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75 Cards in this Set

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Most Powerful Type Of Behavior Control
Peer Pressure
What is Cognitive Dissonance?
Two conflicting ideas in one mind at the same time.
Who created Cognitive Dissonance?
Leon Festinger
What is a norm?
Expected behaviors of members of society.
What is a folkway?
A mild norm that lacks moral significance.
What is a more?
An extreme norm with a great deal of moral significance.
What is a role?
An expected behavior.
What is a status?
A position in society.
What is an ascribed status?
It is something you are born with.
What is a achieved status?
It is something you have done.
What is socialization?
The internalization of the norms of the culture.
What are the five agents of socialization?
1. Family 2. TV 3. Media 4. Internet 5. Public School
What are the five universal social institutions?
Family, Religion, Economics, Education, and Government.
What is a culture?
Everything learned and shared by society members.
What is a subculture?
A culture within a culture that accepts the mainstream culture.
(Muslims, Sports Events, Military, Students)
What is a counter culture?
A culture that rejects the mainstream culture.
(Homosexuals, KKK, Gangs, Amish, Al Qaeda)
What are the goals of sociology?
What is reliability?
Do the same study, get the same results.
What is Validity?
Does the study measure what it is supposed to?
What are two main perspectives to sociology?
Functional (conservative) and Conflict (receptive to chance).
Who was Marx?
An economic determinist
What was the Milgram experiment?
It measured obedience
What was the Rosenthaw Studies?
It illustrated the self-fulfilling prophecy
Who was Charles Darwin?
He wrote the Theory of Evolution "Origin of Species".
What were Marx's two classes?
Proletariat: workers
Bourgeoisie: owners
What is social class?
It comes about when people treat others as equals.
What is prejudice?
What is stereotyping?
Assigning group characteristics without allowing individual differences.
What is racism?
Believing your race is genetically superior.
Which president was a card carrying member of the KKK?
President Johnson (LBJ) In the Mid 60's.
How did they diminish the rights of the KKK?
Civil Litigation
What caused the resurgence in the late 90's?
Radical right wing talk shows.
What is the nuclear family?
Your biological parents and siblings.
What is the rate of domestic violence?
1/3 households. 33%
What is the weakening of the extended family?
What are the universal functions of the family?
(RRAPS) Reproduction, Regulation of sex, Affection and companionship, Protection, Socialization
What is the Florida Statues reporting child abuse?
Chapter 39
What are the big 3?
Money Sex Children
What is Reis' Love Wheel?
Rapport, Self-Revelation, Mutual Dependency, Need Fulfilling
What is the essence of communication?
Body Language: 55% Tone of voice: 38% Words: 7%
What are the high risk indicators of divorce?
Getting married under 19, Short term acquaintance, Parental Disapproval, Urban Dwellers, Non Church Goers, Dissimilar Backgrounds.
What is a victim?
One who has been negatively affected by outside means.
What is the Power Elite?
Government, Military, Corporations, Media.
Who wrote the Power Elite?
C. Wright Mills
What is gross use of ideology?
National Security, One Party System, Control of the media.
Is Totalitarianism possible under the current system?
What are 3 important constitutional amendments?
The 4th (Search and Seizure)
The 8th (Cruel and unusual punishment)
The 14th (Due Process)
Searching is a cruel process
What are the two models of power?
Pluralist and Elite
What are Pluralists?
Power is competing in various groups.
What is the Elite?
Shared by a handful of people.
(Gov, Mil, Corp, Media)
Who is Arlen Spector?
He created the magic bullet theory.
Who is David Atlee Phillips?
The CIA Operatives number 1
What is a marriage squeeze?
The imbalance of eligible Men to Women.
What is the pro-life pro-choice argument?
Where does life begin.
What were the tax rate for the rich in the 1950's?
Who dismantled our manufacturing infrastructure?
Ronald Reagan
What is the dead peasant procedure?
Company taking out an insurance policy.
What field are our gifted students going into?
What was the 2nd bill of rights?
Security and Prosperity
What is DSM IV?
Well recognized standards for diagnosis.
Which way is the divorce rate going?
It is decreasing slightly
IQ tests are NOT valid because,
They are culturally biased.
Premarital sex is what kind of behavior?
Adultery and Nudity are a violation of what?
What is Protestant Ethic?
Work hard, you will succeed.
Work glorifies God.
God favors the rich.God disfavors the sloth.
Why is man religious?
(UPS) Uncertainty, Powerlessness, Scarcity
What are the 3 universal functions of religion?
Relief of guilt
Clarification of the world
Aid in critical stages
What are two types of sexual harassment?
Quid Pro Quo and Hostile work environment
What is the ultimate goal of corporate America?
The maximization of profits.
Why is teaching a low status occupation?
1. Usually women.
2. Less skilled.
3. Not given the tools of their profession.
What did Marx say about religion?
1. Religion is the opeiut (drug) of the people.
2. As mans ability to explain things scientifically increase, religion will fade away.
What is faith?
Belief without evidence.
After losing the national influence, the KKK remained strong in which area?
The Southeast
What does Darwin's survival of the fittest means?
The species able to multiply fastest than it dies off will survive.
When were Jim Crow laws enacted?
Between 1876 and 1965