or scarce resources.
The discrepancy between what should be happening and what actually is happening.
Distributed leadership
The concept that group leadership is responsibility of the group as a whole not just a design leader.
Program Evaluation and Review Technique
Group Climate
Group emotional and relational atmosphere
Critical Thinking
Solving through logic and reasoning
Question of Value
What is right good or acceptable
Traits approach
Leader has certain approach that distinguish them from followers
Importance or power of a member
Member who influences others through communication
Informal rule enforced by peer pressured
Follow group norms
Anticipatory phase
Group solicitation phase of initial expectations
Autocratic leaders
Leaders who try to dominate and control a group
Make a leap from fact to conclusion
Group think
The tendency of some groups not to subject information reasoning, and proposals to through critical analysis
Assimilation Phase
Full member integration
Demonstrates lack of understanding and concerns indifferent
A group member that differs in some important way from the rest of the group members
Substantive conflict
Conflict resulting from disagreement over ideas information reasoning or evidence
The speaker committee debated whether one entertaining or educational speaker would be better
Affective Conflict
Resulting from personality clashes, like dislikes, and competition of powers.
Speaker series committee member Lori and Kevin did not like each other and missed no opportunity to disagree or belittle each other
Procedural Conflict
Conflict Resulting from disagreement about how to do something
Members of a group may disagree about whether they should make decisions by consensus of whether majority rule will suffice.
Inequality conflict
Conflict about perceived unequal workload or contributions to the group efforts
Members who band together to pool their resources and power to try to increase their bargain leverage
Distributive Approach
Fixed resources must be distributed among parties to the conflict; thus whenever someone wins, someone else losses.
Integrative Approach
The conflict management approach that assumes that solutions can be created to satisfy every party to the conflict
Conflict management Styles
Avoidance Accommodation Competition Collaboration Conciliatory Remarks Compromise
Ignores conflict
One person appeases or gives in to the other
One person attempts to dominate or force the outcome to his advantage
The assertive cooperative conflict management style that assumes a solution can be found that fully meets the needs of all parties to a conflict.
Each party must give up something to get something
Communication strategies used for preserving ones own or others self esteem.
5 steps P-Mops
Identify problem
possible solutions
Evaluate solutions
Decision making
Group Polarization
Groups make more extreme decisions that they would make individually
Ad Hominem Attack
Attacks person rather than the argument
Evaluate various options
False Dilemma
incorrectly poses as an either or choice
Faulty Analogy
stretches an analogy too far and has limited credibility