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53 Cards in this Set

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Cuando estaba en la universidad, estudiaba chino.
When I was at the university, I used to study Chinese.
Ayer estudi'e chino.
Yesterday I studied Chinese.
Sab'ia el precio
I knew the price.
Supe el precio.
I found out the price.
Conoc'ian a Sergi.
They knew Sergi.
Conocieron a Sergi.
They met Sergi.
No pod'iamos llegar para las cuatro.
We couldn't arrive by 4 o'clock (doesn't say whether we actually arrived by 4 or not).
No pudimos llegar para las cuatro.
We couldn't (and didn't) arrive by 4 o'clock.
Laura no quer'ia ir en metro.
Laura didn't want to take the subway. (doesn't say whether she actually took it)
Laura no quiso ir en metro
Laura refused to take the subway. (didn't want to and didn't take)
Estaba despejado cuando t'u fuiste a la biblioteca.
The sky was clear when you went to the library.
Hac'ia viento cuando 'el vino a la casa.
It was windy when he came to the house.
Nevaba cuando nosotros terminamos el trabajo.
It was snowing when we finished work.
el fondo
the background
Mientras t'u viajabas, acab'o la telenovela.
While you were traveling, the TV series ended.
to break in
forzar la entrada
el/la acomodador(a)
the usher
apagar las luces
to put out the lights
el/la cantante
the singer
el programa
the program
sube el tel'on
the curtain goes up
el billete de avi'on
plane ticket
la gira
the tour, excursion
hacer la reservaci'on
to make a reservation
hacer un viaje
to take a trip
el lugar hist'orico
historic site
el ladr'on
the thief
la pandilla
the gang
seguir la pista
to follow the lead (clue)
explotar el petr'oleo
to exploit, develop oil
privatizar la industria
to privatize industry
to demand
los bienes
the goods
la d'ecada
el golpe de estado
coup d'etat
el libre mercado
free market
el obrero
the worker
la prensa
the press
el pueblo
the people (not gente)
el sindicato
union (worker union)
el sueldo
to tie
el cantero
el cura or el sacerdote
the priest (2 words)
a diferencia de
in contrast to
girar en torno a
to revolve around
to fill, pervade
a mediados de
around the middle of
el orfebre
similar (not similar)
el tallista de madera
wood carver