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73 Cards in this Set

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Involves nongovernmental actors who engage in acts of violence the targets noncombatants, property, or military personnel to influence politics
Occurs when nations use their military to attempt to impose their will on others outside of their nation, or in case of civil war, when a nation uses the military to impose its political will within the nation
Industrial revolution
19th century Introduced the factory system of production. Instead of making products alone at home, or in small groups in workshops, large numbers of workers were brought together in factories.
The decline of manufacturing as well as a corresponding increase in various types of services
Postindustrial Society
A society that was at one time industrial, but where the focus of the manufacture of goods has been replaced by an increase, at least initially, in service work; that is work in which people are involved in providing services for one another rather than producing goods.
Welfare state
states that seek both to run their economic markets efficiently, as capitalism does, and to do so more equitably, which capitalism does not do
Factors leading to deindustrialization
*decline of manufacturing corresponding increase in various types of services
*expansion of globalization
*rise of consumer society and the increasing demand for goods of all types
*rise of the service sector in the United States.
involves being in jobs that are beneath one's training and ability; being considered an involuntary part time worker, and working, but in jobs that do not fully occupy the workers. (for example seasonal work)
Discouraged workers
those who have sought work withing the last year or since their last job ended, if that was less than a year previous, and have not sought work in the last four weeks ( and are therefore not in the labor force)
being economically active in the labor force (for example, not retired) able and willing to work, seeking employment, but unable to find a job
Monopoly capitalism
A form of capitalism dominated by huge corporations that monopolize the market.
Transnational capitalism
an economic system in which transnational economic predominate
An economic system based on one group of people -the capitalists- - owning what is needed for production and a second group of people -the proletariat- owning little but their capacity to work.
Competitive capitalism
a form of capitalism where there are a large number of relatively small firms with the result that no one, or small subset, of them can completely dominate and control a given area of the economy
economic system oriented to the collective, rather than the private, ownership of the means of production.
a historical stage following communism involving the effort by society to plan and organize production consciously and rationally so that all members of society
Marriage of one wife and one husband (although with changing laws, monogamy might involve two wives or two husbands)
Involves multiple spouses
A family with multiple wives
Multiple husbands.
Group marriage
Marrying one with similar characteristics in terms of race, ethnicity, religion, education level, social class, and so on.
Marrying someone with characteristics that are dissimilar on these, and other, dimensions
The key to understanding the family is:
A close and personal relationship
Intimate Relationship
Involves partners who have a close , personal, and domestic relationship with one another
Passionate Love
Has a sudden onset, has strong sexual feelings, and tends to involve idealization of the one who is loved. Passionate love brings with is great intimacy, although the intimacy is very likely to be short-lived
Compassionate love
Develops more gradually, is not necessarily tied to sexual passion, and is based on more rational assessments of the one who is loved
Cherlin’s five factors:
• As more women entered the labor force, the clear division of labor in the family between home-maker and breadwinner began to break down. The once-clear norms about what men and women were to do in a marital relationship were eroding, and this contributed a more general lack of clarity about marriage, as well as the family.
• Second, the norms about having children within the context of marriage and the family were also eroding.
• Third, the high and increasing divorce rate between 1960 and 1980 contributed to the deinstitutionalization of marriage.
• The growth rate in cohabitation, which began in the 1970s and accelerated as the 20th century ended.
• Finally, the same-sex marriage that flowered in the 1990s and has grown further in the 21st century.
Weakened social norms especially with regard to the institution of marriage
Institutional marriage
the predominant form of marriage in the early 20th century. The focus in such a marriage was on the maintenance of the institution of marriage itself. There was less concern that those involved would love or be good companions to one another.
Companionate marriage
Meshed well with the nuclear family and involved a clear division of labor between the single-earner breadwinner- almost always the male- and the female home maker. In spite, or perhaps because of the strict division of labor, husbands and wives were held together by bonds of sentiment, friendship, and sexuality. They were supposed to be each other’s companions including being each other’s friends, confidants, and lovers; romantic love was an essential component of companion marriage.
Individualized marriage
Focus of the marriage shifted in the direction of the satisfaction of each individual involved, as well as individual’s ability to develop and express themselves. Individualized marriage became increasingly open and flexible. Furthermore, couples were becoming more open with each other in communication about, and dealing with, problems.
Nonfamily household
Those in which a person lives either alone or with nonrelatives.
Family household
Residential unit of one or more people occupying a given domicile who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption. It is distinguished by the fact that those involved are related, but not necessarily married and by their occupation of a specific domicile. One member of the family household- the householder, owns or rents the property, as well as maintains it.
Couples sharing a home and a bed without being legally married.
Nonresident Parents
Involve families in which fathers or mothers live apart from their children.
Involves two adults who are married or cohabiting, at least one of whom has a child or children from a previous marriage or cohabitation living with them.
