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96 Cards in this Set

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Applied Sociology
Sociology used to solve problems
Basic/Pure Sociology
Analyze society and publish findings, that's it
Sociological Perspective/ (Mills)
Stresses social contexts in which people live, how societies influence lives, linking individual experience with social institutions and one's place in history
Comte, Apply scientific method to social world, created sociology
Observe behavior without their knowledge
Conflict Theory
Society composed of groups competing with each other for resources, class conflict
Symbolic Interactionism
How people interact with each other, use symbols to do so
Functional Theory
Society is whole unit made up of interrelated parts, working together
Class Conflict
Marx, class conflict between capitalists and workers
Social Darwinism
Spencer - second founder of sociology, Survival of the fittest, nobody should intervene with evolution of society
Cultural Lag
Society is unable to keep up with the rapid pace of technological change, and that social problems and conflicts are caused by this
Cultural Diffusion
The process by which a cultural trait, material object, idea, or behavior pattern is spread from one society to another
World within larger world of dominant culture, similar values as dominant culture
Counter Culture
Group's values out them at odds with dominant culture
Cultural Relativism
Trying to understand a culture on it's own terms
Culture Shock
Experiencing a new culture different than yours
Tendency to use our own groups ways of doing things as a yardstick for judging others
Rules of behavior
Norms that aren't strictly enforced (passing on right side)
Norms that are taken more seriously (killing)
Norm that is looked upon as unbelievable grotesque (incest)
Positive - Reactions people get for following norms
Negative - Reactions people get for breaking norms
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
Language determines our consciousness and perception of objects/events
Ideas of what is desirable in life
Value cluster
Values clustered together around an idea
Agents of socialization
People that influence self-concept, emotions, attitudes, behavior (Family, neighborhood, religion, school, workplace, peer groups)
Learning new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors to match a new life
"I" and "Me"
I - self as subject, active, creative part of self
Me - Self as object, attitudes we internalize from interactions with others
Inborn drive, look for gratification no matter what
Balancing Force between two
Conscience, culture within us
Looking Glass Self
Cooley, Lifelong process by which our sense of self develops
- We imagine how we appear to others
- We interpret their reactions
- We develop self-concept
Play Stages (Mead)
Imitation (Under 3)
Play (3-6)
Games (School)
Total Institution
Place in which people are cut off from society
Generalized Other/Take the Role of the Other
Put self in other's shoes to understand how other feels. Children do this during "play"
Macro Scoiology
Examine large scale patterns of society
Micro Sociology
Examine social interaction
Study of how people use common sense to understand life
Intimate community
Impersonal associations, no intamcy
Mechanical Solidarity (Durkheim)
People who perform similar tasks develop shared consciousness
Organic Solidarity (Durkheim)
People perform different tasks but rely on each other
Pastoral/Horticulutral Society
Pasturing animals, gardening, 1st social reovlution
Industrial Revolution
Struggle between classes evolves, 3rd social revolution
Bioeconomic Society
Alternative genetic structures, 5th social revolution, current
Position someone occupies
Master status
Unchangeable (boy/girl)
Achieved Status
Voluntary status, earn/accomplish
Ascribed status
Involuntary, inherit
Status Inconsistency
Contradictions/Mismatching statuses
Status Symbols
Signs that identify their status
Behaviors, obligations, privileges that are attached to status, lay out what is expected of people
Role Strain
Same status contains incompatible roles
Role Conflict
What's expected in one status conflicts with another status
Impression Management
Efforts to manage impressions that others receive
Face-Saving Behavior
Ignoring/Giving excuses for something, allowing performances to go on, to save your "rep"
Goffman, Social life is like a drama/play
Front Stage/Back Stage
What you do in public/behind the scenes
Social Construction of Reality
Thomas Theorem
Theorem - Definition of the Situation
We learn ways of interpreting experiences and define reality
Think of themselves as belonging together
Individuals who temporarily share same physical space but don't belong together
Clusters within a group
Primary Group
Intimate, face-to-face interaction, essential to emotional well being
Voluntary Association
Voluntary organizations for mutual interest
Goal Displacement
After organization achieves it's goal and no longer has reason to continue, it does anyways
Iron Law of Oligarchy
How organizations come to be dominated by self-perpetuating elite
Clear levels, division of labor, written rules, written communications, impersonality and replaceablity
Workers feel like objects and not people
Corporate Culture
Contains hidden values that create self-fulfilling prophecy that affects corporate careers
Group of two
Group of three
Group Dynamic
How groups influence us and how we affect groups
Collective tunnel vision that group members sometimes develop, begin to think there is only one right viewpoint
In group/Out group
In - Groups towards we feel loyalty
Out - Groups towards we feel antagonism
Who you know
Status determined at birth and is lifelong
Capitalists, own means of production
Workers, work for owners
Social Class
Power, Prestige, Property
Countries that industrialized first got the jump on the rest of the world
Neocolonialism (Harrington)
The Most Industrialized Nations turned to the international markets as a way to control the Least Industrialized Nations
Marriage within their own group
Marriage outside your own group
World System Theory (Wallerstein)
Industrialization led to four kinds of nations
1. Core (Industrialized first)
2. Semiperiphery (Grew dependent on trade with core nations)
3. Periphery (Sold cash crops to core nations)
4. External Area (Left out of capitalism all together)
Contradictory Class Locations
Person's position in class structure can generate contradictory interests
Exchange mobility
Large numbers of people move up and down social ladder, on balance, proportions of classes remain same
Intergenerational Mobility
Change that occurs between generations
Structural Mobility
Change in society that causes social movement
Horatio Alger Myth
Anyone can get ahead if they try hard enough
Encourages people to strive for the best, but if they fail, this deflects blame off of society and onto themselves
Poverty Line
Government computes low-cost food budget and x by 3.
Power Elite
Those who make big decisions in US
Social Class
Large group of people who rank closely to one another in property, prestige, and power
Ability to carry out your will despite resistance
Value of someone's property - debts
Flow of money in