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48 Cards in this Set

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What are 4 ways to manage your speech anxiety?
Know your audience
Be prepared
Re-create the speech environment when you rehearse
Seek speaking opportunities
What are 3 characteristics of effective speakers?
Organizes Ideas
Chooses the right words
Is Ethical
What is a benefit of public speaking?
Sharpens critical thinking and listening skills.
What is the top quality employers seek?
communication skills
What are 3 functions of public speaking in society?
Provides information
Influences thought
Stimulates action
What 3 things makes a Good Public speaker?
self confidence
What is intrapersonal communication?
communication that occurs within yourself
What is Interpersonal communication?
Communication between two people
What is small group communication?
Communication with three or more people
What is mass communication?
communicating through mass media: tv, radio, films etc..
Separating audience and speaker and limiting feedback is an example of what type of communication?
Mass communication
what do effective group participants do?
Pursue a collective mind while avoiding groupthink.
What does rule number 12 from brain rules address?
that we are powerful and natural explorers (essay Q)
Curiosity is the most vital part of the brain.
The 5 barriers to effective listening are:
Prematurely rejecting a topic, Suffering from information overload, thinking about personal concerns, succumbing to distractions, judging too quickly
What are the two types of barriers to listening?
External and internal
What is audience analysis?
A process of examining information about the expected listeners to a speech.
What 5 things are included in demographic analysis?
age, gender, culture/ethic or racial background, religion, educational level.
what 3 things are included in attitudinal analysis?
Attitude (reflects likes or dislikes)
Belief (what you hold to be true)
Values (Enduring concepts of good and bad, right or wrong)
What are the 3 basic approaches to audience analysis?
Demographic, Attitudinal and Environmental (essay Q)
What are the 3 guidelines to supporting your speech?
Brief examples, Extended illustrations, Hypothetical illustrations.
what is extended illustrations?
Resembles a story. Has a plot, which includes an opening, complications, a climax, and resolution.
What are two forms of support for a speech?
Explanation and description
A statement that makes clear how something is done or why it exists in its present or past form is
an explanation
what is an analogy?
Gives you increased understanding but unlike a definition, it deals with complex relations. Increases understanding through comparisons
Personal knowledge and experience can be used as what?
supporting material
What are the 4 things you should do when developing a research plan?
Develop a preliminary bibliography
Locate materials you need
determine which material is most important
take notes as you read
what 3 things should you do when you take notes as you read?
read carefully
Write down ideas and information
use a consistent format
PSA stands for:
Public speaking anxiety
what are the 3 reasons to speak?
to entertain, inform and to persuade.
What are our two roles in class?
Audience and speaker
what are the 3 ways to learn in class?
Book, lectures and florida online
What are 3 reasons a speaker may feel anxious?
lack of preparation, fear of being judged, being the center of attention.
what are the 4 stages of public speaking?
pre-preparation, researching topic, waiting to speak, giving the speech.
How many step are in the speech making process?
what 2 expectations do we as listeners bring to a speech?
credibility and honesty
What are civil liberties?
the right to express ourselves (freedom of speech)
what are civil rights?
the right to be protected from speech that harms.
attitudes are:
likes and dislikes
beliefs are:
perceptions of reality
values are:
what we believe is right or wrong
what is the most important thing and intro must include?
a central idea
selective perception hearing means?
that no two listeners perceive sound the same way
What two factors influence what we listen to?
things we find important and things that touch on our experiences and backgrounds.
anything that comperes for attention you try to five someone else is?
a distraction
define defensive listening
deciding that you won't like what the speaker says or that you know better than them.
A claim does what?
states the speakers conclusion based on evidence.
What is critical thinking?
ability to evaluate claims on the basis of well supported reasons.
assumptions are based on what? This is what type of evidence?
Empirical evidence