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328 Cards in this Set

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What does Renaissance mean?
Rebirth of classical knowledge
What classics did the Renaissance want to copy?
Greek and Roman
The Renaissance used modern science and a ? view to interpret the world which was different during the Reformation.
The difference in art of the Renaissance was?
more realistic portraits and realistic landscapes
The Renaissance started where?
Name the artist who painted the Mona Lisa?
Da Vinci
Name the artist who painted the Sistine Chapel.
The famous Renaissance playwright was?
Shakespeare developed what new form of writing?
Sonnets- 14 line poems
Who was the noted humanist of the Renaissance?
What did Erasmus write?
In Praise of Folly
Humanism means?
Intellectual movement based on non religious concerns
5 major world religions
Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism
Judaism began in what area?
Europe and Middle East
Christianity was first located in?
Europe and Middle East
Islam was first located?
Asia, Africa and Southern Europe
Hinduism was first located?
India and part of SE Asia
Buddhism was first located in ?
East and SE Asia
What did China trade along the silk road?
Paper, compass, silk, porcelain, tea
India traded and created what?
Textiles, numeral system
What is scientific transfer?
Scientific advancements exchanged along the trade routes such as medicine, astronomy, mathematics
What movement resisted and challenged the Catholic Church?
Protestant Reformation
This trade route went across China.
Silk Road
This trade route spanned Northern Africa.
This trade route went from Europe to India.
European Trade Route
This trade route was on the ocean between North Africa and India.
Maritime Route
This trade route was from the ports of China to India.
South China Sea
What empire was located in Northern Africa?
What empire was located in India?
What were the issues that the Protestants had with the Catholic Church?
1. merchant wealth challenged the Church's view of usury
2. German and English nobility disliked Italy telling them what to do
3. Church wealth and great political power
4. Church corruption/sale of indulgences
What is an indulgence?
When Catholic priests sold the pardoning of sins.
What is usury?
Charging a high amount of interest on loaned money
Beliefs of Martin Luther
Faith alone
Bible ultimate authority
all humans equal
opposed indulgences
What were the 95 theses?
Hung on Church door in Wittenburg Germany by Martin Luther to protest Catholic sell of indulgences
Beliefs of John Calvin.
saved by righteous living, work ethic
What is predestination?
God knows who will be saved at the beginning of a soul.
Beliefs of Henry VIII.
Dismissed authority of pope
took lands of Catholic Church
got a divorce
Head of National Church of England/Anglican Church
What does the term appropriated mean?
Took over
What was the Reformation like in Germany?
Prince in N. Ger converted to Protestant
Hapsburg family remained loyal Catholics and was the Holy Roman Empire
Conflict between Protestants and Catholics in 30 years war
What happened during the Reformation in England?
Anglican Church--national church throughout British Isles under Queen Elizabeth I
Reformation contributed to rise of capitalism
What happened during the Reformation in France?
Catholic Monarchy under Henry IV granted Hugenots(Protestants) the right to worship in France; even though a Catholic country.
Later Richelieu--changed the rules of the 30 years' war and tortured the Hugenots--Many fled
What document granted the Hugenots religious freedom in France and was later repealed?
Edict of Nantes
What invention during the Reformation was the most important invention of the period?
Printing Press/Gutenburg
What did the printing press revolutionize?
Describe the Catholic Counter Reformation.
Church mounted reforms and reasserted its authority

Jesuits/Socity of Jesus founded to spread Catholic doctrine through education around the world

Inquisition established to reinforce Catholic doctrine.
The Reformation led to what 3 things.
secularism, individualism, and religious tolerance
Who sailed for Portugal as an explorer and went around the Cape of Good Hope?
Vasco da Gama
Who sailed for Spain and discovered the new world?
Christopher Columbus
Who sailed for England and found the west coast of what is now US?
Sir Francis Drake
Who sailed for France and discovered Canada?
Jacques Cartier
Who was from Spain and died before he could circumnavigate the globe, but his crew succeeded?
Who defeated the Incas?
Who defeated the Aztecs?
Where were the Incas located?
Where were the Aztecs located?
Mexico City area
Where were the Mayans located?
Yucatan Peninsula
What impact did the Europeans have on the native American empires in the New World?
Diseases which left many dead and others were enslaved to work in fields and mines
Why did Spain want to find the New World?
Gold, God and Glory
Who founded a school for navigation?
Prince Henry
What was the chief religion of the Ottoman Empire?
Did the Ottoman empire allow for other religions?
What did the Ottoman empire trade?
coffee and ceramics
What 3 continents would you find the Ottoman empire at its greatest?
Asia, Africa and Europe
What city fell to the Ottomans and was later known as Istanbul?
Constantinople/Istanbul is modern day???
The descendants of the Mongols, the Mughal rulers established an empire in modern day?
The chief religion of the Mughals was?
What were contributions of Mughal rulers?
Spread of Islam into India

