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69 Cards in this Set

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Number of children serviced by special ed in US
6.8 Million
special education
specially designed instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of a child
related services
free services designed to enable special ed as described in the IEP, speech pathology, transportation, identification, counseling
supplementary aids and services
services or things to help a SPED child in the regular classroom to maximum potential, preferential seating, computer software, para
1800s attention to children, Itard's wild child, first US in Cleveland in 1875, industrialization, compulsory education, ungraded classes, Brown v Board 1954
Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v. The Commonwealth of PA
1972, education tailored to needs, couldn't deny education, free education for all
Mills v Board of Ed
1972, specific procedures would determine SPED eligibility and resolve disputes between parents and school
Diana v State Board of Ed
1970, test students in their own language
Larry P v Riles
1972, tests cannot discriminate based on race
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
first federal SPED law (1965), funding for states to make and improve SPED
PL 94-142 (Education of the Handicapped)
1975, basis for all subsequent laws, found nonschooled SPED kids, enforced court decisions
1986 - included young children
1990 - renamed, added autism and traumatic brain injury
1997 - discipline, parent, class teacher, assessment
2004 - minor
zero reject
entitles all student with disabilities, even in private schools, to free public education, accomplished by a child find system
FAPE - free appropriate public education
parents bear no cost to SPED, related, or supp
LRE - least restrictive environment
setting most like that of typical peers in which they can succeed when provided the needed supports and services
nondiscriminatory evaluation
-tests in native language
-tests appropriate for age and characteristics
-more than one test to decide
-knowledgeable administrator
-assessment in all suspected areas
highly confidential - not shared with anyone not directly working with the student, record of anyone who looks, parents can see whenever and dispute, destroyed when no longer needed
504 of Rehabilitation Act
1973, first civil rights legislation to protect SPEDs: no qualified handicapped person can be discriminated against in federally-funded activities because of the handicap, has no federal funding (local school district)
Americans with Disabilities Act
1990, most comprehensive legislation, public and private sectors of society (libraries, restaurants, etc), all buildings have access ramps, employee hiring bias
categories of disability in IDEA
1. learning disability
2. speech or language impairments
3. mental retardation
4. emotional disturbance
5. deaf and blind
6. visual impairment
7. hearing impairment
8. orthopedic/physical impairment
9. other health impairment
10. autism
11. traumatic brain injury
12. multiple disabilities
13. developmental delays
not included in IDEA
-at risk
a belief shared by every member of a school as a learning community about the responsibility of educating all students so that they reach their potential (not limited to physical location), includes differentiated curriculum, proved with mild but not severe
universal design for learning
ensuring that students with disabilities can access a curriculum, teachers design instruction from beginning to meet needs of all learners rather than adjust
positive behavior supports
behavior standards, look at context of problem behavior, carefully define issue and proposed solutions
way professionals interact with parents - not a goal, but a means for an end
how to work with parents
1. emphasize positives
2. respect uniqueness
3. recognize difference in understandings
4. match strategies and resources to family preferences
1. all students assessed once/yr in reading and math, results available to public
2. must be assessed in english after 3 yrs of US instruction
3. AYP by 2013
4. Title I schools that fail 2 yrs in a row must offer tutoring, school transfers, improvement plan
5. highly qualified teachers
special education teachers
provide day-to-day instruction and other support for students with disabilities (remedial, developmental, or strategic), prepare adapted materials, report progress
bilingual SPEDs
knowledge of language proficiency, assessment tools and techniques, cultural and linguistic diversity, effective delivery of instruction
early childhood SPEDs
know about a wide range of disabilities, go to homes, special centers, kindergartens, Head Start
speech language pathologist
1. diagnose language needs
2. design intervention
3. deliver service
4. monitor progress
school psychologist
licensed to administer intelligence tests etc to diagnose SPED, communicate info to parents, understand social/emotional needs, work with others and families to design interventions, can be directly with students or not
school counselor
work with all students, problem solvers, personal problems, pick appropriate courses, life direction
school social worker
work with all students of need, coordinate teachers, families, and outside agencies
school nurse
work with all students, interpret medical info, administer meds, connect physician and school, educate staff about medical issues, attend to misc needs
educational interpreter
work with deaf or hard of hearing regularly in all areas (gen ed, SPED, assemblies, etc)
general education teacher
implementing UDL, manage social environment, know curriculum expectations
work under direction of teacher/other professional to deliver services to SPED students, varies by state (tutor, student's personal assistance, push wheelchair)
teacher/intervention assistance team
after teacher tries everything and contacts parents, presents situation to board. goal of generating ideas to prevent SPED
response to intervention team
get help as soon as identified, gather clear data (continuous progress monitoring)
Tier 1 - using research for high quality instruction
Tier 2 - small-group instruction with supports and intense strategies
Tier 3 - one-to-one instruction
Then SPED ok'ed.
