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71 Cards in this Set

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What are the three long tracts for innervation of your body?
Corticospinal, PCML, ALS
What is the corticospinal tract for?
voluntary motor, descends from brain to body
What is the function of the PCML?
sensory of fine touch and proprioception, ascends from body to the somatosensory cortex in the brain
What is the function of the ALS?
sensory of pain and temperature that ascends from the body to the somatosensory cortex in the brain
What is the analogous system for the face of the corticospinal tract?
corticobulbar tract, motor descends from brain to face (axon bundles as the cranial nerves rather than spinal nerves)
What does the Posterior-Column Medial Lemniscal pathway do?
mediates fine discriminative touch and vibration sense and proprioception
What type of axons are the primary afferent fibers of the PCML?
large diameter and heavily myelinated
these are very fast synaptic transmission fibers
Where is the primary neuronal cell body found in the PCML system?
Dorsal root ganglia (DRG)
A pseudounipolar neuron with primary process in contact with peripheral receptor and its secondary process carrying sensory information into the spinal cord
What are the three tracts that originate in the anterolateral system?
spinothalamic tract
spinoreticular tract
spinomesencephalic tract
What is the function of the spinothalamic tract?
perception of pain, temperature, and crude touch
What is the function of the spinoreticular tract?
arousal aspect of pain
The __________ tract has the function of descending pain modulation.
Spinomesencephalic tract
a more complicated system because behavioral responses to pain are more relevent to survival
What type of fibers are present in the ALS system?
A-delta & C fibers
these are small, unmyelinated and very slow synaptic transmission
The primary neuronal cell body of the ALS is found in the ______.
________ is a peripheral region innervated by sensory fibers from a single nerve root
True or False
Each spinal nerve has a sensory component and a motor component.
the large and smal diameter fibers of the PCML & ALS bring sensory information into the CNS
the lower motor neuron component of the corticospinal tract carries motor information out of the CNS
A decussation is when neuronal cell bodies cross the midline of the CNS
A decussation is when the axons cros the midline to the opposite side of the CNS
Each long tract in the body has a specific site of decussation. A lesion interrupting the tracts below the site of decussation will yield ____________ deficits.
A lesion interrupting the tracts above the site of decussation of a long tract will yield __________ deficits.
The ______ brings sensations of fine touch, vibration sense, and proprioception from peripheral receptors in the skin and muscle into the spinal cord.
ALS's A-alpha fibers and C-fibers
Where does the PCML's fibers enter the spinal cord?
Medial dorsal root entry zone
Where do the primary axons of the primary cell bodies go once they have entered the spinal cord?
1. most immediately ascend in the posterior columns
2. second collaterals into the central gray matter to synapse on interneurons and lower motor neurons to mediate deep tendon reflexes
What controls deep motor reflexes from the PCML system?
primary afferent fibers send collaterals to synapse on interneurons that mediate deep tendon reflexes and gate control of pain sensation
What are the spinal cord columns of axons?
posterior, lateral, and meidal columns/funiculi
What are the spinal cord cell columns/neurons?
dorsal horn: sensory
ventral horn: motor
The Gracile fasciculus is found in what part of the spinal cord?
it is found the entire length of the spinal cord
It is most medial and found predominately in S5-T7
The Cuneate fasciculus would be found where?
In the spinal cord starting at T6-C1 and it is the most lateral column in the posterior columns
In the PCML where do first order axons synapse on 2nd order neurons?
1. Gracile nucleus
2. Cuneate nucleus
in the caudal medulla
Once the PCML has synapsed where do the axons of the 2nd order neurons travel?
Gracile and Cuneat nuclei axons immediately DECUSSATE forming the internal arcuate fibers which coalesce to ascend in the axonal bundle called the medial lemniscus
The medial lemniscus does not maintain somatotropic organization
It does maintain somatotropic organization
What part of the bodies signals are sent to the posterior portion of the medial lemniscus?
The upper body
What part of the bodies signals are sent to the anterior portion of the medial lemniscus?
the lower body
True or False
Lesions above the Medial Lemniscus in the PCML will produce a loss of sensation of fine touch and proprioception on half of the body CONTRALATERAL to the site of the lesion.
Where do the second order axons of the medial lemniscus ascend to?
second order axons ascend from medulla to pons to midbrain to the VPL nucleus of the thalamus
How does the medial lemniscus of the PCML change position as it ascends through the brainstem?