Art and architecture--Taj Mahal

Arrival of European trading posts

Indian textiles influence on the British
What 3 countries were allowed to place forts on Indian to secure the trade area of SE Asia?
Portugal, Netherlands and England
What did the Spanish expansion in Latin America leave behind?
rigid class system and authoratative rule
What do we call the term when a colony is there to benefit the mother country only?
What two products were traded out of Africa?
Gold and Salt
What 3rd commodity began to be shipped out of Africa?
What does Columbian Exchange mean?
Redistribution of plants, animals, disease and other products as a result of contact between two different cultures.
What was exchanged from the New World to the Old World?
Corn, potatoes and tobacco
What two goods traded from the Old World to the New World influence Native American lives?
Horses and Cattle
When many of the Native Americans died in the New World, there was a great demand for what to replace the Indians?
African Slaves
What was the triangular trade?
Linked Europe, Africa and Americas including Carribbean
Traded Slaves, sugar and rum and then precious raw materials shipped back to Europe
What two metals were most sought by European countries?
Gold and Silver
What was the original location of the Ottoman Empire?
Asia Minor
How did the Chinese attempt to limit the influence of European merchants?
Creation of foreign enclaves to control trade
What are foreign enclaves and why were they established by China?
Keeping foreign traders to one port only and heavily monitored by nation's government. China had the Boxer Rebellion which accused many foreign countries involvement.
What was the emperor like in Japan during the 1500?
Who actually ruled Japan?
Japan adopted a policy of? to limit foreign influences.
What 3 things were involved in the Commercial Revolution?
new money and banking systems

