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43 Cards in this Set

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What are direct object pronouns?

they recieve the action. what/who is seen, done, eaten, ect.

direct object pronouns

me, te, lo/la, nos, os, los/las

When do you use the personal a?

Use personal a when direct object is a person. BUT NEVER USE A PERSONAL A WITH A DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUN.

I see my friend Josefa

Veo a mi amiga Josefa

I see her

La veo.

What do you use when a thing or idea has no specific gender?


You already know that we don't have to work today.

Ya sabes que no tenemos que trabajar hoy

You already know that.

Ya lo sabes

I have many applications, but I don't want to fill them out.

Tengo muchos solicitudes pero no quiero rellenarlas.

I have a job offer but I am not going to accept it.

Tengo una oferta de trabajo pero no la voy a aceptar

Did you see me in the interview?

Me viste en la entrevista?

What is an indirect object?

Identify to/for whom or what the action is done

how often is the pronoun used for indirect objects?

Pronoun is almost always used for indirect objects

What kind of pronoun are used for verbs like gustar?

indirect object pronouns

What are the indirect object pronouns?

me (to me), te (to you), le (to him/her), nos (to us), os (to you), les (to them, to you)

Do you like to work?

Te gusta trabajar?

They didn't offer me the job

No me ofrecieron el trabajo

I spoke with the director and I am going to send him my resume

Hablé con el director y le voy a mandar mi currículo.

How do you clarify or add emphasis?

use both indirect object pronoun (req) and indirect object (opt) in the same phrase.

it is very common to use a ____________ in place of the ____________

prepositional pronoun in place of a indirect object (a mi, a ti, ect)

I sent the letter to my boss

Le mandé la carta a mi jefe

I love to work

A mí me encanta trabajar

What are the prepositional Pronouns?

A mí (to me), a ti (to you), a él/a ella/a ud. (to him, to her), nosotros/as (to us), a vosotros/as (to you), a ellos/a ellas/a uds. (to them, to you)

The direct and indirect object pronouns go ______________ the conjugated verb.

right before

they already paid us

ya nos pagaron

I told them that the job didn't interest me

Les dije que no me interesaba el trabajar

Object pronouns can be attached to the _____________ and _____________.

end of infinitives and present participles (gerunds)

When there is an infinitive and conjugated verb you can put the object pronoun either _________ the conjugated verb or __________ the infinitive verb

before, connected to the end of

I have a job offer and I hope to accept it

tengo una oferta de trabajo y espero acptarla

I am going to send you my resume tomorrow


voy a mandarte mi currículo mañana


Te voy a mandar mi currículo

In negative sentences ______ always ______s the object pronouns

no, precedes

He did not give us the money

No nos dio el dinero

I didn't see you

no te vi.

When you use a direct and indirect object pronouns together, ____________ goes right before the _____________.

indirect pronouns, direct pronoun

I sent you the documents

Te mandé los documentos

I sent them to you

Te los mandé

They are going to write us a formal letter

Nos van a escribir una carta formal

They are going to write it for us

Nos la van a escribir

When a third person sing or pl indirect and direct object pronouns (le, les) is combined with a 3d person direct object pronoun (lo, la, los, las) the _________ changes to _________

indirect object pronoun, se

I have to give the schedule to the employees

Tengo que darles el horario a los empleados

I have to give it to them

Tengo que darselo

I didn't send you the application

No le envié la solicitud a usted

I didn't send it to you

No se la envié