multidisciplinary team goal checklist
after RTI fails, diverse planning group
1. whether student has disability
2. whether disability negatively affects educational performance
3. whether needs can be addressed through SPED
Prepare IEP and monitor
parent rights
1. request and give permission for testing
2. informed in writing about procedures
3. child tested in first language
4. be full members of the team that decides what services, how often, and how much
5. can request IEP at any time
6. can withdraw permission at any time
7. children free appropriate education
8. LRE
9. written notification of reevaluation, placement change, decision not to evaluate, decision not to change disputed placement
10. informal dispute resolution, mediation, impartial hearing
11. access to records within 45 days of formal request, request changes in inaccurate info, give permission to view
12. kept informed of progress as often as typical students
IDEA assessment components
1. vision and hearing screening
2. intellectual
3. achievement
4. social and behavioral
5. developmental history
6. others as needed
IDEA assessment requirements
1. assessment instrument must be valid and reliable, free of prejudice
2. administered by a trained professional following test directions
3. take into account possible impact of suspected disability
made by multidis team, summarizes info about student, sets expectations of learning, prescribes types and amounts of services, must include all areas of concern (academic, social, behavioral, communication, physical, vocational), dictate related and supplementary, make benchmarks, participation with nondisabled peers, testing accommodations
1. annually, teachers meet with parents, update and renew info (minor changes can be made outside of meeting)
2. three years, reassessment with same procedures if needed
members of IEP team
1. parents
2. SPED teacher
3. gened teacher
4. school district rep
5. one who can interpret results
6. rep from outside agency providing transition services
7. student if old enough
8. others
continuum of placements
range of options for educating students with disabilities, least to most restrictive (less than 40% time in gened class, called separate)
dispute resolution
first step in resolving problems, within 15 days after complaint
2nd step in resolving issues, no cost, help parties to reach decision but not mediator decision
due process hearing
often heard by attorney acting as judge, if not satisfied can take to state,
complex system of underlying beliefs and attitudes that shapes the thoughts and behaviors of a group of people
cultural elements held in great esteem
overarching cultural norms (Americans are independent)
subgroups of a culture (race, religion, gender, age, etc)
knowledge construction process
the way that a framework is used to develop, approve, and disseminate new info (decision outside of school realm, hard to control)
field independent
analytical, focus on specifics, organized instruction into steps, independent work and individual recognition
field sensitivity
holistic approach, context of situations, broader concepts before details, hands-on tasks, working in groups
cultural dissonance
significant discrepancy between two or more cultural frames of reference
disproportionate representation
color not in gifted, color over in SPED
systemic bias
toward a particular group that occurs at multiple levels within a society or institution: curriculum and instruction, teacher attitude, SPED referral
RTI multicultural checks before SPED referral
1. teacher multicultural experience
2. teacher knowledge of specific culture
3. culture in curriculum
4. instruction towards language characteristics
5. instruction reflects cognitive style
6. overall quality of instruction and opportunity to learn
alternative assessment strategies
1. portfolio
2. performance
3. curriculum based (compared to class, not nation)
components of multicultural ed
1. content integration (diverse points of view)
2. knowledge construction (teachers choice in exploring cultural implications with students)
3. prejudice reduction (design activities this way)
4. equity pedagogy (lots of learning strategies)
5. empowering school culture (eradicating systemic bias)
ELL stats
3% of SPED, 73% of all ELLs spanish
bilingual ed
uses student's dominant language with english, can be just until mastery
teach english directly to students by professional in a different setting, no effort to develop or maintain original language
sheltered english
controlled vocab and sentence structure, prompting, concrete objects
steps for parent collaboration
1. intake/assessment (determine needs of each party)
2. selection of goals
3. planning and implementing activities
4. evaluating activities
5. review