economic practices mercantilism

colonial economies were limited by economic needs of mother country
This term describes a time period which used reasoned observation and systematic measurement to assess all things.
scientific revolution
Who found blood circulates through the body?
Who discovered planetary motion?
Who was first to claim the heliocentric theory?
Who developed the telescope?
Who discovered the laws of gravity?
What was formed from the scientific revolution?
scientific method using reasoning and observation
What is absolute monarchy?
King/Queen with divine right to solely rule
Name some absolute monarchs?
Louis XIV, Frederick the Great, Peter the Great
What were the two main characteristics of absolute monarchies?
Centralized power
divine right
What is divine right?
Belief that God has chosen one person to rule
Who was the absolute monarch of France who built the Palace of Versailles?
Louis XIV
Frederick the Great emphasized what?
Military Power
Peter the Great was known for wanting to?
westernize Russia
Political democracy rests on the principle that government derives power from?
consent of the governed
What were some of the English freedoms established during this time period?
jury trial, Magna Carta, and common law
What battle was fought in England that beheaded Charles I?
English Civil War
Who became leader after English Civil War?
Oliver Cromwell, Roundheads
With the monarchy re set on the throne of England, the parliament did not want a Catholic on the throne. The parliament had two new monarchs take over the throne and they were?
William and Mary-Glorious Revolution
What document did William and Mary signed which was significant in changing the monarchies powers?
English Bill of Rights
What developed during Englands parliament development?
political parties developed
Enlightenment ideas influenced what revolution?
What did Hobbes right and what did he believe?
What did John Locke write and what did he believe?
Two Treatises on Government
life, liberty and property
influenced Jefferson Declaration of Independence
What did Montesquieu write and what did he believe?
The Spirit of Laws/three branches of government/influenced the Constitution
What did Jean Jacques Rousseau write and what did he believe?
The Social Contract/ contract between rulers and people and people can remove leader if does not keep contract.
What did Voltaire believe?
Separation of church and state and religious tolerance
The Enlightenment Age fueled what ?
Democratic Revolutions
Name some causes of the French Revolution?
Influence of American Revolution
People Starving
Influence of Enlightenment Ideas
What event in 1789 began the French Revolution where King Louis XVI was beheaded?
Storming of the Bastille
Who took over at the monarchy was dead in France?
Robespierre/Reign of Terror
Who stepped in to end the Reign of Terror and Robespierre?
Who fought for the independence of Haiti and won?
Toussant L'Overture
be able to locate on map
Who fought for the independence of South American countries?
Simon Bolivar
What is another name for the enlightenment period?
Age of Reason
Two enlightenment composers were ?
Painter of the Enlightenment who focused on revolutionary type paintings?
Delacroix/Liberty Leading the People
Who wrote Don Quixote and what new literature genre did he create?
Cervantes/first novel
What changed in painting during the enlightenment?
portraits/lifelike/natural scenes
What were some improvements in technology and institutions during the Enlightenment?
all weather roads
better farm tools
Ship design
Having better farm tools led to what revolution?
Agricultural Revolution
This means belief in one God and Judaism was the first.
Belief in many gods; Hinduism
Holy Book of Christianity
Holy Book of Hinduism
What are the five pillars in the Islamic faith?
fasting, prayer, pilgrimage, alms to poor, and faith in Allah
The Buddhists had four noble truths which were...
suffering exists; material desires cause suffering; get rid of desires and no more suffering and you reach Nirvana
Speaking out against the Catholic Church like Gallileo did is called...
What do we call it when the Africans were brought over to the New World? This is a part of the Triangle Trade.
Middle Passage
Spanish laws which forced Native Americans to work as slaves.
This means the earth is the center of the Universe and what the Catholic Church believed.
This term means sun centered universe.
heliocentric theory
These steps are used in experiments and was developed by Francis Bacon.
Scientific Method
In the English Civil War, these were the supporters of Charles I.
This was when thousands of French persons were guillotined after the French Revolution. We call this time period...
Reign of Terror
What are the 3 Estates of early French society?
1ST Clergy
2nd Nobles/Royalty
3rd peasants
What revolution took place in England to remove James II, a Catholic King.
Glorious Revolution
Who were the monarchs in the Glorious Revolution?
William and Mary
What did William and Mary sign that made their reign a constitutional monarchy?
English Bill of Rights
Napoleon's lasting legacy is
Napoleonic Code
Holy Book of Islam
Holy Book of Judaism
Major religion which has no god
Major religion that has many gods
Major religion that has ten commandments as moral code
Major religion with Abraham as founding father..
Holy cities of Islam
Mecca and Medina
Missionaries that spread Buddhism around the world
Founder of Islam
Founder of Buddhism
strong pride in one's country
After Napoleon's fall, what took place to avoid one country taking over the rest?
Congress of Vienna
At the Congress of Vienna, what was one of its purposes?
Balance of Power
What type of government was to be restored at the Congress of Vienna?
An outcome of the Congress of Vienna was that two political parties formed. What were they and define.
Liberalists-think change is good and wants more rights/freedoms

