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74 Cards in this Set

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decir que
to say that. . . .
creer que
to think that. . .
pensar que
+ opinion= to think that . .
tener que
+ infinitive = to have to do something
comenzar a
= to begin to do something (refers to a more immediate action)
empezar a
to begin to do something (more general)
ponerse a
to begin to do something (more immediate)
votar por
to vote in support of someone or something
entusiasmarse por
to get enthusiastic about someone or something
hacer lo posible
to do one's utmost to do something
acabar con
to put an end to
chocar con/contra
to fall out with someone
soñar con
to dream of or about
enfadarse con
to get angry with someone or about something
contar con
to count on someone
casarse con
to get married to someone
acostumbrarse a
to accustom oneself to doing something
animar a
to encourage someone to do something
ayudar a
to help someone do something
dedicarse a
to dedicate oneself to doing something
enseñar a
to teach someone to do something
obligar a
to oblige someone to do something
negarse a
to refuse to do something
alcanzar a
to manage to do something
atreverse a
to dare to do something
llegar a
to succeed in doing something/to end up doing something
tender a
to tend to do something
asistir a
to attend
atender a
to assist
aprender a
to learn to
decidirse a
to make up one's mind to do something/to decide
ir a
to go to
volver a
+ infinitive = to _____ again
hacer bien en
to do well at doing something
creer en
to believe in someone or something
influir en
to influence somebody
insistir en
to insist on doing something
fijarse en
to notice something
pensar en
to think about doing something
consistir en
to consist of doing something
tardar en
to take time in doing something or to do something
confiar en
to trust in someone or something
acabar en
to end in
quedar en
to agree to do something
vacilar en
to hesitate to
dudar en
to hesitate to . .
acabar de
to have just finished doing something
dejar de
to stop doing something
burlarse de
to make fun of something or someone
desconfiarse de
to distrust someone or something
quejarse de
to complain about something
hartarse de
to be fed up with doing something
preocuparse de (con/por)
to worry about something
carecer de
to lack something
acordarse de
to remember (to do ) something
olvidarse de
to forget about something
depender de
to depend on something or someone
enamorarse de
to fall in love with someone or something
cuidar de
to take care of
reírse de
to laugh at
enterarse de
to find out about
alegrarse de
to find out about
dudar de +
to doubt something
tratar de
to try to (verb)
encargarse de
to be in charge of (verb)
enterarse de
to find out about
alegrarse de
to find out about
dudar de +
to doubt something
tratar de
to try to (verb)
encargarse de
to be in charge of (verb)
avergonzarse de
to be ashamed of
cansarse de
to get tired of
despedirse de
to say goodbye to
tener ganas de
to really want to/to look forward to