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33 Cards in this Set

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Adenosine dose
6mg then 12mg then 12mg
total:30mg fast ivp
Epi 1:10,000 dose for cardiac arrest
1mg IVP
Followed by a 20cc flush and raising the patients arm
Repeat every 3-5 minutes
Epinephrine (1:10,000) CARDIAC
Severe anaphylaxis dose:
0.5 to 1.0mg IVP
- Repeat in 5-15 minutes prn
Nitroglycerin (nitrostat) dose
- 0.3 - 0.4mg tablet sublingual - repeated every 3-5 minutes (Give up to 3 tablets)
- 0.4mg per spray sublingual - every 3-5 minutes (up to 3 doses)

–establish an IVP prior to administration
Administered: - pills, spray, patches, ointments, IVP infusion
- prehospital
monitor vitals after each dose prior to administering more drug
Systolic blood pressure should not be less than 100 mmHg prior to administration
Nifedipine (procardia) dose
1. Sublingually: poke holes (10 or 12) in the capsule and squeeze content (fluid) under the patient’s tongue.
2. Orally: poke holes have patient chew the capsule
Dose – 10-20 mg capsule
start an IVP prior to administration
May repeat in - 10 minutes - do not exceed 3 doses
Verapamil (isoptin, calan) dose
2.5 to 5mg sIVP then 5 to 10mg
total: 30mg Within 30 minutes

Constantly reassess hemodynamic status
Dopamine (Intropin) dopaminergic dose
Lasix,Furosemide dose
40-120 mg sIVP
Lidocaine ivp dose
Subsequent dose is same or half
Total dose - 3mg/kg
- Repeat dose in 5-8 minutes
Amiodarone cardiac arrest dose
300 in 20-30cc D5W mg IVP then 150 mg IVP in 3-5 minutes
Dopamine (Intropin) alpha dose
10-20mcg/kg/min start at 10-15
Dopamine (Intropin) beta dose
2-10mcg/kg/min start at 2-5mcg
Lidocaine infusion dose
1-2gm/250 or 500cc dose range 1-4mg/min
Amiodarone pulsing tachycardia dose
150 mg in 100cc over 10 minutes May repeat every 10 minutes
Procainamide ivp dose
20-30mg sivp (over 1 minute)
Procainamide infusion dose
1-2gm/250 or 500cc dose range 1-4mg/min until dysrhythmia is gone, hypotension develops, qrs widens more than 50% or 17mg/kg have been given
Inderal, propranolol dose
1-3mg over 2-5 minutes May repeat dose in 2 minutes total = 0.1mg / kg
Mag Sulfate dose
1-2gm/10ml D5w slow ivp
Narcan dose
1-2mg sivp repeat at 2-3 min intervals up to 10mg
Calcium Chloride/Calcium Gluconate dose
250-500mg (2-4mg/kg) slow ivp repeat in 10 mins
narcan darvon/alcohol dose
2-5 mg sivp
Atropine symptomatic bradycardia dose
0.5 to 1mg IVP repeat every 3-5 mins total: 3mg

never give less than 0.5 mg
Aspirin TIA prophylaxis dose
325-650mg PO, 325mg may be sufficient and will not produce as many SE
Morphine pain dose
2.5-15mg sIVP 5-20mg IM
Valium, status elipticus, pre-cardioversion, eclampsia dose
5-10mg slow IVP
Atropine asystole or slow pea dose
1mg IVP, repeat 3-5 mins total:3mg

never give less than 0.5 mg
Atropine organophosphate poisoning dose
2-5 mg IVP, repeat 3-5 mins

never give less than 0.5 mg
Aspirin MI prophylaxis dose
160-325mg/day , 80mg may suffice w/ not many SE
Morphine reduce preload dose
1-2mg sIVP repeat in 6-10 mins until desired response is obtained
Valium anxiety dose
2-5mg IM
Digoxin ivp dose
0.25-0.5mg sIVP
Norepi infusion dose
0.5 to 30mcg/min mixed from 4mg/250cc d5NS, start at 4mcg/min
Bicarb ivp dose
1meq/kg IVP, repeat in 10 mins using 0.5meq/kg should be delivered according to blood gas analysis. Reassess ventilations after administration.