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23 Cards in this Set

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acabar con
to put an end to, finish off
casarse con
to marry
comparar(se) con
to compare (oneself) to
comprometerse con
to get engaged to
contar con
to rely on, count on
contribuir con (dinero, etc.)
to contribute (money, etc.)
encariñarse con
to get attached to
enojarse con (+ person)
to get angry at
soñar con
to dream of
tropezar con
to stumble over, run across
apoyarse en
to lean on, upon
confiar en
to trust, confide in
convertirse en
to turn into
empeñarse en
insistir en
to insist on
entrar en
to enter
fijarse en
to notice
influir en
to influence
ingresar en (una sociedad, etc.)
to join (an association, etc.)
molestarse en
to take the trouble to
pensar en
to think of
quedar en
to agree on, decide on
tardar + period of time + en
to take (person or vehicle) + period of time + to
vacilar en
to hesitate to