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13 Cards in this Set

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Somatization Disorders
recurrent multiple somatic complaints. prior to 30. at least four pain, two gastrointenstinal, one sexual, one pseudonerological.
Conversion Disorder
volunatry motor or sensory fnctioning that suggest a serious neurological or other medical condition. symptoms judged to be psychological factors preceded by conflicts or other sterssors.
Etiology of Conversion Disorder
Primary Gain
Secondary Gain
primary gain - symptoms keeps an inernal conflict or need out of conscoius awareness
Secondary gain - the symptoms helps the individual avoid an unpleasent activity or obtain support from the enviornment.
Differential Diagnosis of Conversion Disorder
symptoms in factitious or malingereing are voluntariy produced or feigned
unrealistic preoccupation with a serous illness based on a misinterpretation of bodily symptoms.
Undifferentiated Somatiform Disorder
one or more physical complaint that has lasted for at least six months. chronic fatigue, appetite loss, and gaastrointenstianl are common complaints.
Factiticous Disorders
presence of physical or psychological symptoms that are intnetionally produced or feigned for the purpose of fulfilling and intraspcyhic need to adopt a sick role.
Factitious Disorders Differential Diagnosis
malingering is to obtain reward - external.
Dissociative Disorder
disruption in consciousness, identity, memory, or perceptoin of the environement
Dissociative Amnesia
one or more episodes of an inability to recall important personal information that cannot be atributed to ordinary forgetfulness. gaps in emeory that are related to a traumatic or extremely stresssful event.
Patterns of Dissociative Amnesia
Localized - inabilty to remember all events related to circumscribed period of time.
Selective - cannot recall some events related to a circumscribed period.
Generalized - persons loss of memory enompasses entire life.
Cotinuous - pattern involves an inablity to recall events subsequent to a specific time through the present.
Systematized - unable to recall memories related to a certain category of information )spouse)
Dissociative Fugue -
abrupt, unexpected travel away from home or work with an inbalbity to recall some or al of one's past. confusion about personal identity or assumtion of new identity. During fugue person seems normal to people who don't know.
Depersonalization Disorder
one or more episodes of depersonalization, which involves a feeling of detachment or estrangement from one's mental processes or body. reality testing intact.