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31 Cards in this Set

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achieved status
A status that individuals secure on the basis of choice and competition.
A collection of anonymous individuals who are in one place at the same time.
ascribed status
A status assigned to an individual by a group or society.
A collection of people who share a characteristic that is deemed to be of social significance.
A subculture whose norms and values are substantially at odds with those of the larger society.
cultural relativism
A value-free or neutral approach that views the behavior of a people from the perspective of their own culture.
cultural universals
Patterned and recurrent aspects of life that appear in all known societies.
The social heritage of a people; those learned patterns for thinking, feeling, and acting that are transmitted from one generation to the next, including the embodiment of these patterns in material items.
The actions that others can legitimately insist that we perform.
The tendency to judge the behavior of other groups by the standards of one's own culture.
Norms people do not deem to be of great importance and to which they exact less stringent conformity.
Two or more people who share a feeling of unity and who are bound together in relatively stable patterns of social interaction.
The principal instruments whereby the essential tasks of living are organized, directed, and executed.
A socially structured system of sound patterns (words and sentences) with specific and arbitrary meanings.
Rules that are enforced by a special political organization composed of individuals who enjoy the right to use force.
master status
A key or core status that carries primary weight in a person's interactions and relationships with others.
Norms to which people attach a good deal of importance and exact strict conformity.
Social rules that specify appropriate and inappropriate behavior in given situations.
Actions that we can legitimately insist that others perform.
A set of expectations (rights and duties) that define the behavior people view as appropriate and inappropriate for the occupant of a status.
role conflict
The situation in which individuals are confronted with conflicting expectations stemming from their simultaneous occupancy of two or more statuses.
role exit
Occurs when people stop playing roles that have been central to their social identities.
role performance
The actual behavior of the person who occupies a status.
role set
The multiple roles associated with a single status.
role strain
The situation in which individuals find the expectations of a single role incompatible, so that they have difficulty performing the role.
social structure
The interweaving of people's interactions and relationships in more or less recurrent and stable patterns.
A group of people who live within the same territory and share a common culture.
A position within a group or society; a location in a social structure.
A group whose members participate in the main culture of a society while simultaneously sharing a number of unique values, norms, traditions, and lifestyles.
Acts or objects that have come to be socially accepted as standing for something else.
Broad ideas regarding what is desirable, correct, and good that most members of a society share.