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22 Cards in this Set

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What is damaged to cause spastic dysarthria?
bilateral damage to UMN’s of both the pyramidal and extrapyramidal tracts
Pyramidal tract damage results in...
contractions that are slow and weak
Extrapryamidal tract damage results in ...
increased muscle tone (spacticity), weakness, and perhaps abnormal oral motor reflexes
weakness and slowness may be most evident PERCEPTUALLY in ....
the lip and tongue movements
Perceptually the spacticity may be most evident in ...
the larynx (phonation).
- You are going to hear slow tongue and lip movements, resulting in incorrect consonants

- Tight, rough speech

- May effect velum causing hypernasality
Spastic Dysarthria is caused by....
any condition that can bilaterally damage UMN’s:

-Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
-Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
-Brain stem Tumors
What is the most common cause of SD?
- only when 2 or more occur in certain combos
- or a single stroke in the brainstem
ALS is a disease that results in ...
progressive degeneration of the Upper and Lower motor neurons

(life expectancy 22 months)
MS can cause SD how?
The myelin sheaths are distroyed or damaged not allowing axons to function properly. therefore can cause bilateral UMN damage on both sides of the brain
Anoxia can cause SD how?
lack of Oxygen to the brain can cause widespread damage to UMN on both sides of the brain.
What componants of Speech production can be effected in SD?
Articulation, prosody, phonation, resonance and respiration
What articulation errors are common in SD?
imprecise consonants-
- Due to slowness and weakness of tongue
- Also could be due to spacticity of the tongue causing this

Vowel Distortions-
-Due to velar stiffness
(not heard as frequently)
What are the phonatory errors in SD?
- Harsh Vocal Quality
*Old man voice
*most common

- Strained-strangled vocal quality
*Sounds like being strangled, can barley get anything out

-Low pitch
*Vocal chords are not as flexible therefore not able to vibrate as fast
*Not everyone has
What kind of resonance error occurs in SD?

- velum is not as flexible
- velum is not moving properly
- not as severe as it is in flaccid
What are the prosody errors in SD?
Monopitch and monloudness
*Voice is flat(mono) b/c he cannot stretch his vocal folds due to spacticity.
* monopitch is one of the most obvious characteristics of SD

Short phrases
*Because it is so fatiguing to talk for a long period of time (more severe cases)

Slow rate of speech
* probably caused by reduced speed and range and weakness of articulators
Name the nonspeech characteristics of SD
-Pseudobulbar affect
what is the pseudobulbar affect?
- Fairly common problem
- Affect the brainstem (usually)
- Nervous system damage that prevents a person from maintaining their normal emotional equilibrium
- These people will cry or laugh at inappropriate times (even though they may not want to)
What causes drooling in SD?
can be due to impaired oral control of saliva or less frequent swallowing
Name 3 good evaluation tasks for SD
conversational speech and reading, Alternate motion rate (AMR), Vowel prolongation
Name 3 Treatment exercises for phonation deficits
head and neck relaxation, easy onset of phonation, yawn-sigh exercises
Name 5 articulation treatments for SD
stretching exercises, intelligibility drills, phonetic placement, exaggerating consonants, inimal contrst drills
Name 2 types of resonance treatment for SD
surgical/prosthetic, exercise based