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39 Cards in this Set

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Define: deviance
violation of rules or norms
Define: Crime
violation of norms as laws
Define: Stigma
blemishes on a "normal" identity/sociey
What are (the 3) definitions of deviance?
1. stresses social context, not individual behavior
2. recognizes that not all behaviors are judged similarly by all groups
3. recognizes that established rules and norms are socially created, no just morally decreed or individually imposed
What is the Functionalist view of Deviance? (2)
1. society needs criminal behavior, it helps identify what the boundaries are
2. deviance produces social cohesion
What is the Conflict view of deviance? (1)
argues that the causes of crime are social and economic forces operating within society
What is the individualist view of deviance?
The labeling theory (Thomas Theorem)
What is the Labeling Theory?
labels become reality (Thomas Theory)
What is street crime?
illegitimate opportunity structure, part of every day life
What are white collar crimes?
crimes committed by respectable, high social class people (ie: fraud, false advertising, etc)
What are the Social Policy Reactions to Deviance? (4)
1. Retribution
2. Deterrence
3. Rehabilitation
4. Incapacitation
Define: Social Stratification
a hierarchy of relative privilege based on power, poverty and prestige
Define: Global Stratification
The 3 Worlds:
Most Industrialized (1st world: US, some Europe, etc)
Industrializing (2nd world: Soviet Union, some Europe, etc)
Least Industrialized (3rd world: Sudan, Kenya, etc)
How did the world's nations become stratified? (4)
1. colonialism
2. World System Theory
3. Culture of Poverty
4. Functionalist, Conflict, Symbolic Theories
According to the Functionalists, why is social stratification universal? (4)
1. society must make sure all positions are filled
2. some positions are more important than others
3. more important positions are filled by more qualified people
4. to motivate the qualified people, they must be rewarded
What is the Master Trait (of Gender)? (3)
1. gender is created out of and in addition to the biological definitions of male and female
2. Gender is a system of behavioral expectations, power relations, images, stereotypes, and social rewards (encompasses sex and sexuality)
3. Studying how women and men "do gender" differently
What is the Thomas Theorem as applied to gender?
those (things) we define as real become real in their consequences
(self full filling prophecy)
How are women discriminated against in society?
educationally, economically, socially, politically,
What are the 5 kinds of sexual deviance?
1. prostitution
2. pornography
3. teen pregnancy
4. abortion
5. homosexuality
Define: Race
category of me and women who share BIOLOGICALLY transmitted (physical) TRAITS that members of sociey deem important
Define: Ethnicity
shared cultural HERITAGE and HISTORY, ancestors, language and religion
What is prejudice?
an attitude a prejudging of a whole group of people
What is discrimination?
a behavior or action - singling out a person or group for unfair treatment
Native Americans in racial groups/minorities
Trail of Tears, Reservations
African Americans in racial minorities/groups
slavery, Dred Scott case
Involuntary, forced
Asian Americans in racial groups/minorities
"model minority", WWII
white elitists
10 Things to Know about Race
1. modern idea
2. no genetic basis
3. human subspecies don't exist
4. skin color is only skin deep
5. most variation is within, not between races
6. slavery predates race
7. race and freedom evolved together
8. race justified social inequalities as natural
9. isn't biological, but it's still real
10. colorblindness won't end racism
Define: Family
how can it be defined?
extended, nuclear
What is marriage?
how can it be defined?
Define: endogamy
marriage within a group
Define: exogamy
marriage outside a group
What is the difference between monogamy and polygamy?
single marriages vs. plural marriages
What are gender expectations?
men's stereotypes, Old Maid/Bachelor, marriage benefits men > women
What is Love and Marriage? (3)
1. Courtly love
2. Social arrangement
3. Ideas of romantic love are cultural
Breadwinner Role - Rise and Challenge
Rise: men take responsibility of household, etc
Challenge: women's rights, alternatives to marriage, decline in men's wages, etc
Facts about divorce
1. age of spouses
2. length of engagement
3. age at marriage
4. length of marriage (2 years)
5. social class
6. education
7. residence
8. 2nd marriages
9. religion
What are the 3 phases of domestic violence?
Phase 1: Tension building
Phase 2: Violence
Phase 3: Period of Remorse
What is social distance?
<---inhumanity and rejection---humanity and acceptance--->