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66 Cards in this Set

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What does the integumentary system consist of?
The skin. The epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous layer.
What is the most common type of trauma?
Soft tissue trauma
Define contusion
Closed wound in which the skin is unbroken, although damage has occurred to the tissue immediately beneath
What are the different types of closed wounds?
Crush injuries
Define erythema
General deddening of the skin due to dilation fo the superficial capillaries
Define ecchymosis
Blue-black discoloration of the skin due to leakage of blood in to the tissues
Define hematoma
Collection of blood beneath the skin or trapped within a body compartment
Define crush injury
Mechanism of injury in which tissue is locally compressed by high pressue forces
Define crush syndrome
Systemic disorder of severe metabolic disturbances resulting from the crush of a limb or other body part
Name 3 types of the open wounds
Define abrasion
Scraping or abrasing away of the superficial layers of the skin; an open soft-tissue injury
Define laceration
An open wound, normally a tear with jagged borders
Define tension lines
Natural patterns in the surface of the skin revealing tensions within
Define incision
Very smooth or surgical lacerations, frequently caused by a knife, scalpel, razor blade, or piece of glass
Define puncture
Specific soft-tissue injury involving a deep, narrow wound to the skin and underlying organs that carries an increased danger of infection
Define impaled object
Foreign body embedded in a wound
Define avulsion
Forceful tearing away or separation of body tissue; an avulsion may be partial or complete
Define degloving injury
Avulsion in which the mechanism of injury tears the skin off the underlying muscle, tissue, blood vessels, and bone
Define amputation
Severance, removal, or detachment, either partial or complete, of a body part
What are the sages of wound healing?
Collagen synthesis
A bright red, pulsating flow of blood indicates what kind of hemorrhage?
A dark red, steady, slow flow of blood indicates what kind of hemorrhage?
A bright red, slow, even flow of blood indicates what kind of hemorrhage?
Define hemostasis
The body's natural ability to stop bleeding, the ability to clot blood
During assessment, it is important to determine the _________ and ______________ of hemorrhage.
rate, quantity
Define inflammation
Complex process of local cellular and biochemical changes as a consequence of injury or infection; an early stage of healing
Define chemotactic factors
Chemicals released by white blood cells that attract more white blood cells to an area of inflammation
Define granulocytes
WBC's charged with the primary purpose of neutralizing foreign bacteria
Define macrophages
Immune system cell that has the ability to recognize and ingest foreign pathogens
Define phagocytosis
Process in which a cell surrounds and absorbs a bacterium or other particles
Define epithelialization
Early stage of wound healing in which epithelial cells migrate over the surface of the wound
Define neovascularization
New growth of capillaries in response to healing
Define collagen
Tough, strong protein that comprises most of the body's connective tissues
Define fibroblasts
Specialized cells that form collagen
Define remodeling
Stage in the wound healing process in which collagen is broken down and relaid in an orderly fashion
What is the most common complication of open wounds?
Define lymphangitis
Inflammation of the lymph channels, usually as a result of a distal infection
What is a factor that influences the liklihood of infection?
The type of wound
Define gangrene
Deep space infection usually caused by the anaerobic bacterium; Clostridium perfringens
True or false: Some medications, like ASA, warfarin, and heparin, can interfere with the clotting process.
Define serous fluid
A cellular component of blood, similar to plasma
Define compartment syndrome
Muscle ischemia that is caused by rising pressures within an anatomical fascial space
Define keloid
A formation resulting from overproduction of scar tissue
True or false: Pressure injuries may occur if a long spind board, splint, or PASG is left on a patient for an extended period.
Define necrosis
Tissue death, usually from ischemia
Define rhabdomyolysis
Accute disease that involves the destruction of skeletal muscle
What are the 5 types of dressings?
What are the 4 types of bandages?
True or false: No MOI can impact the body without first passing through the skin.
The detailed _________ ____ _______ examination should be performed at the scene only if significant and life-threatening bleeding can be ruled out.
True or false: The wound should be observed in such a way that it can later be described to the attending physician.
Unless extensive ___________________ is noted, the management of minor wounds is a late priority in the care of the trauma patient.
bleeding or hemorrhage
What are the 3 objectives of bandaging?
Controlling hemorrhage
Keep the wound clean
Immobilize the wound site
To halt hemorrhage, apply __________ _________________ to the site for at least 10 minutes.
firm pressure
When should a tourniquet be used?
Only when bleeding cannot be controlled by any other means
True or false: Immobilization is an important, but frequently overlooked, component of hemorrhage control.
Why is it important to frequently check the pressure beneath a bandage?
To assure good distal circulation
What is the current recommendation for managing an amputated body part?
Placing the amputated body part in a bag and immersing the bag in cold water, but not allowing direct contact with ice, and rapid transport.
Implaled objects should/should not be removed because of the risk of serious, uncontrollable bleeding.
should not
What are the only two instances an impaled object should be removed prehospital?
The object is impaled in the cheek and compromising airway
The object is impaled in the chest and is preventing CPR
What should be anticipated once a crush injury pt is freed from entrapment?
Rapid development of shock
What is the most prominent symptom symptom of compartment syndrome?
Pain out of proportion with the physical findings
Severe facial soft-tissue injueies may cause what problem for airway management?
The injuries may distort landmarks used for intubation
Should an open thoracic wound be explored beyond the edges?
No. Probing may create a pneumothorax or induce serious bleeding.
Any open wound chest wound should be watched closely for what developments?
Pneumothorax or tension pneumothorax
Injuries to both the _______________ and _________________ should be suspected if the soft-tissue injury involves the region between the rib margin and the 5th rib anteriorly, the 7th rib laterally, and the 9th rib posteriorly.
thorax, abdomen