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33 Cards in this Set

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Definition of Sociology?
Sociology is the study of society and human behavior. It offers a veiw of the world.
What is the Sociological perspective?
It stresses social contexts where people live and how it effects their lives. (core concept- how it influences people and their society)
What is a society?
group of people who share a culture and a territory.
Social Location?
The places people occupy as a result of their place in society.
What is science?
The systematic method that studies the social and natural worlds and the knowledge obtained by these methods.
the study of understanding the culture of a group to try to understand their way of life.
The study of product distribution through a society (ie. whats produced, costs, how distributed)
What are the 3 major events that shaped Sociology?
1.Social upheaval of industrial revolution.
2.American and French Revolutions (challenged answers social orders provided)
3. Imperialism-building of empires. Europeans colonized and began asking why other cultures were different.
Who was Comte?
What method was he known for?
Founder of sociology. Was a theorist who became interested in what held societies together. Thought sociologists would reform society. Was an "armchair sociologist".
He developed an applied scientific method called Positivism.
Who was Spencer?
What was he known for?
He was the 2nd founder of soc. "armchair soc" Believed that sociology shouldnt guide society. He was interested in natural evolution of societies. He coined the term "survival of the fittest and theorized about social darwinism.
Who was Marx?
What was he known for?
-Class Conflict theory
-People should bring change through revolution
-engine of evolution is class conflict capitalists vs. workers
-(Bourgeoisie vs. Proletariat)
Who is Durkheim?
-Theory of social integration.
-One of the first sociologists to conduct research.
-known for theories of suicide
-We cant look only at the individual but examine the social forces that affect peoples lives.
Who is Weber?
-Protestant Ethic
-Thought central change was religion rather than economics.
-Catholic encouraged no change, protestant encouraged change.
-Verstehen- the feelings and motivations of the person being studied.
Who is Addams?
-woman soc.
-bridged the gap btw those w/ power and those without
Who is W.E.B. Dubois?
-1st African Amer. to earn doctorate from harvard
-a founder of NAACP
What is functional analysis?
a society is a whole unit made of interrelated parts that work together
Conflict Theory
(Marx) groups compete over resources and the key to society is class conflict
the language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and material objects that characterize a group and are passed from one generation to the next.
Material Culture?
material objects that distinguish a group of people- art music...
Nonmaterial culture?
a groups way of thinking, doing things, beliefs, values, and thoughts about the world.
Culture Shock?
Disorientation people experience when they come in contact with another culture
use of one's own culture to judge another culture leads people to make inaccurate accounts of culture.
Cultural Relativism?
where we try to understand another culture on its own terms.
something that people attach meaning and use to communicate
Is there a universal symbol?
No, there is no symbol that is universal.
What is the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis?
states that language has embedded within it ways of looking at the world
-talks about relationship of language and culture.
ideas of what is desireable in life
expectations or rules of behavior that develop out of a groups values
reactions people receive for following or breaking norms.
(are pos. or neg)
norms that are not strictly enforced
essential to our core values and taken very seriously as we insist on conformity to them
a norm that is so strongly ingrained that even the thought of its violation is revolting.
Cultural Universals?
courtship, marriage, funerals, games, laws and music are universal