Blended Family
Includes some combination of children from the partners’ previous marriages or relationships along with one or more children of the currently married or cohabiting couple
Couples Living Apart Together
Involve both heterosexuals and homosexuals, who define themselves as couples without the necessity of living together
Extended Family
Two or more generations of a family living in the same household or in close proximity to one another- and allowed them the mobility they needed in the industrial society of the time.
Factors in Divorce:
• Violence and abuse that may have occurred over a long period of time
• Increasing emphasis on the self and individualism. Once individuals come to the conclusion that the relationship is no longer working for them, they are free to leave.
• Having relatively little education
• Marrying as a teenager
• Whether or not the couple cohabited before marriage
• Being poor
• Having divorced parents
• Infidelity
• Alcohol or drug abuse
• Mismanaged finances
Human trafficking
Involves selling and buying humans as products. This affects the family in many ways. Children are sometimes trafficked for the purpose of illegal adoption.
Societal competition through established governmental channels to advance a position or enact a policy to benefit its members
A political body organized for government and civil rule, with relatively autonomous officeholders and with its own rules and resources coming largely from taxes.
Primitive Communism
Egalitarian, nomadic hunter-gatherer societies
Politics ruled by a typically hereditary head of state, usually springing from a royal family, and based on the traditional forms of authority
A political system in which people within a given state vote to choose their leaders and in some cases vote on legislation.
Representative Democracy
A political system in which people, as a whole body, do not actually rule themselves but rather have some say in who will best represent them in the state.
Direct democracy
A political system in which people directly affected by a given decision have a say in that decision
The idea that people of a given state can vote for their representatives within the state, but also that they have access to rights and responsibilities as citizens
States that are usually totalitarian and ruled either by a single individual or by a small group of people
The idea that the state should heavily regulate the economy
Single-party System
A political system in which the ruling party outlaws, or heavily restricts, opposing parties.
Two-party System
A political system in which two parties hold nearly all positions of political power in a given nation.
Multi-party System
A political system in which more than two parties enjoy public support and hold political office in a nation
Typically seen as the liberal party. They tend to seek larger and more generous welfare and social assistance programs such as universal healthcare. They also tend to support social reforms such as gay marriage and the right of women to have access to abortions
Often seen as the U.S. conservative party, seeking less government spending and waste as well as restrictions on abortions and gay marriage
Electoral College
A method of indirect election of U.S. presidents by which electors in each state designated by the state legislature cast their votes for president according to their state’s popular vote.
Political Action Committees
Private groups organized to advance a given political perspective or candidate
The body
Michel Foucault wrote many times about it in his works and his concerns focus on the punishment of the criminals body
The sexual body
*Foucault emphasized the importance of sexuality and the role of the body in obtaining sexual pleasure. He believed that society used sexuality and restrictions on it to gain access to the body in order to control, discipline, and govern it. He urged people not to follow this.
*Sexual pleasure can be obtained in other ways (sex with animals, with oneself)
*Different types of sex are more common
*Objectophilla – loving an object (Objectum sexuality organization for those who love objects)
The Beauty Myth- wolf argues that the media confront the vast majority of people with an unattainable standard of beauty. The standard comes from what Michael Kimmel calls the “male gaze” Some argue the importance of beauty has its roots in evolution. That beauty may indicate health, fertility, and a chance for the child to be beautiful and maybe survive longer.
The quest of the ideal
Money spent on ,cosmetics, fitness workouts, fitness centers, clothing, most extremely cosmetic surgeries. Main cosmetic surgeries are, breast, lipoplasty (liposuction), blepharoplasty (eyelid), abdominoplasty(tummy tuck), and genital is becoming more popular. The quest for the “perfect vagina”
Body modification
Tattooing & piercing becoming more popular. Was once associated with deviants and some parts of the military- mostly navy. The acceptance shows an increase in the reflexivity.
Risky Behavior
Don't see their physician, don't have regular checkups, don't get their vaccinations, don't take required medicine. Do, smoke cigarettes, illegal drugs, drinking alcohol in excessive amounts, unprotected sex, unprotected sex with multiple partners, talking/texting while driving, nuclear workers,
Medical Sociology
A field concerned with the social causes and consequences of health and illness
Sick Role
Expectations about the way sick people are suppose to act
The Medical Profession
Doctors normally male and they earn more then the female counterpart
became important in the mid 20th century when a great deal of power was accorded to the health care system.
The process whereby a profession's power and autonomy, as well as high status and great wealth, have declined, at least relative to the exalted position it once held
Weaknesses in the U.S. Health Care System
*rapidly rising costs
*health care system fairs poorly compared to other system around the world. The life expectancy is rated 50th in the world.
Inequalities in the U.S. Health Care System.
*Rich can afford any health insurances they want
*More than 16% of Americans have little or no money to pay for health care and more than 50 million don't have it
*social class, race and gender, also play a part of the unfairness
Growing global inequality.
while globalization has been associated with increased aggregate life expectancy it also has tended to widen global disparities health.
Disease- mostly occurs at younger ages and in lower to middle income countries
Malnutrition- countries in global south suffer disproportionately from hunger and malnutrition