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172 Cards in this Set

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de trecho en trecho
-> every so often
a la sazón
-> then, at that time
en sazón
-> ripe, in season
libre albedrío
(Filosofía) -> free will
a su albedrío
-> as takes his/her fancy
quien a hierro mata a hierro muere
(Prov) -> he who lives by the sword dies by the sword
nos señaló con el dedo
-> he pointed at us
Tuve que señalarle varios errores
-> I had to point out several mistakes to him
el misterio que gira en torno a su muerte
-> the mystery surrounding her death
# Torno de hilar
-> spinning wheel
ir con rodeos
> to beat about the bush
hablar sin rodeos
-> to come straight to the point
# Dar un rodeo -
> to make a detour
* al sesgo
-> on a slant; (en general)
on the bias (costura)
# Sin crianza
-> ill-bred
los diez mandamientos
-> the Ten Commandments
venirse al suelo -
> to fall down, to collapse; (caer) to fail (figurative)
en suelo colombiano
-> on Colombian soil
# Echarse por los suelos
-> (a) to stretch oneself on the ground, (b) to humble oneself too much
# Por los suelos
-> cast down, in a state of depreciation; prostrate
* Quien a buen árbol se arrima, buena sombra le cobija -
> (Prov.) he who gets under a good tree, has a good shelter
leer la letra pequeña (figurative)
-> to read the small print
no entiendo su letra
-> I can't read his writing o handwriting
mandar cuatro letras a alguien (figurative)
-> to drop somebody a line
letra cursiva -
> italic type, italics
escriba en letra de imprenta
-> please write in block capitals
# letra de molde
-> print;
(impresa) block capitals (en formulario)
letra negrita -> bold (face)
-> bold (face)
infant, prince, or infantrymen
de dos en dos
-> in twos, two by two
en un dos por tres
-> in no time at all
cada dos por tres
-> every five minutes
# Como ése no hay dos
-> they don't come any better than that
cáncer de mama
cáncer de pecho
* Breast cancer
un niño de pecho
* A child at the breast -
lo políticamente correcto
political correctness
más vale pecar por exceso que por defecto
too much is better than too little
its better to sin by excess
su único defecto es...
his only shortcoming is...
o en su defecto
or lacking that...
por defecto
by default
naturaleza muerta
-> still life
la madre naturaleza
-> Mother Nature
suizo de naturaleza
Swiss by nationality
la temperatura es de 38 grados
the temp is 38 degrees
estamos a 38 grados
it is 38 degrees out
to rant
register to vote or for census
sin trabas
without obstacles
ins and outs
no deja lugar a dudas
leaves no room for doubt
bile, bitterness
las mieles y las hieles
ecstasy and agony
soap opera
reality show
convertirse en la comidilla
be the talk of the town
de estreno en Europa
debuting in Europe
el mando
the commander
meterse en un avispero
get into a mess
caterpillar nymph
oil sludge
newspaper archive
splinter, esp bone
seat in parliament
test tube
launching (of a product)
estar sobre el tapete
(figurative) -> to be up for discussion
ahora bien
but, however
en limpio
net price, net
vivir del cuento
-> to live by one's wits
sacar sus narices
keep their noses out (of someone else´s business
sistema de producción en cadena
assembly line production
las leyes que rigen...x
the rules that govern...x
ya no rige
has gone a bit overboard
sin trabas
without obstacles
abrir brecha en
create an opening in
acoso sexual
sexual harrassment
La brecha digital
the digital divide
pasar la patata caliente al
pass the hot potato to
se ha vuelto alérgico a
has become allergic to
safari jacket
La parca
the grim reaper
asociaciones ambientalistas
env. orgs.
me crispa los nervios
it gets me all tense
town councillor
hacer calientamiento
do a warmup
me toma unos 40 minutos
it takes me about 40 minutes
atravesar (por) una mala racha
go though / experience a bad patch
con amor
con amistad
ways to close a letter (5)
Me alimento con Hamburguesas
"I live off hamburgers
I survive on hamburgers"
No hace más que...
he doesn´t do anything other than...
Terapia del Habla
speech therapy
se recuperó de
lo superó con ánimo"
bounce back from (2 ways)
Estoy en camino al
I´m on my way to
to brag obnoxiously
a person with a lot of nerve
una mosca
an irritating person
un metiche
a busybody
Hola karambola
Hi (like saying "in a while, crocodile")
menearse de
to budge from, to move away
¡Suéltalo ya!
Let go of him right now!
de esa forma
like that
un susto de no te menees
"a real scare
scared stiff
Sin menear el dedo
without lifting a finger
Menos mal que no llueve
at least its not raining (after a list of other things that =have= gone wrong)
de la misma tela
cut from the same cloth (said of children and parents)
MEXICO request to repeat or clarify info
nacer de pie
born under a lucky star
nacer tarde
born yesterday
¡Estás tapando el sol con el dedo!
You´re covering up the truth
Hasta las quince
Into all hours of the night
Por si las moscas.
Just in case.
a la luz de la tea, no hay mujer fea
by the light of the tourch there is no ugly woman
Good Lord!
Qué pesados esos tíos
Just look at those guys (losers)
¿Falta mucho de ...?
is there much left of...?
¿Por donde andas?
Where are you at?
andar con
to hang out with (slang)
andar corriendo
to go quickly
andar gritando
to go around shouting
¡andale pues!
have a good day! bye!
andar del brazo con
to agree with, go arm in arm with
andar de la Ceca a la Meca
to wander everywhere
anda como Pedro por su casa
like he owned the place
anda como burro sin mecate
out of control (like a donkey off the lead)
andar a la pesca de algo
to be after something, to fish for
sí anda muy raro
he's very strange
andar en ... caballo, camello, bici, coche
go by ... horse, camel, bike, car
¿Qué tal anda tu coche?
How´s your car running?
me flipan los videojuegos
"I´m wild about video games
(can also mean ""to be stoned"")"
a naive dreamer
Jesus María y José!
Jesus Mary and Joseph!
nos dieron un baño
They gave us a drubbing (used only in sports)
bangs (as a hairstyle)
chivo expiatorio
cabeza de turco
scape goat (2 ways)
me siento de parte de
I´m sorry for
una reacción en contra de
a reaction against
Nuestro amor se acabó
Lo nuestro se acabó
Estamos terminados
Ya estuvo
Our relationship is over (4 ways)
un baboso
stupid kid, little dummy
* el momo
IQ challenged, dummy *
* una taruga
clueless moron
* un zoquete
Puerto Rican
su casa cuenta con un solo...
there house has only one...
cuarto de baño
get ready (in the morning, for example)
montar un cirio
-> to kick up a row
sinecure, privilege
Quien fue a Sevilla perdió su silla
Said of an archbishop who went to Seville to support his nephew -- when he returned, the nephew refused to give back his position
¡qué morro tiene!
-> he's got a real nerve!
una perra gorda
a pretty penny
Trance mortal
-> last moment of peril
por chiripa
by a fluke
Estar de cachondeo
-> to be in a joking mood
cortarse el pelo al cero
shave one´s head
al compás
a compás
fuera de compás
on the beat, in time
off the beat
me muero de ganas
I can´t wait
el español así de mal
such bad Spanish
me costó mucho tiempo
it took me a long time