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80 Cards in this Set

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Le pagan dos veces a la semana.
They pay him twice a week.
A haberlo comprado yo, lo hubiera devuelto.
If I had bought it, I would have returned it.
Al verla, la saludó.
Upon seeing her, he said hello (to her).
Entraron uno a uno.
They entered one by one.
Vive en el piso de abajo.
He lives on the floor below.
Miró hacia abajo.
He looked down.
La muralla se vino abajo (a tierra).
The wall collpsed.
Tenía veinte abriles.
She was twenty years old. [Said only of young people.]
No dijo nada en absoluto.
He said nothing at all.
No necesita abuela.
He toots his own horn.
Lo que abunda no daña.
You can't have too much of a good thing.
Abusan de su bondad.
They take advantage of his kindness.
Por acá, por favor.
This way, please.
Acaban de comer.
They have just eaten.
Acabó por creerlo.
He ended up believing it.
Tome dos, por si acaso.
Take two just in case.
Me ganó la acción.
He got the jump on me.
Unió la acción a la palabra.
He suited the action to the word.
Echó aceite al fuego.
He added fuel to the fire.
Está en plena actividad.
It's in full swing.
Acto seguido apareció mi hermano.
Immediately afterwards my brother appeared.
Dígale que venga en el acto.
Tell him to come at once.
Hizo acto de presencia.
He put in an appearance.
En la actualidad hay mucho desempleo.
At present there is much unemployment.
Es de gran actualidad.
It's very important just now.
Concertaron un acuerdo.
They came to terms.
Lo hizo de acuerdo con las instrucciones.
She did it according to the instructions.
Lo hicieron de común acuerdo.
They did it by mutual agreement.
Estamos de acuerdo.
We agree.
Está en su acuerdo.
He is in his right mind.
Está en su acuerdo.
He is in his right mind.
Han llegado a un acuerdo.
They have reached an agreement.
Nos pusimos de acuerdo.
We came to an agreement.
Come in!
En adelante compraremos menos.
From now on we'll buy less.
Va hacia adelante.
It's moving forward.
La casa está más adelante.
The house is farther on.
Nos veremos más adelante.
We'll see each other later on.
Hicieron ademán de disparar.
They made as if to shoot.
Además de éste, tenemos otro.
Besides this one, we have another.
Pensé para mis adentros que no podía ser.
I thought to myself that it couldn't be.
Es muy de adentro.
He's like one of the family.
Les dijo adiós con la mano.
He waved goodbye to them.
Tienen afición al fútbol.
They are fond of soccer.
Es aficionado al béisbol.
He is a baseball fan.
Hicieron su agosto.
They made a killing.
La novela está agotada.
The novel is out of print.
No es de mi agrado.
It's not to my liking.
Se lava el pelo en agua llovediza.
She washes her hair in rainwater.
Agua pasada no mueve molino.
That's water over the dam.
Le bailan el agua.
They dance attendance on him.
Está tan claro como el agua.
It's as plain as day.
Estos bombones se hacen agua en la boca.
These chocolates melt in your mouth.
Se me hace agua la boca.
My mouth waters.
Ibamos aguas arriba.
We were moving upstream.
Nadan entre dos aguas.
They're on the fence.
Es como buscar una aguja en un pajar.
It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Conoce la aguja de marear.
He knows his way around.
Metió aguja y sacó reja.
He did a small favor in order to receive a greater one.
Está por ahí.
It's over there.
Trabajó con mucho ahinco.
He worked very diligently.
Ahora bien, ¿adónde vamos?
Now then, where are we going?
Ahora es cuando.
Now's the time.
Venga ahora mismo.
Come right now.
Los niños de ahora son distintos.
Today's children are different.
De ahora en adelante, no salga sola.
From now on, don't go out alone.
Me escucharás desde ahora.
You'll listen to me from now on.
Por ahora no necesito más.
I don't need any more just now.
Comimos al aire libre.
We ate in the open air.
Tiene fama de siempre darse aires.
She has the reputation of always putting on airs.
Antes de acostarnos, vamos a tomar el aire.
Before we go to bed, let's take a walk.
Desea vivir ajeno de cuidados.
He wishes to live free from care.
Está ajeno al problema.
He is unaware of the problem.
Se le cayeron las alas.
He got discouraged.
Le cortaron las alas.
They clipped his wings.
Vuela con sus propias alas.
He stands on his own two feet.
Hace alarde de su sabiduría.
He boasts of his wisdom.
Salieron al rayar el alba.
They left at the break of dawn.
Puede hacerlo a su albedrío.
You can do it however you like.
Armaron un alboroto.
They caused a commotion.