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30 Cards in this Set

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conventional crime
violent crime as well as certain types of vice and property crimes; also called street crimes
corporate crime
ilegal activities engaged in by a corporation or people acting on its behalf
behavior that violates the formal norms or laws of a society
condition, behavior, attitude, or belief that violates cultural norms or that is reacted to and defined as deviance
person who engages in deviance or possesses and attitude or condition considered or labeled deviant
formal social controls
involves agents of society, such as the police & courts, in punishing people believed to have broken laws
hate crimes
crimes motivated by racial, religious, sexual, disability, or othe biases
illegititmate opportunity structures
conditions that provide an opportunity to achieve what they cannot achieve thru legitimate means
impulsive deviance
deviance that is engaged in without prior calculation and often lacks duration
informal social control
reactions and sanctions exhibited by people in daily interactions; ther effect is to encourage conformity
intentional deviance
deviance that involves prior rational calculation of the costs and benefits of doiing deviannce
organized crime
criminal activity engaged in for profit by an organized group
political crime
unethical or illegal behavior engaged in by government officials, or criminal activity engaged in by people attempting to overthrow the govt.
primary deviance
first act of deviance for which one receives the label of deviant
actions taken to extinguish or stop undesirable behavior
secondary deviance
sebsequent acts of deviance that result from the acceptance of the label and identity of deviant
social control
collective attempts to ensure conformity to a group or societal norms
strong negative label
strain theory
theory that people engage in deviance when they are unable to acheive socially approved goals through socially approved means
white-collar crime
crime committed by people of high social position in the course of their employment activities
Durkheim-functionalist perspective
deviance natural-afffirms values and norms/clarifies social boundaries/promotes unity /promotes innovation and social change
Strain Theory-approved goals-acheived thru/conformity/innovation/ritualism/retreatism/rebellion
1966-expanded mertons theory= opportunity theory(subcultures criminal,retreatist,conflict)
1969-Control theory(Symbolic-Interactionist)what keeps people from choosing deviance(why do they conform)
Control theory
Differential association theory
learn deviance from people we associate with
labeling theory
the act of labeling deviants
conflict perspective on deviance
liberal feminism/radical feminism/socialist feminism
feminist views on deviance
liberal-gender discrimination(to feed kids)/radical-patriarchal subordination(prostitution-double standards)/socialist-patriarchy & capitalism(low paying jobs-make ends meet)
classifying crime