Conservatism-traditional and wanted a return to absolute monarchs
What happened in the revolutions of 1848?
Uprising all throughout Europe against the conservatives of the Congress of Vienna.
Otto von Bismarck's belief that whatever it takes to get the job done
Unified Northern Italy
Unified Southern Italy to Northern Italy
Last area of Italy to join as one country.
Papal States
Unified Germany
Otto von Bismarck
land which was fenced off from public use and forced farmers to go to towns for jobs
enclosure movement
These were formed during the Industrial Revolution to give workers better conditions
labor unions
Right to vote
Written by Adam Smith and supports capitalism
Wealth of Nations
Belief by Adam Smith that government should leave businesses alone.
Developed and written by Karl Marx
Communist Manifesto
Workers in communism
European period when countries tried to conquer and control places all over the world; creation of empires
rebellion where Indian soldiers turned against British rule
Business which controlled India
East India Company
When European countries took control of trading rights in another country.
Sphere of Influence
Chinese rebellion against Christianity and foreigners
Boxer Rebellion
name for non violent resistance done by Mandela and Ghandi
passive resistance
In WWI, the Triple Entente included.
Britain, Frace and Russia
In WWI, the Triple Alliance was
Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire
What sinking of a ship contributed to US entering the war?
What message which intercepted by US and caused the US to declare war?
Zimmerman Note
Who was the US President during WWI?
Woodrow Wilson
At the close of WWI, Woodrow Wilson developed a plan called
14 points
In the 14 points, it called for a predecessor to the UN. What was it?
League of Nations
What was the weakness of the League of Nations?
no military to enforce rules
What made the League of Nations fail?
1. US did not sign nor join
2. German Reparations to high
3. Redistributed boundary lines
4. Germany forced to sign War Guilt Clause
economic turmoil between WWI and WWII
Great Depression
What event started the Great Depression?
stock market crash in 1929
What type of government believes in militarism and extreme nationalism
What is the ruling government term when a government has complete control over its people
Party of Hitler
policy that meant the more nuclear weapons one country had, the less likely another country would go to war.
deterrence or mutual destruction
Two super powers formed after WWII
Chinese group of republic who fought against Communism and lost
Leader of Nationalist Chinese leader
Chiang Kai Shek
Where did Chiang Kai Shek have to flee?
Who was the communist leader who took over China?
Mao Zedung
Who was the communist leader in Vietnam?
Ho Chi Minh
What happened when the US pulled out of the Vietnam War?
Whole country became communist
What countries sponsored the communist regimes in the SE Asian areas
USSR and China
What was set as the dividing line of Korea by the treaty of WWII?
38th parallel
In the Korean War, who was the US general who led UN troops to push back the communists and what happened?
McArthur/later fired by Truman because he denounced Truman's plans publicly
What general led the invasion of Normandy and Omaha Beaches during D Day of WWII?
What general led the fight during WWII in the Pacific?
What general freed Italy from Mussolini during WWII?
What was the policy of the US after WWII toward the Cold War?
Truman Doctrine (containment of communism)
What was formed as an alliance against the spread of communism?
What did the USSR form with its iron curtain to offset NATO?
Warsaw Pact
What is the name of the theory that says if one country falls to communism, the others will follow?
Domino Theory
What event in the Cold War was between President Kennedy and Dictator Kruschev?
Cuban Missile Crisis
Who built a wall in Germany to keep East Germans in?
Kruschev--The Berlin Wall
After Lenin died in 1924, who took over as the next dictator of Russia?
Stalin would not remove Russian troops from areas gained during WWII. What city within East Germany that he refused to remove?
Berlin was to be given an access road to the West for supplies, what did Stalin do and what happened?
Cut off access road but allies had the Berlin Airlift that caused Stalin to stand down.
The iron curtain refers to the countries that were under Russian rule after WWII. These countries became part of USSR. Name them.
Poland, Checkoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Albania, Ukraine, Romania
What European country was not part of USSR but was communist and close pals?
Who put the first satellite up and what was it called?
Russia Sputnik
Who had the first man in space?
Who had the first man on the moon and name?
US Neil Armstrong
This means systematic destruction of a group of people based on race, religion, ethnic background
Where did the Hutus kill the Tutsis in genocide?
Where did the Pol Pot commit genocide?
Where did the Serbs commit genocide against whom?
Muslims and Croats in Bosnia, Kosovo and Croatia
Who committed genocide against the Armenians?
Who committed the worst atrocity against Jews?
This is where a developing country goes to borrow money?
IMF International Monetary Fund
This is the group of Arab countries who bind together to regulate the output and flow of oil.
This is where you need to belong to compete on the economic scale of the world. They negotiate trade agreements.
WTO World Trade Organization
This agreement is between US, Canada and Mexico. What is and what does it do?
NAFTA North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement

