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40 Cards in this Set

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Mores are

often upheld through laws that bring serious repercussions.

norms that provide strict codes of behavior.

strict norms that control moral and ethical behavior.

S'mores without the "S"

What is the relationship between biology and culture in shaping human behavior?

Human biology sets limits and provides the capacities for different types of behavior.

Human biology determines our behavior.

Culture is the only influence on human behavior.

The natural environment is the biggest determinant of human behavior.

Which of the following has increased its influence on our socialization in the modern era?

Peer groups


The mass media

The family

Which of these is not generally viewed as a consequence of socialization?

People have the capacity for seeing oneself through the perspective of another.

People have the ability to understand the ways in which they are socialized.

People are bearers of culture.

People have a tendency to act in socially acceptable ways.

Which of the following is not part of the definition of culture?



These are all parts of the definition of culture.


Which of the following is an example of non-material culture?

table manners

a building

a painting

a fashion magazine

Which of the following is not part of the process of the looking glass self?

How we think others perceive us affect how we feel.

We consider how we think others judge us.

We consider how we think we appear to others.

We watch others and learn the basic rules of identity

A researcher who lives among the homeless in an effort to understand their norms is an example of

unobtrusive observation

content analysis

participant observation

survey research

Which theorist used the concept of the looking glass self to explain how the self emerges in interaction with others?

Sigmund Freud

George Herbert Mead

Jean Piaget

Charles Horton Cooley

Which of the following is true regarding socialization?

The socialization experience differs for individuals based on their social location.

The process of socialization is most directly considered psychological.

Through socialization, individuals internalize behaviors.

Personality is the basis for socialization.

The research technique in which the sociologist is the researcher, but is also involved in the activities being studied is called
actor-action research.participant observationethnography.subjective analysis.

Recent research indicates that as agents of socialization, sports

are where many ideas about gender differences are formed and reinforced.

have historically been significant in the formation of women’s identity.

have been less significant in the development of masculine identity than was previously believed.

are more important sources of identity for men than women.

Freedom, justice, and education are examples of:





The strictest norms in any society are called .





Which of the following statements is false in regards to beliefs?

Shared beliefs hold people in a group or society together.

Beliefs may be so strongly held that it is difficult to consider any contradictory information.

Beliefs are the basis for many norms and values in a society.

Beliefs must be true in order for them to guide human behavior.

In every society, the dominant culture is

the culture of the most powerful group.

always the culture of the majority of people.

strongly influenced by minority subcultures.

the only culture in society.

For Mead, the generalized other represents

the unconscious mind.

people with whom children have a close relationship.

the roles and expectations of society.

the repressed feelings and instincts to act badly.

What is the Hawthorne effect?

subjects of research altering their behavior if they know they are being studied

believing something will happen actually causes it to happen

researcher bias when interpreting results of data collection

people act according to what they believe to be true

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis suggests that:

reality is the result of social inequality.

language reflects social differences and therefore material culture.

there is no relationship between language and culture.

language provides the category through which social reality is defined.

Which of the following is not a step in the scientific research process?

forming a hypothesis

data analysis

finding funding for the research


When choosing a research method, the most important thing for sociologists to consider is

which research method is most popular at the time of the study.

what type of sociological question is being investigated.

the size of the desired sample.

if funding is available for that particular method.

Folkways are

the ordinary customs of different group cultures.

norms that provide strict codes of behavior.

strict norms that control moral and ethical behavior.

often upheld through laws that bring serious repercussions.

The text presents the example of the difference in how American and Japanese mothers talk to their children in order to demonstrate that

socialization practices reflect what is important in a particular culture.

not all cultures practice socialization in the home.

there is little difference in how U.S. and Japanese mothers talk to their children.

patterns of socialization are the same throughout the world.

The specific cultural expectations for how to behave in a given situation are called .


belief-based actualizations



Material culture consists of

ideas about what is right and wrong.

laws, customs, and ideas.

ideas and beliefs of a group of people.

objects created in a given culture.

The discussion of birthday traditions included in the text demonstrates that

American birthday traditions represent cultural lag.

U.S. culture dominates globally, even in birthday practices.

even seemingly “normal” practices have cultural roots.

some forms of celebration are universal

Which of these is used by sociologists to ensure the reliability of measures?

They use multiple indicators.

They warn people that they are being studied.

They use measures that have proven to work in the past.

They define the concepts in advance.

Which of the following is true about the meanings of symbols?

They are always the same, regardless of the context in which they exist.

They are inherent in the symbol itself.

They have no influence on human behavior.

They depend on the culture in which they appear.

________ are the expected behaviors associated with a given status in society.





Social learning theory views identity as

the product of the I and the Me.

the result of shaping oneself in response to the expectations of others.


the result of the struggle of the self with the unconscious.

The case of Genie, a girl who was isolated for most of her childhood, illustrates that

society is not as important as biology for human development.

human beings need social contact for normal development.

the human genome project will be able to create humans without socialization.

human development is possible without socialization.

Through ethnomethodological research sociologists have learned all of the following, except

when norms are violated, their existence becomes apparent.

society exists because people behave as if there is no other way to do so.

social norms are least important among children than adults.

most of the time, specific sanctions are not necessary to achieve conformity.

Sociologists note that the way society is organized and people’s lives within it are the result of social definitions and processes. In other words, sociologists state that our lives are socially ________________





Which of the following is true about the family as an agent of socialization?

The media are a more important source of gender socialization than the family.

In today’s world parents have a very minor role in the development of their child’s identity.

Not all families socialize children in the same way or into the expectations.

The family is rarely a person’s first source of socialization.

When people must respond to a question from a fixed list of possible answers to a question, this

is a closed-ended question.

increases reliability.

makes the findings more valid.

is an open-ended question.

Which of the following is the most commonly used method in sociological research?

analysis of secondary sources

participant observation



Socialization agents teach us the social expectations of society. According to the text,

individual people are not socialization agents.

it is impossible to identify the true socialization agents in society.

everyone is potentially a socializing agent.

social institutions are never socialization agents.

The is the overall logic of the research project, included what observational method will be used.

research design

review of the literature

causal logic of the project

sociological analysis

How does language influence patterns of social inequality?

While language affects patterns of race and gender, there is no indication that it influences patterns of class inequality.

Language may produce inequalities through stereotypes and assumptions that may be built into what people say.

Studies have proven that what someone is called really doesn’t matter, since identity is developed internally by the individual.

Language has little effect on patterns of race or gender inequality

What is necessary in order to draw the most accurate conclusions about a population while only studying part of it?
a representative sample
a sample that is at least 10 percent of the population
a group of people from the population who volunteer for the study
a sample that is at least half of the population