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47 Cards in this Set

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what is giantism

growth beyond 2 standard deviation and genetic range

what causes giantism

excessive IGFI and GH

only pre-puebal when growth plate still open

what are the managment of gigantism

-treat underlying cause -Transsphenoidal surgery


what is the medication for gigantism

somatsatin analogue (Oct

dopamine agonist


what are some major complication with pituary tumor

blindness with tumor

hormone imbalance

what is the surgical approach for pituitary tumor

transsphnodial approach

what are the pre op for transsphnodial approach

assessment- baseline , teaching , pain management, bowel and oral preparation , IV cortisisal to prevent adrenal defiency

what are the post op abc for transophnodial surgery

Airway - packing insite, avoid straining

brething - o2 as need be and advise using mouth

Cirrculation- assess vital sign , assess urinary output ,

what are some of the neurological care for post op transohnodial surgery

prop up 30-45 to promote drainage

monitor ICP

monitor for meningitis

monitor for CSF drainage

monitor for visual

monitor for motor functioning

what are some wound care that should be giving

clean the moustche dressing as need be

do not remove packing \

monitor for bleeding , CSF leakage or infection

what are some medication that should be adminster for post op transsphenoidal surgery

IV mannitol to reduce ICP

IV dexamethasone then later oral


pain med PRN

what are some other important post op care for transsphenoidal surgery

monitor for DI , hormoneal inffenicy .

avoid straining to the site , courghing and bending over etc

what are some of the SS of cushing syndrome

General apperence - moon and puffy face

interaugmentery- skin is easily bruised , thinning , red striae , osterporisis .

metabolism- hyperglyemia and HT and increased appetite and weight gain

immune - delayed immune response + wound heal

Hormonal activity - menstrual disorder , hair growth

GI - gastric ulcer and increased gastic juice prodution

Emotional unstablity

what are the treatment for Cushing/ Hyper

Surgery - underlying cause

Radiation -radiactive isotope (for targeted p/t)

Pharmcological treatment ( inoperatable case)

-somatostatin -> decrease ACTH secretion

ketocongazle (nizoral) and cytadren to inhibit cortical production

what are some nursing diagnosis for Cushing

excessive fluid volumne related to sodium retenstion

Risk of infection

-protein, vitamin A and C

disturbed body image

risk of injury

what are the treatment for addision diseases

lifeong replacement therapy

increase sodium in diet

what are some of the education that should be given

Drug compliance

-information on dosage etc

-Teach importance of drug, side effect (e.g. weight gain and puffy face ) and

-Consume food with medication to avoid gastic irriatation

-reinforce the life time taking of drugs and life threatening

Self -Monitoing

-Body weight for water retention

- observe for adrenal insuffiency

life style changes

-adjust dosage in time of great stress

-inform doctor of the need of dosage change

-wear medical bracelet

-carry emergency kit

what are the managment for addisoian crisis

0.9% NaCl

correct electrolyte imbalance

D5 to corect hypogly

high hydrocotisone

treat infection

shock managment to ensure airway

what are the nursing diagnosis for Addison diseases

activity intolerence

fluid volumne defcieit

ineffective treatment regieme

risk of injury

what are the nursing mangagement for Pheochromocytoma

risk for injury

-avoid caffine

-give med

-vital sign

-quiet envroment

what are the nursing care of hypothyroidism

- imbalanced nutrition; decreased metabolism , less cal needed .-> low cal diet until body stablize -> increase activity to compensate lower metabolic rate

-actviity intolerence

monitor vital sign , schedule rest and activity in between , drug compliance




-stool softener , fiber , water , excercise , habitude bowel opening

what is the pharmcological treatment for hyperthryodism


PTU( inhbit t3 t 4 conversion ) methimzaole (disrupt TH synthesis)


what are the other option for hyperthyrodism

Surgery and radioactive iodine salt

what are some of the patient education that should be given after RIS treatment

avoid pregency for 6 months

avoid young children for 1 week

sleep alone for 1 week

avoid pregent women

avoid sharing utensil

report abnormaility esp S/S of hypo or hyper

what are the post op care that should be given to pt with thyroidsectomy

assess for largyenyal damage

assess of latent tetany

assess for wound condition

prevent haemogragge

respitary support


what are some clinical precaution of HbA1c

normal pt should be lower than 7%

-anemia false low count

-polycynthemia false high count

- inaccuracy due to high turn over

what are some care toward metformin ?

first line of drug for t2

-avoid alchol

what are some drug that affect BG

raise bg



lower BG



-isonazid (TB)

what is GI

how fast it takes to affect BG

what are some benifit of excercise

- need to break up sedemntary lifestyle more than 90 mins

-improve BP

-improve insulin resistence

-improve glucose uptake in muscle group and reliance on carbohydrate

how to prevent hypoglyemcia before excercise

keep simple and complex CHO during excercise

avoid injection in excercise limb

discuss need for medication adjustment for excercise day

small snack before bed if CBP is below 5.6

what is the treatment of hypoglyecmia

10-15g of simple CHO

recheck after 15 mins

if noprimove , repeat step1

complex 10-15 g of CHO

why is pancretic CA hard to detect

no specfic symptoms and too similar to other disease

hidden behind other organ

what are some SS of panretic CA

dark clary urine ,

upper abdominal pain that radiate to back \

loss of appetite

weight loss

juandice and white eyes

what is the more common form of pancreas CA

exocrine - in the duct

what are the different surgery for pancreas CA

whipple surgery -head of pancrease , small intestenine , smoach , gall blader

distal - body and tail of pancrease , and spleen

what is a important drug for pancreas



what are the medication for severe DI

DDAVP effective short term medi nasal spray vs injection

presstin (tannate) long term

what are the medication for mild DI



what should be considered for chlorpropamide

it could induce hypoglyemcia

what medication should be used for nephrogenic

diuretic -thizdime for sodium excerection


amilorde - reduce lithium

what are the nursing intervention for DI ?

fluid volumne deficit

- monitor BW

-monitor IO

- assess sign of dehyration - skin turgor , BP , rhytham , sunken eyes

-warn of excessive drinking

- LOC and thirst level , vital sign

-IV therapy , 0.5 mmol/m of serum sodium , IV care

-monitor Urine and serum electrolyte

Actvity intolerence



medication care

-DDVAP-> URI , allergic rhitits , nasal congestion

-Vessopressin - GI persistatsi , care when injection , cardiac status

Patient education

-fluid level

-self monitor


-FU and medical alert bracelet

what are bromocriptine (parlodel) for ?

supress protactin

what should be considered for when giving ocetoride (somatostatin)

reduce the dosage of insulin for DM patient

how do you manage MYXEDEMA COMA

IV thyroxine

glucosteroid supportive measure

support hypothermia

treat infeciton

cardio& respiratory support

what are the nursing managment for addision disease

fluid balance

-encourage intake


-monitor dehyration

-orthostatic hypertension

-serum electrolyte

Activity intolerence

-rest and activity scheudle

-reintroduce activity as tolereated


risk of ineffective therupatic

-same as education

what is the definate managment for PHPT

parathyroidectomy. and for aspytomatic then its monitoring