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21 Cards in this Set

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Instrumental Role

The breadwinner role in the family - seen by Parsons as the man's role.

Conjugal Role

The domestic roles of married or cohabiting partners.

Expressive Role

The caring, emotional and nurturing role- seen by Parsons as the women's role.

Domestic Devision of Labour

How household tasks are devided between family members.

Joint/Integrated Conjugal Roles

Husband and wife perform similar tasks and have a number of common interests and activities.

Segregated Conjugal Roles

Husband and wife perform different tasks and have a number of seperate interests and activities.


A miniature version of something.

Pester Power

Children nagging parents for things (usually toys or other materialistic items).

Geographical Mobility

Being able to move around the country.

Modified Extended Family

Extended family groupings whose members live apart geographically but will stay in touch.

Sandwich Generation

Generation sandwiched between older and younger generations.

Boomerang Children

Children who leave home (e.g. for univeristy) and return to home before leaving permanently.


The practise of being married to one person at a time.

Romantic Love

Mutual attraction.

Empty Shell Relationship

Being legally married but not in love anymore.

Serial Monogamy

This describes when a divorced person enters a second marriage, then divorces, remarried again, divorces, remarries and so on.


Occurs when a person has more than one husband or wife at the same time. This is illegal in the UK.


This form of polygamy describes when a man has two or more wives.


This form of polygamy describes when a woman has two or more husbands.

Arranged Marriages

Parents or other family members find suitable partners for their children, who then decide whether to accept the partner and consent to the marriage.

Forced Marriages

One or both partners do not give consent but the wedding goes ahead anyway against their will.