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150 Cards in this Set

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Communication is considered a process of using messages to generate meaning because it is…

An activity or exchange instead of an unchanging product

Understanding another person’s messages does not occur unless

Comon meanig for words, phrase, and noverbal codes are licted

The process of translating an idea or a thought into a code is known as


Which communication principle considers variables such as verbal, nonverbal, and behavioral aspects?

Communication is complicated

Intrapersonal is communication _______ and interpersonal communication is communication_________.

Within the self; between two or more people

A main difference between public communication and mass communication is that

Public communication allows for feed back

Which of the following is defined as the ability to effectively exchange meaning through a common system of symbols, signs, or behaviors?

Communication competence

Ethical standards within the communication discipline have been created by the

National communication association

Studying communication is essential because it can

Improve the way you see yourself and the way others see you

Which of the following may be the result of physiological factors, past experiences and roles, and present conditions?

Differences in perception

When you respond to a speaker with a verbal or non-verbal cue, you are

Giving feed back

By neglecting some stimuli and focusing on other stimuli, you are engaging in which process of perception?


________ is an organizational method whereby missing information is filled in to create the appearance of a complete unit, and ______ is another organizational technique whereby elements are grouped based on similarities in size, shape and color.

Closure; similarity

The more ambiguous the stimuli,

The more room for interpretation

Perceptual constancy results because of

Past experiences and roles

A system of shared beliefs, values, customs. And

behaviors is known as a


Selection occurs in perception in all of the following ways except


Which of the following is perceptual error frequently made by people

Believing stereotypes about people who are different from themselves

When people seek to present an ideal version of themselves, they are engaging in?

Identity management

First impressions

Based on peoples appearance

Which of the following is not a characteristic of language?

Is concrete

Because messages can vary depending on the situation, to examine the context of the communication is important. The concept is called


Which statement reflects the relationship between language and culture?

Culture creates a lens through which we perceive the world and create shared meanin

When doctors communicate with technical language, they are using


One way to improve language skills is to restate the content of the other person’s message, a process called


A word’s dictionary definition is its ______ meaning, and an individualized of personalized definition is its ______meaning

Denotative and connotative

Communication may be hindered in all the following cases except when

We use descriptive language

Dating is important because

You clarify a perception based on a particular experience in a specific contex

Which of the following terms refers to a disrespectful language?


When you describe observed behavior instead of offering personal reactions, you are

Using descriptiveness

What is included in nonverbal communication?

Non-word vocalizations as well as non-vocalized cues

Nonverbal codes work together with vocalized words to

Contradict and substitute

One of the difficulties on interpreting nonverbal codes is

One code may communicate several different meanings

Bodily movement, facial expression, the use of time, and vocal cues, among other actions are examples of

Nonverbal codes

When interpreting nonverbal communication, it is important to consider


Pointing to your wrist while asking for the time is an example of a(n)


Compared to those who are unattractive, physically attractive people

Are treated differently as children

With regard to chronemics, Americans of high status

Are granted the opportunity to arrive late

In relation to gender and tactile communication, which of the following is true?

Women are touched more than men

Which of the following provide physical and psychological protection, permit personal expression, and communicate age, gender, socioeconomic class, and personality

Affect displays

Hearing is a _______ process, and listening is a ______ process

Physical; mental

Which of the following statements is true?

When communicating, college students spend over half their lives listening

After your brain has sorted out sound waves by importance, it processes the material in a part of you consciousness termed

    1. Working memory

When you are listening and attempting to understand the other person’s worldview, what type of listening are you utilizing?


If you are thinking about what happened last weekend at college while listening to your mother on the phone, you are exhibiting what type of barrier to listening?

Mental distraction

Which gender tends to listen in order to solve problems, is less attentive to nonverbal cues and interrupts to switch topics?


Critical thinking

Is important when making judgments about the message being presented

Asking questions to clarify information, paraphrasing messages, and identifying confusing areas are examples of

Techniques for checking your understanding of a message

Suggestions for lecture listening include

Finding areas of interest to you, avoid distractions, and listening for main ideas

The ability to locate, evaluate, effectively use information is an important trait known as

Information literacy

Which is not an element if an interpersonal relationship?

