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110 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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acordarse de
to remember
acostumbrarse a
to be/get accustomed to
adaptarse a
to adapt to
aficionarse a
to become fond of
animar a
to encourage to
aspirar a
to aspire to
ayudar a
to help
cansarse de
to get tired of
concentrarse en
to concentrate on
condenar a
to sentence somebody to
conformarse con
to be satisifed with
dedicarse a
to devote oneself to
encargarse de
to be in charge of
enseñar a
to teach somebody how to do something
hartarse de
to be fed up with
ir a
to be going (to do something)
morirse por
to be crazy about something or somebody
ocuparse de
to take care of
olvidarse de
to forget
oponerse a
to oppose something
pensar en
to think about
preocuparse por
to worry about
renunicar a
to give up
resistirse a
to resist
acabar de
to have just finished doing something
alegrarse de
to be glad
arrepentirse de
to regret
arriesgarse a
to risk doing something
atreverse a
to dare to do something
cesar de
to cease to
comenzar a
to begin (to do something)
comprometerse a
to commit (to do something)
convenir en
to agree on
dedicarse a
to devote oneself to
dejar de
to stop doing something
disponerse a
to get ready to
empezar a
to start
insistir en
to insist on doing something
llegar a
to succeed in doing something
negarse a
to refuse to
ponerse a
to begin doing something
prestarse a
to offer oneself to do something
probar a
to try to do something
quedar en
to agree to do something
tardar en
to take time to do something
tener ganas de
to feel like doing something
tratar de
to try to
volver a
to (verb) again
acompañar a
to keep somebody company
agarrarse de
to clutch
alejarse de
to move away from
burlarse de
to mock
caber en
to fit
carecer de
to lack
casarse con
to marry
compadecerse de
to sympathize with
comprometerse con
to get engaged to
confiar en
to trust
contar con
to count on
depender de
to depend on
despedirse de
to say goodbye to
enamorarse de
to fall in love with
encontrarse con
to meet (encounter)
enterarse de
to find out (about)
entrar en
to enter (a place)
fijarse en
to notice
oler a
to smell like
reírse de
to laugh at
soñar con
to dream about (of)
viajar en
to travel by
to agree on
to be grateful for
to take advantage of
to look for
to care for
to long for
to present with
to listen to
to hope for
to succeed in
to look at
to pay for
to ask for
to plan on
to provide with
to take off
to apply for
to beg for
acercarse a
to get close to
amenazar con
to threaten with
aprender a
to learn to
aprovecharse de
to take advantage of
avergonzarse de
to be ashamed of
empeñarse en
to insist on
estar disupesto/a a
to be willing to
gritar a
to shout at
insistir en
to insist on
librarse de
to get rid of
obligar a
to force to
optar por
to opt for
reflexionar sobre
to reflect on
ser acusado/a de
to be accused of
tender a
to tend to
traducirse en
to result in
venir de
to come from
votar por
to vote for
pecar de
pecar de + adjective
to sin
to be too (adjective)
presumir de
to boast (about/of)
tenerse por
to consider oneself
tildar/tachar a alguien de
to brand somebody (as)