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51 Cards in this Set

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Is heterosexuality natural?

No. There were times when homosexuality was considered normal.

Define essentialism.

Men and women are different in their essence. Has nothing to do with social constructs/forces

When was homosexuality removed from the DSM ?


In Ancient Greece, this was an odd ritual practice.

Husbands having sex with younger boys.

Define Master-status:

Even if you have many identities/statuses, one of them is your "main" one. I.E. Trudeau is a dad, a brother, a son. But we know him primarily as a prime minister.

What is queer theory?

Wants to encourage fluidity.

Subjective approaches to deviance

Deviance is dependent on some social context. Very little intrinsically deviant things. All dependent on culture and how people react to it

Subjective approach theorists

Durkheim, Mrerton, Parson

Objective approach to deviance:

Deviance is intrinsic. There must be something causing it that is bad.

Objective approach theorists:

Becker, Lemert

Social constructionism

How deviance is a product of social construct. Time periods, history, culture, etc changes the outlook on deviancy. i.e. saudi women not being able to drive

Cultural relativism

different cultures have different ideas of what is normal

Becker's labelling theory

in order for someone to be deviant, someone else has to see their actions as deviant and label them as such. Deviant behaviour is behaviour that people use to label.

Lemert's primary deviance:

when it's only one occurrence of breaking the norms. One time mess up.

Lemert's secondary deviance:

continuous breaking of norms/rules that lead to people reacting negatively to it, and therefore putting a label. This leads to the actor believing they are what they have been labelled as, and internalizes the stigma

Who was the founder of the term Tertiary deviance?

Created by John Kitsuse.

What is Tertiary Deviance:

the process where the deviants challenge and transform the label into something positive by challenging social norms that are being assumed. i.e. the term queer. it is now accepted.

Gay Liberation Front:

founded after police raided a gay bar and arrested many people

Sodomy became legal in _____.


Queer worth?

How to be a good queer vs a joke.

Essentialism with homosexuality

Homosex has always existed, at its essence. It is inherently something that has existed in our society and has always been depicted as negative

______________ wanted to challenge essentialist ideas.


The active giver of the sex is considered _________ and the receiver is considered to be ___________.

Straight; gay.

Kinsey scale:

A scale for determining ones identity
X, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
6 = Completely homo
0 = Completely straight
X= Asexual

Which PM said "the state has no place in the bedroom of the nation?"



When police raided the gay bar, which led to fighting back.

Kinsey's concerns:

Interested in behaviours of homosexuality, not causes.

Gay sex was illegal in Canada till ______


Same sex unions were allowed in ________


Gay marriage legalized in ___________ in Canada.


Gay marriage legalized in US in _________.


What was the last province/territory to legalize gay marriage?


LGBTIQQ2A stands for?

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transexual, Intersex, Queer, Questioning, 2 spirited, Asexual.

Homophobia :

Hatred/discrimination against homo people. Negative action.


The idea that heterosexuality is "normal" and anything else is "other" in society; more common/powerful. Most are assumed to be straight unless you come out as otherwise.

Etiology means

the study of causes.

David Greenberg

Developed the construction of homosexuality. Many examples throughout history and cross-cultural studies that show where homo acts were normal and not seen as homosexual/labelled.

Sambia tribe in New Guinea

Young boys were separated from women at the age of 10 and onwards to prevent being polluted from masculinity. Semen had to be "transmitted" to young boys, so they would suck dick of older guys. Then they'd get married, and still sometimes have sex with young guys. Except none of these rituals/rites of passage are seen as anything "other" than the norm.

Queer theory:

Developed in the late 80's early 90's. 3 points:
1. Our understanding of sexuality and orientation is socially constructed.
2. Sexual inclinations are fluid; binary divisions between the homo and hetero are artificial.
3. Homo acts exist. Homo identity does not.

Who wrote the History of Sexuality, and was also gay himself?

Foucault. passed away in 1984, lived in france.

Postmodern theory

there is no objective reality, there is no absolute truth. Categories arent rigid.

Epistomology; sociology of knowledge;

How do we know what we know?

Eve Kosofsky-Sedgewick

Queer theory; wrote a book called the Epistemology of the Closet. Which examined individuals and their experiences in the closet based on a rigid view of sexuality. If the concept of sexuality is being understood in a more fluid way, there would be no closet in the first place.

Gender is relative but Sex is ___________


Ann fausto Sterling

She was a biologist. claims there are 5 sexes

Kimmel article

Men are always under scrutiny from other men
More masculine, more accepted/

Homophobia is a central organizing principle of manhood.

In a group, more men tend to become homophobic, but one on one conversations, they're much more accepting of homosexuality.

Pack mentality

Sociology of the locker room

Culture of super heightened manhood. Since theyre all butt naked, there's a need to prove their manliness by being homophobic and sexist.

Men have more problems with same sex relations because...

They have more to lose. Weakness is a loss of power. They're at the top of the heirarchy, and dating another man doesn't do much for their image.

Men label many powerful women athletes as lesbian because...

they are uncomfortable with women who are riding to their levels and defying the social characteristics of being female.

This is a way for them to exert control/power by demeaning women.

How did women athletes react to being called lesbians ?

Wore more feminine clothing, made sure to be seen by men, dating, sexually promiscuous towards men, practicing alone and not with a team.