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97 Cards in this Set

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conscious awareness of stimuli


the automatic adjustment in the lens to permit retina to focus.

somatic senses

receptors for stimuli from body and element

visceral senses

receptors for stimuli from internal organs


senses movement


senses chemicals


senses light


senses temperature


senses pain

free nerve endings

open dendrites

name a touch recpector

pacinian corpuscle


a way of knowing where a body part is located

Bowman's glands

produce secretion for mucus

Basal cells

regenerating cells

lingual papillae

bumps on the tongue

what does microvilli do?

increase surface area

what are the primary tastes

sweet, sour, salty, umami, bitter



meibomian glands

located on the base of the eyelid that secrete oil

lacrimal caruncle

flesh part on the inside eye (medial)

orbital fat

cushions the eye into the eye socket

levator palpabra superious

muscle that raises the upper eyelid

oribularis oculi

ring around the eye

palpebral conjunctiva

lines the eyelid

ocular conjunctiva

lines the eyeball

lacrimal gland with ducts

secrete tears

what type of gland is the lacrimal gland

exocrine gland

lacrimal canaliculi

superior and inferior canals

lacrimal sac

sits in lacrimal fossa

nasolacrimal duct

drains into nose passages

what are tears purpose?

to wash the eye

what is the process of a tear?

starts in the lacrimal gland then it goes to the lacrimal canaliculi then it drains to the lacrimal sac and lastly the nasolacrimal duct

what is a tunic?

a layer

fibrous tunic contains what?

the sclera


the white part of the eye


the clear part of the eye

vascular tunic contain?

contains blood and lymphatic vessels


colored part of the eye


hole in the center of the iris

what does the pupil allow?

light to pass through

pupillary constrictor muscle

constricts the pupil

pupillary dilator muscle

dilates the pupil

ciliary body

controls shape of lens

suspensory ligaments

attach lens to the ciliary body


rest of the vascular tunic

what are the three layers of the eyeball?

fibrous, vascular and neural tunic

what is the neural tunic?


What type of receptors are in the neural layer?


pigmented part

absorbs the dark

where are photorecptors found?

in the neural tunic


are able to detect photoreceptors, only sees black and white and can be activated by light


detects wave lengths, see color, require lots of light

What type of neurons are rods and cons


where does the bipolar neurons converge?

the optic disc

Rods contain what pigment?


what is rhodopsin made of?

retinal and opsin

what activates the rhodopsin?


what deactivates rhodopsin?

the dark

macula lutea

are only cones, no rods

what is at the center of the macula lutea?

the fovea centralis

what is the fovea centralis

the clearest point of vision

what type of humor does the anterior chamber have?

aqueous humor

where is the anterior chamber

from the cornea to the iris

what kind of humor does the posterior chamber have?

aqueous humor

what kind of humor does the vitreous chamber have?

vitreous humor

where is the posterior chamber located?

from the iris to the lens

where is the vitreous humor located?

everything behind the lens

what is glaucoma?

a pressure build up behind the lens

what does the lens do?

refracts light


clouding of the lens

what is emmetropic?

normal eyesight






the outer ear

what does the auricle do?

collects the sound waves

external acoustic meatus

the ear canal

ceruminous gland does what?

secrete cerumin

what separates the outer and middle ear?

tympanic membrane

what does the tympanic membrane do?

converts sound waves into vibrations

what are the three bones of the ear?

the malleus, the incus and the stapes

what does the oval window allow?

vibrations into the inner ear

what does the round window allow?

vibrations our of the inner ear

tensor tympani muscle connects to what?

the tympanic membrane

stapedius muscle connects to what?

connects to the stapes

inner ear has what?

a bony labyrinth lined on the inside by the membranous labyrinth

what is the fluid outside the membranous labyrinth?


what is the fluid inside of the membranous labyrinth?


how many parts does the bony labyrinth?


where does the vestibular duct lead?

into the spiral

where does the tympanic duct lead?

out of the spiral

The semicircular canals contain what?

semicircular ducts

where are ampulla?

at the base of the semicircular canals

where are the cristae ampullaris located?

inside of the ampulla

what shape are cristae ampullaris?


What are cupula?

jelly like substance that contains hair receptor cells

what does hair receptor cells have?


what are in the saccule and utricle?
