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41 Cards in this Set

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Use of the present tense
to indicate an action taking place right now
Present tense endings for ar
o, as, a, amos, an
Present tense endings for er
o, es, e, emos, en
Present tense endings for ir
o, es, e, imos, en
Present tense irregulars
Ser- soy, eres, es, somos, son
Estar- estoy, estas, esta, estamos, estan
Dar- doy, das, da, damos, dan
Ir- voy, vas, va, vamos, van
Saber- se, sabes, sabe, sabemos, saben
Tener- tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, tienen
Present tense -go verbs
Tener- tengo
Salir- salgo
Hacer- hago
Decir- digo
Poner- pongo
Present tense stem changers
Cerrar, comenzar, empezar, perder, sentarse, dormir, volver, sonar, almorzar, morrir, jugar, pedir, freir, preferir, servir, seguir
Future tense use
to indicate action that will occur
To form future tense
add the ending to the infinitive
ar/er/ir- e, as, a, emos, an
Future tense endings
ar/er/ir- e, as, a, emos, an
Future tense irregulars
tener- tendre
salir- saldre
vener- vendre
decir- dire
hacer- hare
querer- querre
poder- podre
poner- pondre
saber- sabre
haber- habre
Future tense clue words
will, shall
Conditional use
to express conditions (what could, might, would take place)
Conditional clue words
Would, could, might
To form conditional words
infinitive + endings
ar/er/ir- ia, ias, ia, iamos, ian
Conditional endings
ar/er/ir- ia, ias, ia, iamos, ian
Conditional irregulars
tener- tendria
salir- saldria
vener- vendria
decir- diria
hacer- haria
querer- querria
poder- podria
poner- pondria
saber- sabria
haber- habria
Present perfect use
expresses actions that have happened in a period of time that is not over yet
Forming present perfect
[Conjugate haber (he, has, ha, hemos, han)] + [(infinitive-ar/er/ir) + (ado/ido)]
Example: He has talked
El ha hablado
Present perfect endings
he, has, ha, hemos, hand + infinitive without ar/er/ir but with ado/ido

he has talked
el ha hablado
Present perfect clue words
ya, nunca, todia no
[already, never, still]
have, has
Present perfect irregular
abrir- abierto
cubrir- cubierto
escribir- escrito
morir- muerto
poner- puesto
romper- roto
volver- vuelto
decir- dicho
hacer- hecho
ver- visto
Present progressive uses
used to express action taking place at that time
I am eating, you are eating, etc.
Present progressive clue words
am, are, is
To form present progressive
conjugate estar + verb with ando/iendo

i am eating-
i- yo
am- estar-> estoy
eating- [to eat is comer] com+iendo

**yo estoy comiendo

Don't forget stem changing!
Irregular present progressive
caer: cayendo
creer: creyendo
ir: yendo
oír: oyendo
traer: trayendo
leer: leyendo
seguir: siguiendo
Imperfect progressive use
to indicate that one action was occurring until it was interrupted by another action

Ex. I was walking in the park when it began to rain
To form imperfect progressive
the imperfect of estar [aba] + present participle of verb [ando/iendo]

Estaba estudiando cuando llamaste
I was studying when you called.

¿Estabas leyendo ahora mismo?
Were you reading just now?
Imperfect progressive clue words
was, were
Irregular imperfect progressive
The past participle changes

e-> i
decir- diciendo
pedir- pidiendo
repetir- repitiendo
seguir- siguiendo
servir- sirviendo
vestir- vistiendo

o-> u
dormir- durmiendo

i-> y
caer: cayendo
creer: creyendo
ir: yendo
oír: oyendo
traer: trayendo
leer: leyendo
seguir: siguiendo
Present subjunctive use
to tell what may or may not happen
to express a wish, hope, desire, preference, suggestion, request or order
To form present subjunctive
Drop ar of the present yo form and add-
e, es, e, emos, en

Drop er/ir of the present yo form and add-
a, as, a, amos, an

Mirar- mire, mires, mire, miremos, miren
Vivir- viva, vivas, viva, vivamos, vivan
Salir- salga, salgas, salga, salgamos, salgan
Irregular present subjunctive
dar- de, des, de, demos, den
estar- este, estes, este, estemos, esten
haber- haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayan
ir- vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayan
saber- sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepan
ser- sea, seas, sea, seamos, sean
Command uses
To tell someone to do something
To form affirmative/negative formal commands
For usted, drop ar and add e
For usted, drop er/ir and add a
For ustedes, drop ar and add en
For ustedes, drop er/ir and add an

To make the commands negative, add 'no' in front of the verb
To form affirmative tu commands
The same as the regular el, ella, usted form

Escribir- Usted escribe-> Tu escribe
Volver- Usted vuelve-> Tu vuelve
Irregular affirmative tu commands
decir- di
ir- ve
ser- se
salir- sal
hacer- haz
tener- ten
venir- ven
poner- pon
To form negative tu commands
Drop the o in the yo form of the verb and add opposite ending [as,es]
ar-> es
er/ir-> as

Salir- Salgo-> Salgas
Pedir- Pido-> Pidas
Irregular negative tu commands
ir- no vayas
ser- no seas
saber- no sepas
estar- no estes
dar- no des
Comparing quantities
tanto... como
Comparing qualities
tan... como