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44 Cards in this Set

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tener ganas de
to feel like
tener celos
to be jealous
toner verguenza
to be ashamed
tener razon
to be right
tener prisa
to be in a hurry
tener que ver con
to have to do with
tener cuidado
to be careful
tener exito
to have success
tener lugar
to take place
tener la culpa
to be to blame
tener miedo de
to be afraid of
tener color
to be hot
tener sed
to be full
tener hambre
to be hungry
tener suerte
to be lucky
dar la hora
to give the time
dar a
to face
dar con
to run into
dar en
to strike against
dar de comer
to feed
darse prisa
to hurry
dar un paseo
to take a walk
dar(se) por+past part.
to consider
dar una vuelta
to take a stroll
darse cuenta de
to realize
hacer caso a de
to pay attention to
hacer el papel de
to play the role of
to become
hacerse dano
to hurt oneself
hacer sol
to be sunny
ponerse de pie
to stand up
ponerse de acuerdo
to agree
poner la mesa
to set the table
ponerse a
to be put to
echar de menos
to miss
echarse a perder
to ruin
echar la culpa a alguien
to blame
echar una mirada
to take a look
estar de acuerdo
to agree
estar de vuelta
to be back
valer la pena
to be worthwhile
prestar atencion
to pay attention
pedir prestado
to borrow
quedarse en
to agree on