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49 Cards in this Set

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1. Your are always communicating?
2. T
3. The opposite of the interpersonal is impersonal?
4. T
5. The action model of the communication includes feedback from the receiver.
6. F
7. In the general men are more likely to express positive emotions and feelings of vurnability then women are.
8. F
9. In a communication model the channel is by witch a message is transferred.
10. T
11. Rational emotive therapy clames that events don’t cause emotions that are our thoughts of the event cause the emotion
12. T
13. If you are unbable to listen to a proffesors lecture because your are upset about a fight you had with your sister you are suffering internal noise.
14. T
15. An important part of Rational emotive therapy is disputing irrational believes
16. T
17. If you use more words the meaning of your message will be clearer.
19. Language is not symbolic
20. F
21. The last step in listening is to respond
22. F
23. Meanings are in words not in people
24. F
25. Intrapersonal communication is when you communicating between 2 or more people,
26. F
27. Most people respond assertively when their personal space gets invaded
29. The first step listening is to attend
31. Almost every message has a content message and a relational message.
33. Metacommunicatio is communication about communication.
35. Very low food security instead of hunger is an example of double speak
36. T
37. Self esteem is how you feel about how you see yourself
39. Gender is biological sex is assidal
41. None verbal communication is always silent
43. The first step in perception is selection
44. T
45. According to the text men are required and are given more personal space then women.
46. T
47. Feeling that you own a particular seat in class is an example of territoriality
49. Although we are capapble of understanding speech about 600wpm person speeks 100-150 words per a minet
52. The procces by witch emotions are transfereed one person to another?
53. Contaging emotions
54. Which of the following is the I statement?
55. I noticed you didn’t say anything to my parents
56. Which is the following is an example of perception checking?
57. I know you didn’t say much at dinner tonight is everything ok or did something happen at work today
58. Which is view of interpersonal communication considers only the number people involved in the interaction in order to define the even as interpersonal.?
59. Quntatative
60. One skill for avoiding always or never is?
61. Dating
62. Rational Emotive therapy suggest which formula for expressing your emotions?
63. When you state the behavior I feel
64. Seeing yourself as you think others see you.
65. Reflected appraisal
66. Evaluate ourselves how we compare to others.
67. Social Comparison
• You anticipate having a bad time at a party you go to a party at a bad mood you end up having a bad time
o Self Fulfilling Prophecy
• Words that gain their meaning by comparison such as small are an example of
o Relative
• Which of the following is not a step of perception
o Reaction
• The denotative definition of a word is the
o Dictionary Definition
• “This probably isn’t right but” is an example of what type of language
o Powerless
• Language anounences the speakers attitude towards it
o Emotive Language
• The ability to walk a mile in someone’s shoes is called
o Empathy
• If you have appositive first impression of somebody it said that person has
o Halo
• The effect of attending for the first information you receive is called the
o Primacy Effect
• None Verbal Message that has one generally accepted meaning that most people agree on such as the hitch hikers thumb.
o Emblems
• Kinesics is the study of
o Body language
• Proxemics is the study of
o Study the Use of Space
• Chronemics
o The study of time
• Fake listening (acting like your listening)
o Sudo Listening
• When your response to someone is completely different topic what are they
o Irrelevant
• When your verbal message contradict none verbal message it is called
o Incongruous