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51 Cards in this Set

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the recognized violation of cultural norms
the violation of a society’s enacted criminal law
Social control
attempts by society to regulate people’s thoughts and behavior
Criminal justice system
a formal response by police, courts, and prison officials to alleged violations of the law
Labeling theory-
the assertion that deviance and conformity result not so much from what people do as from how others respond to those actions
a powerfully negative label that greatly changes a person’s self-concept and social identity
Medicalization of deviance
the transformation of moral and legal deviance into a medical condition
White-collar crime
crime committed by people of high social position in the course of their occupations
Corporate crime
the illegal actions of a corporation of people acting on its behalf
Organized crime
a business supplying illegal goods or services
Hate crime
a criminal act against a person or a person’s property by an offender motivated by racial or other bias
Crimes against the person (violent crimes)
crimes that direct violence or the threat of violence against others
Crimes against property (property crimes)
crimes that involve theft of property belonging to others
Victimless crimes (crimes without complaint)-
violations of law in which there are no obvious victims
Plea bargaining
a legal negotiation in which a prosecutor reduces a charge in exchange for a defendant’s guilty plea
an act of moral vengeance by which society makes the offender suffer as much as the suffering caused by the crime
the attempt to discourage criminality through the use of punishment
a program for reforming the offender to prevent later offenses
Societal protection
rendering an offender incapable of further offenses temporarily through imprisonment or permanently by execution.
Criminal recidivism
later offenses by people previously convicted of crimes
Community-based corrections
correctional programs operating within society at large rather than behind prison walls.
a social institution that unites people in cooperative groups to oversee the bearing and raising of children
Family unit
a social group of two or more people, related by blood, marriage, or adoption, who usually live together
a legal relationship, usually involving economic cooperation as well as sexually activity and childbearing, that people expect to last.
Extended family
a family unit that includes parent and children as well as other kin; also known as the consanguine family
Nuclear family
a family unit composed of one or two parents and their children; also known as the conjugal family
marriage between people of the same social category
marriage between people of different social categories
marriage that units two partners
marriage that units three or more people
the system by which members of a society trace kinship over generations
Incest taboo
a norm forbidding sexual people with the same social characteristics
marriage between people with the same social characteristics
the sharing of a household by an unmarried couple
an ordinary element of everyday life
set apart as extraordinary, inspiring awe and reverence
a social institution involving beliefs and practices based on a conception of the sacred
belief based on conviction rather than scientific evidence
an object in the natural world collectively defined as sacred
Liberation theology
the combining of Christian principles with political activism, often Marxist in character
a type of religious organization that is well integrated into the larger society
State church
a church formally allied with that state
a church, independent of the state that recognizes religious pluralism
a type of religious organization that stands apart from the larger society
extraordinary personal qualities that can infuse people with emotion and turn them into followers
a religious organization that is largely outside a society’s cultural transitions
the belief that elements of the natural world are conscious life forms that affect humanity
the importance of religion in a person’s life
the historical decline in the importance of the supernatural and the sacred
Civil religion
a quasi-religious loyalty binding individual in a basically secular society
a conservative religious doctrine that opposes intellectualism and worldly accommodation in favor of restoring transitional, otherworldly religion.