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85 Cards in this Set

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las afueras
the suburbs/outskirts
el alquiler
the rent/payment
el ama
the caretaker
el ama de casa
the housekeeper
el edificio de apartamentos
the apartment building
el vecino
the neighbor
la vivienda
the housing
to rent
to move (from one house to another)
el altillo
the attic
el balcón
the balcony
la cocina
the kitchen
el comedor
dining room
el dormitorio
la entrada
the entrance
la escalera
the stairs/stairway
el garaje
the garage
el jardín
the garden
la oficina
the office
el pasillo
the hallway
el patio
the patio/yard
la sala
the living room
el sótano
the basement/cellar
la alfombra
the carpet/rug
la almohada
the pillow
el armario
the closet
el cartel
the poster
la cómodo
the chest of drawers
las cortinas
the curtains
el cuadro
the picture
el estante
the bookcase/bookshelves
la lámpara
the lamp
la luz
the light/electricity
la manta
the blanket
la mesita
the end table
la mesita de noche
the night stand
los muebles
the furniture
la pared
the wall
la pintura
the painting/picture
el sillón
the couch/sofa
la cafetera
the coffee maker
la estufa
the stove
el congelador
the freezer
el electrodoméstico
the electric appliance
el horno
the oven
el horno de microondas
the microwave oven
la lavadora
the washing machine
el lavaplatos
the dishwasher
el refrigerador
the refrigerator
la secadora
the clothes dryer
la tostadora
the toaster
la copa
the wineglass/goblet
la cuchara
the spoon
el cuchillo
the knife
el plato
the plate
la servilleta
the napkin
la taza
the cup
el tenedor
el vaso
the glass
to neaten/straighten up
barrer el suelo
to sweep the floor
to cook
to get something dirty
hacer la cama
to make the bed
hacer quehaceres domésticos
to do household chores
lavar el suelo
to wash the floor
lavar los platos
to wash the dishes
limpiar la casa
to clean the house
pasar la aspiradora
to vacuum
planchar la ropa
to iron the clothes
poner la mesa
to set the table
quitar el polvo
to dust
sacar la basura
to take out the trash
sacudir los muebles
to dust the furniture
to advise
insistir en
to insist on
to order
to recommend
to beg/plead
to suggest
Es bueno que...
It's good that...
Es importante que...
It's important that...
Es malo que...
It's bad that...
Es mejor que...
It's better that...
Es urgente que...
It's urgent that...