Its patterns of interaction are inconsistent

Interpersonal relationships are important because

They fulfill our needs for inclusion, affection and control

An extrovert being friends with an introvert demonstrates which type of relationship


Obsession, jealousy, gossip, and mental abuse are examples of

Possible negative qualities of some interpersonal relationships

Which of the following statements regarding friendship is true?

The quality of the friendships is affected by other psychological predispositions

If two people in a relationship start to merge their social circles and purchase items together they are exhibiting actions in the

Rational development stage

We may begin a relationship with someone based on how desirable that person is to work with in the classroom. This type of motivation is called


A motivation for terminating a relationship by deliberately making somebody believe untrue things labeled

Deceptive communication

Your childhood nickname and the pet name your significant other calls you are examples of

Personal idioms

Which of the following is very important in interpersonal communication given that relationships between people are constantly changing?

Behavioral flexibility

Which of the following statements is not true?

Communication with people from other cultures is becoming increasing uncommon

How does dominate culture differ from a non-dominate culture

The dominate culture makes the rules

When marginalized groups try to fit in with the dominate group, they are attempting to achieve


when people being prejudices of their own culture to intercultural interactions, they are being


when people stereotype they

make a generalization about a group of people that oversimplifies their culture

cultures that are more concerned with individuality, competition and private property are which type of culture


an example of a non-dominant culture that does not try to fit into the dominant culture in the united states

the Amish

when you have a negative attitude about other people just because they are who they are, you are demonstrating


those who schedule their days are early for appointments and plan for the future are probably members of a(n)

on-time culture

if you are trying to improve your intercultural communication you should do which of the following?

Conduct a personal self-assessment

“group meet needs” “groups are everywhere” and “working effectively in groups requires training” are statements that explain

Reason for studying small-group communication

What is true about small groups?

    1. Compromised of 3-9 people

    2. Members are interdependent

    3. Group members work toward a common goal

    4. All of the above are correct

A type of group online focuses on interdependent work among members is called


A process of using communication to influence the behaviors and attitudes of others to meet group goals and to benefit the group is


According to French and Raven, referent power is

Power based on others admiration and respect

Creating a discussion question, evaluating prospective solutions and brainstorming and evaluating alternatives are steps in

Group decision making

Informal rules for group interaction, the emotional tone created within a group, and group member roles are compromised in

A groups culture

Which of the following statements is true?

Technology can be utilized to help facilitate communication within small groups

When communicating with other group members you should

Relate your remarks to previous statements

To manage group conflict ethically, members must

A willing to listen to and compromise with others

An organization with this orientation generates and distributes power and control within society


Information flows in an organization through patterns of relationships known as

Communication of networks

When information is transferred formally between a worker and his or her boss, which type of communication takes place


Which of the following is a true statement regarding written credentials?

An effective resume contains good style, content, format

When preparing for and taking part in an interview, you should

Ask and answer questions effectively and ethically

By smiling, gesturing and using facial expressions in the workplace to create perceptions of psychological closeness with others, you are enacting


Which technique of conflict management is used to maintain relationship harmony but to stifle creative dialogue and decision making?


Customer service representatives may use which of the following compliance-gaining strategies in which the representative implies that it is immoral not to comply?

Moral appeals

Conflict in the workplace can be

    1. Destructive

    2. Productive

    3. Neither a nor b

    4. Both a and b

If your boss tells you that you can leave work early on Fridays if you go on a date with him or her, he or she is utilizing a type of sexual harassment called

Quid pro quo sexual harassment

What is one basic strategy to keep in mind when selecting a topic for presentation?

Begin with a subject you already know

After choosing a topic, what should you do?

    1. Evaluate the importance of your topic

    2. Determine how much you and your audience know about the topic

    3. Evaluate your commitment to the topic

    4. All the above are correct

Why is narrowing your topic important?

To save time and effort

When you investigate the audiences demographics, interests and concerns you are

Analyzing the audience

Which level of audience analysis includes collective data about the characteristics of people?


Deeply rooted belief that affects how we act toward an idea or a concept is a(n)


A method of audience analysis that draws tentative generalization based on some evidence is


If you ask people to rank concepts in order of importance or you ask them questions that place individuals into identifiable groups, you are

Conducting a questionnaire

Which method of analysis requires using your senses to interpret information about the audience


Which is not true of immediate purposes?

They are stated from the viewpoint of the speaker

Which of the following statements regarding source credibility is NOT true?

