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16 Cards in this Set

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aggregates or peds

a group of primary soil particles that cohere to each other more strongly than to other surrounding soil particles


unit of soil formed by natural processes

clod formed artificially

soil structure

the size, shape, and arrangement of aggregates and pores of the soils

soil tilth

the physical condition of the soil in relation to plant growth

good structure of soil implies (2)

1) suitable for max root growth and penetration

2) stable against forces causing degradation

What are the bonds holding aggregates together

cation bridge - bring clay particles close together - the di and trivalent cations are tightly adsorbed and can neutralize negative surface charge

-monovalent ion cause clay to repel

-hydrogen bonds

expand of monovalent ions and aggregate bonds

1. size - the large hydrated sodium ion does not get close enough to clay to effectively neutralize the negative charges

2. charge - the single charge on sodium is not effective in forming a bridge between clay particles

how do micro aggregates form

by flocculation and cementation

they are more stable than macro aggregates:

1) less organic content, but it is older

2) stronger cohesion between clay particles

what processes result in aggregation? (2)

how do you characterize aggregates?

1) physical chemical processes - flocculation and cementation - volume changes from shrinking and swelling in clay - orgnaic matter, which is the major agent stimulating the formation and stabilization of granular.

2) biological processes - earthworms, enmeshment of particles by sticky networks of roots and hyphae, and organic glues produced by microbes

bulk density, total porosity, pore size distribution - use a sieve

aggregation =

[% silt + clay] dispersed - % (silt + clay) aggregate

Location and function of macropores, mesopores, and micropores

macropores (>75 um) - between pads, root channels, animal furrow

- full of air at field capacity

mesopores (75um-30um) - inside of peds

-filled with water at field capacity, also store water for plants

micropores (<30um) - soil matrix

-filled with water at permanent wilting point, too small for plant to use, water adsorbed to clay

-only used by microbes

guidelines for managing soil tilth (4)

1) minimize tillage to reduce loss of aggregates

2) timing traffic activities to occur when:

-soil is dry as possible

-restricting tillage to period optimum soil moister conditions

3) mulching the soil surface with crop residues or plant litter to add OM

4) apply gypsum or other synthetic polymers

soil structural problems (3)

soil crusting - happens after rainfall and has no structure

soil erosion - wind, water, and tillage


degradation of soil structure and consequences

breakdown of weakened aggregates at soil surface

compacted subsoil - barrier to root growth and water

erosion carries away fine particles and OM is lost

surface crusting from rapid wet - dry

Importance of soil structure (5)

affects crop growth and yield by influencing

-storage of water and nutrients and their availability to crops

- movement of water and nutrients in and through the soil during infilitration, draining, and leaching

- aeration of roots and soil microbes

- soils resistance to erosion by wind and water

- soils resistance to compaction and crusting

management practices

continuous wheat vs grass

continuos cropping vs summer fallow

conservation tillage and continuous cropping for prairies

no till for corn in ON

direct drilling for cereals in PEI