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36 Cards in this Set

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the cherry
la cereza
la seh-reh-sah
the plum
la ciruela
lah see-ro-eh-la
the peach
el durazno
ehl doo-rahs-noh
the strawberry (Mexico, Central America, Spain)
la fresa
la freh-sah
the strawberry (from Colombia to the South Pole)
la frutilla
lah froo-tee-yah
the guava
la guayaba
lah gooah-yah-bvah
the fig
el higo
ehl ee-goh
the lime
la lima
lah lee-mah
the lemon
el limón
ehl lee-mohn
the mango
el mango
ehl mahn-goh
the apple
la manzana
lah mahn-sah-nah
the peach
el melocotón
ehl meh-loh-koh-tohn
the melon
el melón
ehl meh-lohn
the blackberry
la mora
lah moh-rah
the orange
la naranja
lah nah-rahn-hah
the papaya
la papaya
the pear
la pera
lah peh-rah
the banana
el plátano
ehl plah-tah-noh
the grapefruit
el pomelo
ehl poh-meh-loh
the watermelon
la sandía
lah sahn-dee-ah
the grapefruit
la toronja
lah toh-rohn-ha
the grape
la uva
lah oo-bvah
the avocado
el aguacate
ehl ah-gooah-kah-teh
the hot pepper (in South America)
el ají
ehl ah-hee
the garlic
el ajo
ehl ah-hoh
the broccoli
el brócoli
ehl bvroh-koh-lee
the zucchini
la calabacita
lah kah-lah-bah-see-tah
the onions
las cebollas
lahs seh-boh-yahs
the hot pepper (in Mexico and Guatemala)
el chile
ehl chee-leh
the sweet pepper
el chile morrón
ehl chee-leh moh-rrohn
the cabbage
la col
lah kohl
the cauliflower
la coliflor
lah koh-lee-flohr
the spinach
la espinaca
lah ehs-pee-nah-kah
the lettuce
la lechuga
lah leh-choo-gah
the potatoes
las papas (las patatas in Spain)
las pah-pas (lahs pah-tah-tahs)
the carrot
la zanahoria
lah sah-nah-oh-reeah