Source credibility is something a speaker possesses

Which aspect of source credibility is the degree to which of the speaker is perceived as honest, friendly, and honorable?


If a person speaks with vocal variety, moves toward the audience, or uses facial expressions and gestures, he or she is exhibiting which aspect of credibility?


Which of the following results in higher credibility?

Effective delivery skills

Which of the following cannot be effectively utilized when gathering evidence for your speeches?

A friends speech

Which type of source undergoes blind peer review to ensure high-quality information and contains specified studies?

Academic journal articles

Brief notations in tour outline that indicate a reference used in your speech are called____ references, whereas_____ references are complete citations that appear in the references section of the speech outline

Internal, bibliographic

When evaluating sources, you should ensure that the supporting material

Is verifiable

Which type of supporting material includes written or oral statements of others experiences?

Testimonial evidence

Information used to substantive arguments and clarify a speakers position is called

Supporting material

Which function of the introduction shows how the topic is related to the audience?

Arousing audience interest

Stating your purpose in the introduction

Is important because audience members are more likely to learn and understand if your expectations are clear

When developing the body of a speech you must

Select, prioritize, and organize

Which of the following statements is not true about outlining?

All items of information in your outline do not need to be directly related to the speeches purpose and long range goal

Which type of outline consists mostly of important words or phrases but not complex information?


If you are giving a speech about parking problem at your school with possible means to resolve it, which organizational pattern would be best?


When a presenter explains a progression of events in chronological order, he or she is most likely using which organizational pattern?


Which of the following help speakers move from one idea to another by reviewing, stating a relationship, and forecasting?


Reminding the audience of the speech’s central idea and main points, specifying what is expected of audience members and ending soundly are functions of the


A reference list is

Sources that you actually used in your presentation

Which method of delivery encourages you to improvise and speak without pervious research or preparation?


A disadvantage of a presentation delivered in the memorized method is

The removal of spontaneity and the danger of forgetting

“umms” and “ahhs” that disrupts a speakers fluency are termed

Vocalized pauses

____ is the highness or lowness of a speakers voice and ____ is to the smoothness of delivery and flow of words

Pitch; fluency

Gesture are movements of the head, arms, and hands

That convey a relationship with the audience

With regard to movement the speaker should

Avoid turning his other back to the audience

If you are nervous or anxious about giving your presentation you may be experiencing

Communication apprehension

Why are visual resources used?

People tend to learn and retain more when they see and listen

When using power point you should

Vary your slides to keep the presentation interesting

The rule of thirds divides a slide into how many hot zones


The goal of informative presentations is to

Increase an audience knowledge or understanding of a topic

How do you make an informational topic interesting to the audience?

Relate your own experiences

Which is not an appropriate topic for an informative presentation

Everyone should donate blood

If audiences are able to describe information or define words related to your topic during and after the presentation you have successfully accomplished your

Immediate behavioral purposes

The first step in planning your presentation should be

Determining what objectives you want your audience to meet

Asking rhetorical questions and arousing curiosity are two ways a speaker can create

Information hunger

When presenting information to an audience, a topics importance, novelty, and usefulness is a key factor known as

Information relevance

Which of the following is not a guide line to follow when choosing the content of your presentation

Develop as many main ideas and use as many details as possible to make the presentation interesting

When organizing the content of your presentation you should

Use transitions to increase understanding

______ simplify of clarify ideas while stimulating audience attention, and ______ is when you show the audience what you are explaining.

Explanations; demonstrating

The intention of a persuasive presentation is to

Change listeners minds or behavior

If an audience likes you and your message less after the presentation than likely they did before, what term correctly describes what has taken place?

Boomerang effect

When a presenter attempts to convince listeners to stop a current behavior, what has taken place?


If your evidence meets the tests of evidence, it will do all the following except

Overlook counterevidence

When resisting persuasion from sales people and ads, you should do all of the following except

Avoid using your own values as a check against fraudulent claims

Which type of argument uses a series of individual instances that lead to a generalization?


You can rebut a deductive argument by questioning the

Major premise

Which of the following statements regarding argument organization is true?

Familiar arguments have more effect than novel arguments

In the Monroe Motivated Sequence, the visualization step includes

Demonstrating how the solution will benefit the audience

Which ethical standard to follow when preparing and delivering a persuasive presentation?

Attack the other persons character instead of his or her evidence, sources, or logic