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35 Cards in this Set

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Which term is used to describe those ideas and ideals (ideology) that assert the superiority of one social group over another, together with the institutional power to put these beliefs
into practice in a way that controls, excludes, or exploits others because of cultural or physical differences
The belief that links behaviour with biology and discriminatory treatment is justified on basis or innate differences that are fixed and natural is related to which dimension of racism?
Racism as Biology
The belief that links behaviour with biology and discriminatory treatment is justified on basis or innate differences that are fixed and natural is related to which dimension of racism?
Racism as Biology
Which dimension of racism is a set of ideas that label, classify, evaluate and rank members of a group in ascending/descending order
Racism as ideology
Which dimension of racism is an indication of a dislike of others because of what they do?
Racism as culture
In which dimension of racism is racism situated within a much broader set of social processes and instituional practices that become so normalized that people tend to think of them as natural, normal or inevitable?
Racism as power
Which dimension of racism is referred to when power is expressed at lever of dominant-subdominant interaction, embedded within the institutional framework of society, supported by a coherent system of ideas and ideals, and perpetuated by vested interests?
Racism as power
The interplay of prejudice and discrimination and power provides a situation for which social construct to thrive?
Which social construct consists of an ideology which legitimizes the unequal treatment of minorities through the practices of political exclusion, economic exploitation or social segregation?
Which term is used to describe negative, often unconscious and preconceived notions about others?
Which term is used to describe the belief in the superiority of ones own culture compared with others?
Which term is used to describe generalizations about others, both unwarranted and unfounded on the basis of available evidence?
Which term is used to describe any act whether deliverate or not, that has the intent or the effect of adversly affecting (denying or excluding) others on grounds other than merit or ability?
Which type of discrimination is defined from the perspective of the victim who determines what the acceptable boundaries are and what distinguishes offense from this type of discrimination and consensual conduct from an abuse of power?
Which type of racism occurs primarily between individuals and reflects a degree of dislike that is directed at another because of who they are or what they stand for?
Which type of racism consists of highly personal attacks (often verbal or physical) on others who are perceived as culturally or biologically inferior?
Hate racism
Which type of racism is a contrived attempt to disguise a dislike of others through behaviour that outwardly is nonprejudicial in appearance?
Which type of racism is the process by which organizational practices and procedures are to discriminate against minority men and women
Which type of racism is entrenched within the structure (rules, organization) function (norms, goals) and processess(procedures) or social institutions.
Which type of racism is beyond everyday consciousness, involves universal standards which are seen as normal and necessary disguised as equality?
Which term is used to describe the level of racism that pervades the general functioning of society?
Which type of racism is described as racist practices that infiltrate everyday life and become part of what is accepted as normal by society?
normative racism
Which type of racism is described as a subconscious racism that reflects a conflict of interests between competing value sets?
subliminal racism
Which of the following social constructs exists because it is supportive of the system designed to augment dominant power and privilege?
It is intrinsic to Canadian historical and exonomic development, it is embedded within the institutional structures of society, it is endemic to core cultural values, it is integral to Canadian society building. This refers to the fact that
The origins have deep roots in Canadian Society
Which term is used to describe the process that isolates and challenges racism through direct action at personal and institutional levels?
Which approach to antiracism is described as modifying defective attitudes related to prejudice and stereotyping?
The following characteristics are required for which approach to antiracism to have a positive effect? The individuals involved should be equal, work together on a common task in a supportive setting, and benefit from their cooperation?
Which approach to antiracism involves helping people learn that racism is wrong?
Which approach to antiracism aims to enhance sensitivity by improving awareness about cultural differences?
Multicultural education
Which approach to antiracism links racism to politics and economics against the backdrop of policies, practices and social structures?
Antiracist education
Which approach to antiracism has the objective to make it illegal to discriminate by making people aware of the repercussions for breaking the law?
Law and legal sanctions
Which approach to antiracism places an emphasis on social explanations?
To create a new society that is based on "living together with our differences" in ways that enhance diversity without sacrificing equality is the object of?
In 1966 the United Nations declared March 21 as a day symbolic to the worldwide need to end racism. What is the oficial name of this day?
International day for the elimination of racial discrimination