It maintains its relative somatotropic organization as it ascends through the brainstem, but changes its position from medial to lateral and from standing up to laying down
In the PCML system what do second order axons synapse on and where?
second order axons of the medial lemniscus synapse on third order neurons that make up the ventral posterior lateral nucleus of the thalamus
The __________ projection from VPL to primary somatosensory cortex
Where are the axons of the VPL found as they ascend to the primary somatosensory cortex?
The axons arising from the VPL travel in a bundle that is found on the medial porition of the posterior limb of the internal capsule
The primary somatorsensory cortex is where ________ is found.
fourth order neurons of the PCML are found in somatosensory cortex
What layer of the cortex do the thalamic projections synapse in?
Layer IV
What areas of the primary somatosensory cortex does information from mechanoreceptors get processed in?
Areas 3a and 2
this information is coming from joints and muscles (MSO, GTO)
_________ information is precessed in areas 3b and 1 of the primary somatosensory cortex.
information from cutaneous receptors that is important in superficial touch and includes texture discrimination
What is necessary for higher order sensory processing?
Corticocortical projections are necessary this gives meaning and context of the sensation
Where do the corticocortical association neurons project to?
corticocortical association neurons of the primary somatosensory cortex project ipsilateral cortical areas including higher order somatosensory cortex
Where do the callosal neurons project to?
callosal neurons project to contralateral somatosensory association cortex via the corpus callosum
Primary somatosensory cortex is extensively interconnected with adjacent motor cortex
Where does higher order sensory processing occur for the PCML?
in the association cortex in the parietal lobe
What are the parts of the cortex responsible for higher order sensory processing?
1. Unimodal association cortex: integrates information from a single sensory system
--Posterior parietal cortex (BA 5&7) integrates somatosensory information
2. Heteromodal association cortex: integrates sensory information from multiple sensory systems to create a visual spatial gestalt out of all our seperate sensory experiences
Where is the secondary somatosensory cortex of the parietal operculum associated with?
It is the lips of the cortex bordering the superior regions of the lateral fissure
What can cause left-side hemineglect syndrome?
lesions of the parietal association cortex in nondominant hemisphere can cause this
An individual is unable to pay attention to/perceive sensation from the contralateral side of the body, and or unable to process visual and sensory information obtained by the contralateral side of the body. What syndrome do they have?
Hemineglect syndrome
What is the blood supply to the posterior columns of the spinal cord?
2 posterior spinal arteries that arise from PICA
The PARAMEDIAN branches of the VERTEBRAL artery and the anterior spinal artery supply what in the brainstem to do with the PCML?
-medial lemniscus
____ ________ ___ __ _______ _______ supplies the meidal lemniscus in the pons
paramedian branches of the basilar artery
_____ _______ _______ is the blod supply for the medial lemniscus in the midbrain
Posterior Cerebral Artery (PCA)
________ & __________ arteries are the supply for the VPL of the thalamus.
thalamogeniculate & thalamoperforator arteries (small branches of PCA)
What is the blood supply for PLIC ?
the anterior choridal artery a small branch of the internal carotid supplies PLIC
What is the blood supply for the primary somatosensory cortex?
ACA: medial
MCA: lateral
What vascular zone is the PCML present in the spinal cord?
posterior spinal arteries
What vascular zone is the PCML present in medulla?
medial vascular zone
What vascular zone is the PCML present in the pons?
medial vascular zone
What vascular zone is the PCML present in the midbrain?
lateral vascular zone
What arteries supply the medial vascular zone of the midbrain?
paramedian branches of the basilar artery
What arteries supply the lateral vascular zone of the midbrain?
Proximal PCA
What arteries supply the dorsal vascular zone od the midbrain?
SCA and proximal PCA
What two vascular zones are present in the pons?
medial vascular zone
dorsolaterla vascular zone
The ________ supplies the medial vascular zone of the pons.
Basilar artery (paramedian branches)
AICA and basilar arteries circumferential branches supply this part of the pons?
Dorsolateral vascular zone
The vertebral artery and PICA supply this part of the medulla.
Dorsolaterla vascular zone
The VERTEBRAL artery is responsible for supplying this part of the medulla.
Lateral vascular zone
The medial vascular zone which includes the medial lemniscus is and the posterior columns is supplied by these arteries.
Vertebral artery and anterior spinal artery