No tariffs charged on goods across borders
This organization was formed to compete with the US and Japan economically.
EU European Union
What was the name of the plan to rebuild Europe after WWII? Learned from mistakes of WWI
Marshall Plan
hatred of Jews
name of genocide against Jews
name of genocide in Cambodia
the Killing Fields
Weapon that ended WWII in Japan?
Atomic Bomb
Where was the atomic bomb dropped?
Nagasaki and Hiroshima
Who were the Axis powers in WWII?
Germany, Italy and Japan
Who were the Allied Powers in WWII?
US, Britain, France, and Soviet Union
What was Hitler's lightning war called?
What is the term that means that you will allow someone to keep something if they promise not to do it again
Lord Chamberlain signed a letter of appeasement with Hitler during the Inter War Years what was that agreement about?
Hitler would keep Checkoslovakia and would promise not to invade any others-- did not keep promise
What event started WWII?
Invasion of Poland in 1939
What event was the turning point for WWII?
Invasion of Russia
Hitler went against a treaty with Stalin and invaded his nation
Who was the dictator for Italy?
Who was the emperor for Japan during WWII?
Who was the leading general of Japan during WWII?
What new kind of warfare took place in WWI?
trench and gas
What organization is to prevent/solve conflicts between countries?
United Nations
What is different between the UN and the League of Nations?
UN had a military force to enforce its actions
When Lenin led the Bolshevik revolution agains Tsar Nicholas, what was his economic plan?
NEP New Economic Plan-- gave some ownership to peasants
What was Stalin's economic plan?
Collectivization-- no one owned land-- everything belonged to the state
Where did the Reformation begin?
Portuguese explorer who sailed around Africa to India.
Vasco Da Gama
US documents that contain Enlightenment ideas
Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and Constitution
What revolution influenced the French revolution?
American Revolution
Two natural resources needed by England in the industrial revolution?
coal and iron ore
What means movement of people from farms to cities?
What class grew the most during the Industrial Revolution?
Middle Class
What increased the demand for slave labor in the US?
invention of cotton gin
native americans died off
These genders were hired to work in industrial revolution
women and children
Important canal in Egypt
Mandate system after WWI made France and Britain in charge of colonies in the Middle East. What colonies in the Middle East did Britain control?
Jordan and Palestine
What countries in the Middle East did France have mandate?
Syria and Lebanon
What happened in 1948 that made Palestine angry?
Carved out Israel
What country has the Aswan Dam?
What two water systems are connected by the Suez Canal?
Red Sea and Meditterean Sea
Causes of Great Depression--
high tariffs
large reparations for Germany
stock market crash 1929
Name of conference after WWII that divided Germany?
Mussolini invaded this country during WWII?
This is what Stalin used to commit political genocide against many Russians
Great Purge
This was the last phase of genocide by Hitler called
The Final Solution
Persian empire is located in modern day...
What was started for the first time against Hitler after WWII?
War crime trials at Nuremberg
First black president of South Africa
This means separation of blacks and whites as in South Africa
Bloodiest independence revolution in Africa
Peaceful independence revolution in Africa
West Africa
Kenyatta led independence of?
US President during most of WWII?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
English Prime Minister during WWII?
What forced US to join WWII?
attack on Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941
Led independence movement in India?
When did Britain pull out of India?
What type of movement did Ghandi lead?
Passive Resistance
Northern Ireland was in turmoil between what two groups?
Protestants and Catholics
Who controls Northern Ireland?
What agreement was signed for peace in Northern Ireland?
Good Friday Agreement
Where was the Balkan conflict and what groups were involved?
Former Ceylon
Sri Lanka
Religion of Sri Lanka
Former East Pakistan
Invented Steam Engine
James Watt
Invented small pox vaccine
Discovered bacteria
Invented cotton gin
discovered process for making steel
What did labor unions use to negotiate with owners?
collective bargaining
What did labor unions use to shut down production?
What is a cottage industry and what replaced it?
handmade/small and factories replaced
America opened trade with what country?
What was the MAIN causes of WWI?
Militarism, Nationalism, Alliances, Imperialism, Competition over colonies
Who was assassinated and started WWI?
Archduke Ferdinad of Austria
Who killed Ferdinand?
Serbian Black Hand
Who did Russia lose to in 1905?
Why did Russia revolt?
Incompetent Tsar
needless wars
4 things that Stalin did?
KGB-secret police
Collectivization of farms
Five year plans
state industrialized
Impacts on the environment
loss of habitat
ozone depletion
social conditions of the world
health care
life expectancy
infant mortality rate
population increase
GDP and GNI-poverty
forms of imperialism colony?
settlement of group in new country with ties to mother country
Foreign policy of a government controlled by outside country i.e. Suez Canal
Sphere of influence?
region dominated by another country but not ruled China
German leader in WWI?
Kaiser Wilhelm II wrote blank check to Austria
Impacts of Industrial Revolution
population increase
middle class
increased standard of living for some
improved transportation
child labor
owners exercised considerable control over lives of workers
Outcomes of WWI
colony participation led to independence movements
End of empires
Huge debt/costs
Treaty of Versailles
Causes of WWII
Agression of Totalitarian powers
Treaty of Versailles Failure
Weakness of League of Nationals
Isolationism and Pacificism by Europe and US
Impact of Depression
bank failures and collapse
prices collapse in trade
Nazi party growth and blaming of Jews for economic problems
Who wanted to restore the glory of Rome?
Japan invaded what countries for raw materials?
China, Korea and Manchuria
US guaranteed Japan's what after WWII?
self determination means?
self rule
Which economies develop countries faster: free market or communist?
free market
Impact of new technologies is the unequal access of ? and the new rules with bio?
computers/bio ethics genetic engineering
worker who obtains a working visa for another country is called?
Guest Worker
Person or groups fleeing homeland due to war, disease or natural disasters.
What is karma?
What you do will come back to you Hindu religion