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39 Cards in this Set

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-Ascribed status

-Biological apparatuses


-Achieved status

-sociological, cultural traits linked to males and females

-"Masculinity" "femininity"

Gender Indentity

-Fluid, Relational, Evolving

-Sense of self as a gendered person

-Man, Woman, Trans, Agendered

Sexual Orientation

-Homosexual, Heterosexual, Asexual, Bisexual

-How people classify themselves sexually

-Sexual & Emotional interest in others

Gender system

-The system of meaning & differentiation linked to the sexes through social arrangements


Opportunity Structures

Patterns of easier access to some positions/experiences/resources

Gender Perspective

-C Wright Mills

-we respond to the world we encounter, shaping & modifying our identities though encounters & within social institutions


-Society is hierarchically organized with males dominating most of the positions of power/wealth.

-male dominated/identified/centered

Sociological Dimension

-Cultural backdrop

-Instruction manual

-symbols, norms, beliefs, media

Gender Polarization

-Pervasive organization of social life based around gender differences

-Exaggeration of differences

Gender Lense

1) Essentialist Lense

2)Patriarchy Lens

-Sandea Bem (1993)

1) Men & women are innately different

2) A degree of inequality is inevitable


Males & Females are inherently, biologically different

Alpha Bias

Belief that science is objective, value free, appolitical

Faulty science

-Causality vs Correlation

(3 criteria of true causality)

1) Consistent pattern

2) Consistent time order

3) No alternative factors can satisfactorily explain relationship

Why is Gender Polarization so Pervasive?

-Scientific explanations "ring true"

-Fit w/ own observations

-Conceptual tidiness

-Reassurance that inequalities "are not our fault"

What is Harmful about the Essentialist Lens?

-Differences imbues w/ differential value

-Innate Differences = inevitability of inequalities = change is not possible (ex. conservative lens)


-Normative expectations

-Cultural standards of masculinity/femininity

-guide behavior, assessments

Sex Roles Theory

-Talcott Parson's

-Society links overarching attitudes & activities to each sex (Dominant Scripts)

Hegemonic Masculinity

-Dominant male script

-"act like a man"

1)Competition, success, achievement

2)self reliance, assertiveness, strength, toughness


Emphasized Femeninity

-Dominant Feminine script

-"act like a lady"



Social Role Theory

A set of patterned MUTUALLY INTER-DEPENDENT, social relations between a social person and a social circle involving NEGOTIATED duties and obligations, rights & privileges.

Status Expectation Theory

-Status ranking of groups; some groups are superior (we are aware)

-More value attached to the status "male"

Same behavior + Different Status = Different perception

Nurturance Norms

-Oriented to accommodating the interests, desires of men

-Display or sociability

-Acceptance of marriage & child care

"The Motherhood Mandate"

Feminine Mystique (Myth)

-Betty Friedan

-The deception brought by the image of Nurturance Norms

-Internalized patriarchy/Oppression


Appearance Norms

# activities to make the body appear feminine




Beauty Bias

-Sandra Bartky

Internalized Oppression; Women discipline their bodies to achieve the emphasized idea (ideal body)

The Beauty Myth

-Noomi Wolf

-The demands of appearance norm, limit woman's potential

-Pressure to conform; mental health issues

Plurality of Masculinities & Femininities

-Mathews & Beaman

-We are more accepting of new Stereotypes/norms

-Ex. Tenderness Masculinity

Sapir Worf Hypothesis

Language shaped understanding

Linguistic Determinism

-Understanding influenced by language

-Patterns of Linguistic Sexism

-language devalues defines ones sex's "place" in society unequally or ignored altogether

Linguistic Sexism

1) Difference in the way men and women are treated

2)Differing treatment is less favorable toward one sex

3)Basis for difference is gender related

Naming Conventions

(Type of Linguistic Sexism)

How we address men and women; titles of respect

ex. Mr. Mrs. Ms.

Pronoun Sexism

(Type of Linguistic Sexism)

-When gender of pronoun antecedent unknown

-Automatic choice involving stereotyped assumptions

(ex. language about jobs; nurse vs doctor)


(Type of Linguistic Sexism)

-When discussing a person whose gender does not match traditional notions

-highlights gender when gender is irrelevant

-Irrelevant reference to physical appearance or Domestic relationship

Generic term

All purpose, gender free word

False Generic Form

Claims to include all people but doesn't

Ex. Man kind

False Generic Pronoun/Masculine Generic


-Most male/false generic form have been eliminated

Reflection Hypothesis

Media reflects the values of mainstream culture; behaviors, relationships, values, norms that are most prevalent in society

Cultivation Theory

-Media shapes/creates culture by structuring info & defining "normal"

-Over time media cultivates perceptions of reality

-incomplete/inaccurate representations (skewed world view)

-Cumulative & Overarching impact